Create a 1-2 page single-spaced Analysis of Research abstract published scholarly articles related to a topic you selected in 2.2.  Brevity and being concise are important as this analysis is intended to be a brief summation of the research

Create a 1-2 page single-spaced Analysis of Research abstract published scholarly articles related to a topic you selected in 2.2.

Brevity and being concise are important as this analysis is intended to be a brief summation of the research.

Each abstract must therefore consist of the following in this order:

1. Bibliographic Citation – use the correctly formatted APA style citation for the work as the title of your abstract, displaying the full citation in bold font.

2. Author Qualifications – name and qualification of each author conducting the research

3. Research Concern – one paragraph summary of the reason for the overall research topic

4. Research Purpose Statement AND Research Questions or Hypotheses – specific focus of the research

5. Precedent Literature – key literature used in proposing the needed research (not the full bibliography or reference list)

6. Research Methodology – description of the population, sample, and data gathering techniques used in the research

7. Instrumentation – description of the tools used to gather data (surveys, tests,interviews, etc.)

8. Findings – summation of what the research discovered and the types of analysis that were used to describe the findings (tables, figures, and statistical measures)

You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a production line at a manufacturing facility. Employees at the beginning of the line use a solvent to clean the surface of medium-size auto parts, and then they place the parts on a moving line. As the parts move along the line, an employee sprays them with a powder coating, and the parts move through an oven.


You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a production line at a manufacturing facility.

Employees at the beginning of the line use a solvent to clean the surface of medium-size auto parts, and then they place the parts on a moving line. As the parts move along the line, an employee sprays them with a powder coating, and the parts move through an oven. Another employee removes the parts from the line and places them in slots in a cart for transporting to shipping.

You have been provided safety data sheets for the solvent used for cleaning the parts (click here to access) and the powder coating that is used (click here to access). Use the JHA form to identify the potential health hazards associated with the process. Click here to access the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form. You will use the Basic Hazard Analysis form to enter your responses and to answer the four questions listed below. Please upload this completed document to your instructor for grading.

Prepare a two-page homework assignment summarizing your health hazard analysis and answer these questions from the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form.

  1. What are the health hazards associated with the operation?
  2. What are the primary exposure routes associated with each health hazard?
  3. Are there any potential acute or chronic health effects for any of the health hazards you identified?
  4. Are special hazards associated with any of the health hazards?

You may use the safety data sheets provided above, information from the OSHA or NIOSH websites, or academic references from the Internet to answer the questions. Citations are not required for this homework assignment; however you may want to use them in order to answer the questions.

You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation. After careful consideration, you choose NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling.

You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation. After careful consideration, you choose NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below:

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003). Ketones II: Method 2553. In P. M. Eiler & M. E. Cassinelli (Eds.), NIOSH manual of analytical methods (4th ed.). Retrieved from

Your pre-sampling and post-sampling pump calibrations using a primary standard are both 0.05 L/min. You collect personal samples on two employees working in the operation. The samples are collected for 430 minutes (Sample 1) and 440 minutes (Sample 2).

  1. Calculate the sample volumes for each of the samples.

The laboratory reports that the front section of Sample 1 contains 5,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 200 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. The front section of Sample 2 contains 4,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 50 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. Neither the front nor back sections of the field blank you supplied contain any detectable levels of methyl n-amyl ketone.

  1. Calculate the concentrations of the two personal samples in µg/L and mg/m³.
  2. Convert the result to ppm (MW for methyl n-amyl ketone = 114.2). Note: Use the ideal gas constant of 24.45.
  3. Show all the steps for your calculations.

You then reference OSHA’s Table Z-1 and find that the 8-hour TWA PEL for methyl n-amyl ketone is 100 ppm

  1. Discuss how the results of the two personal samples you collected compare to the OSHA PEL, and describe the sampling method you implemented.

You also look up the ACGIH TLV for methyl n-amyl ketone and find that the TLV is 50 ppm as an 8-hour TWA exposure.

  1. Discuss how the results for the two personal samples compare to the ACGIH TLV.
  2. Discuss whether you would recommend comparing the results of your sampling to the OSHA PEL or the ACGIH TLV. Include your rationale for the choice, and explain how you would rationalize your choice to your employer.

The case study should be a minimum of three pages in length, and you should cite the NIOSH document using APA style.

G. H. is a 26-year-old male who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that fractured his vertebrae and compressed his spinal cord at the level of T8. Answer the following questions:  What is spinal shock? How long can it last? Why is it difficult to determine the degree of injury and impairment during this time frame?

G. H. is a 26-year-old male who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that fractured his vertebrae and compressed his spinal cord at the level of T8. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is spinal shock? How long can it last? Why is it difficult to determine the degree of injury and impairment during this time frame?
  2.  Immediately after this injury, what should you expect to occur for each of the following:
    1. Range of movement for his arms? For his legs? Why?
    2. Spastic or flaccid paralysis? Why?
    3. Bowel and/or bladder dysfunction? Why or why not?
    4. Breathing difficulties? Why or why not?
  3. After the period of spinal shock, what changes should you expect to see (if any) in the manifestations listed in #2 above?
  4. What type of rehabilitative treatments might G. H. need to promote his recovery and return to function?
  5. If G. H. has mild-to-moderate chronic back pain one year after his accident, explain the pain management medications you would suggest to improve his quality of life and why you selected those particular medications.

Name and briefly describe five reasons why females join a gang. Why do gang members use gang graffiti?

  1. Name and briefly describe five reasons why females join a gang.
  2. Why do gang members use gang graffiti?
  3. .Explain how William James’s concepts and theories were relevant to Mead’s ideas
  4. Analyze Mead’s ideas on “ethical philanthropy.”

The post is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new of academic value (beyond material provided in the assigned text), provides sociological analysis, and is well written. Ten point comments add to the overall class discussion and stimulates additional thought about the issue under discussion. The post must be at least 325 words (in the text of the post) in length and include a minimum of at least one properly cited academic reference (academic book or journal article other than the assigned materials). This reference should be a recent publication. Be sure to use the ASA format when citing references in-text and end of text (Bibliography).

Please make sure the citing is in ASA format. Also after each paragraph make sure you put the citied work after it.

– Describe Matter and mention all types of Matter. 2- Explain mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) 3- Define and explain kinetic and potential energy, give examples on both 4. Use images

– Describe Matter and mention all types of Matter.

2- Explain mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous)

3- Define and explain kinetic and potential energy, give examples on both

4. Use images

Estimate the current profit figures of SLS from December 2012 to May 2013 to evaluate the viability of the business. Examine SLS’s break-even point for May 2013. Estimate the profitability of conducting each type of yoga class – i.e. group classes, private classes, and “salt cave” classes.

As yoga grew in popularity in Singapore, there were many new yoga studios set up in attempts to tap into this growing service industry. Space & Light Studios Pte Ltd was one of them. A small and medium enterprise set up in December 2012, it differentiated itself by offering yoga classes that emphasized on the optimal alignment of the body. This case study explores the entrepreneurial journey of the owners of Space & Light Studios and examines the viability of this yoga business utilizing Cost-Volume-Profit analysis – a management accounting tool.

Case Study Questions:

  1. Estimate the current profit figures of SLS from December 2012 to May 2013 to evaluate the viability of the business.
  2. Examine SLS’s break-even point for May 2013.
  3. Estimate the profitability of conducting each type of yoga class – i.e. group classes, private classes, and “salt cave” classes.
  4. Consider the implications of the analyses above for SLS.
  5. Conduct sensitivity analyses based on different scenarios of rental costs, fees paid to yoga teachers and pricing.
  6. Recommend a plan of action for the owners of SLS.

****one excel model plus 3 pages write up minimum three references

### see the attachment

1). This paper will describe and detail the reason for selection of the groups top project, predicated on the project’s anticipated goals, benefits, and key success criteria. The group selected the home addition as their top project.


The three project potential selections are home addition, garage conversions to an apartment, and a flash mob projects.

Work with the project team to identify and discuss three (3) potential projects.  Discuss which of the available projects are suitable based on the team’s composition.

Review the following article on SMART Projects.

Haughey, D. (2016). Smart goals. Retrieved from


Project managers are responsible for every aspect of a project, from its start date until project completion. A project is something that is intended to have short shelf life and is an activity of manufacturing something that is useful and different in nature (Management Study Guide, 2021 para. 1). This paper will describe and detail the reason for selection of the groups top project, predicated on the project’s anticipated goals, benefits, and key success criteria. The group selected the home addition as their top project. This paper will also describe the three potential projects the team discussed, analyzed, and selected.

The three project potential selections are home addition, garage conversions to an apartment, and a flash mob projects.

Potential Projects

Project Selection

Summary Paragraph

discuss what is your understanding of Broadband Wireless Configuration in a Metropolitan area.

Subject: Telecommunication Systems and Management


601 Assignment 3


Reputable articles/journals and describe: what are Media Selection Criteria? Include in your descriptions Cost, Speed, Distance and expandability, Environment and Security. Why each criteria is important?


350+ words, APA format, and two references please



601 Discussion 3


Read chapter 3 textbook, review lecture slides and reputable articles/journals and discuss: What is WiMAX? AND

Review figure 3-19 on page 51 PP lecture slides chapter 3 (posted under this week) and discuss what is your understanding of Broadband Wireless Configuration in a Metropolitan area.


200+ words, APA format, and one reference please


Assume you are the marketing manager for a large pet food company, such as Iams. You need to launch a new marketing campaign. Discuss what social media channels would you use for this campaign? How can CRM help your new strategy?

Subject: Enterprise IT Application and Integration


609 Assignment 3

                                                Assignment Description

Reputable resources and describe the benefits of customer relationship management (CRM) software.


350+ words, APA format, and two references please



609 Discussion 3

                                                Discussion Topic

Assume you are the marketing manager for a large pet food company, such as Iams. You need to launch a new marketing campaign. Discuss what social media channels would you use for this campaign? How can CRM help your new strategy?


200+ words, APA format, and one reference please