1.1.4 To estimate the percentage of households in Connecticut which use fuel oil as a heating source, a researcher collects information from 1000 Connecticut households about what fuel is their heating source. State the individual, variable, population, sample, parameter, and statistic

STAT 200 Week 1 Homework Problems

1.1.4 To estimate the percentage of households in Connecticut which use fuel oil as a heating source, a researcher collects information from 1000 Connecticut households about what fuel is their heating source. State the individual, variable, population, sample, parameter, and statistic

1.1.8 The World Health Organization wishes to estimate the mean density of people per square kilometer, they collect data on 56 countries. State the individual, variable, population, sample, parameter, and statistic

1.2.4 You wish to determine the GPA of students at your school. Describe what process you would go through to collect a sample if you use a stratified sample.

1.3.4To evaluate whether a new fertilizer improves plant growth more than the old fertilizer, the fertilizer developer gives some plants the new fertilizer and others the old fertilizer. Is this an observation or an experiment? Why?

1.3.10A mathematics instructor wants to see if a computer homework system improves the scores of the students in the class. The instructor teaches two different sections of the same course. One section utilizes the computer homework system and the other section completes homework with paper and pencil. Are the two samples matched pairs or not? Why or why not?

1.3.16To determine if a new medication reduces headache pain, some patients are given the new medication and others are given a placebo. Neither the researchers nor the patients know who is taking the real medication and who is taking the placebo. Is this a blind experiment, double blind experiment, or neither? Why?

1.4.2Suppose a car dealership offers a low interest rate and a longer payoff period to customers or a high interest rate and a shorter payoff period to customers, and most customers choose the low interest rate and longer payoff period, does that mean that most customers want a lower interest rate? Explain.

1.4.8Suppose a telephone poll is conducted by contacting U.S. citizens via landlines about their view of gay marriage. Suppose over 50% of those called do not support gay marriage. Does that mean that you can say over 50% of all people in the U.S. do not support gay marriage? Explain

1.4.14An employee survey says, “Employees at this institution are very satisfied with working here. Please rate your satisfaction with the institution.” Discuss how this question could create bias.


2.1.4 In Connecticut households use gas, fuel oil, or electricity as a heating source. Table #2.1.7 shows the percentage of households that use one of these as their principle heating sources (“Electricity usage,” 2013), (“Fuel oil usage,” 2013), (“Gas usage,” 2013). Create a bar chart and pie chart of this data. State any findings you see from the graphs.

Table #2.1.7: Data of Household Heating Sources


Heating Source






Fuel Oil








  • attachment


For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source.

ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone



A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Article Summary

❒ Have you communicated the source’s purpose?❒ Have you included all of the source’s main points?❒ Have you restated the source’s argument in your own words?

2. Article Response

❒ Have you provided your perspective on the source’s argument?❒ Have you used specific examples from the source to illustrate why you either agree or disagree with the argument?

3. Reflection

❒ Have you answered all reflection questions thoughtfully and included insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses?
❒ Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection Questions

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

  1. What ideas originally came to mind when you first read through the article? Did your initial response to the article change after reading it for a second time? (3-4 sentences)
  2. How does paying attention to the way you respond to a source help you formulate your stance on a topic? (2-3 sentences)

Select an anti-virus software that is used to protect against computer viruses. What is anti-virus software and what does it do, main functions of antivirus? Name some antivirus apps for Android phones and iOS phones. Can anti-virus software protects only your personal computer.

Select an anti-virus software that is used to protect against computer viruses.

What is anti-virus software and what does it do, main functions of antivirus? Name some antivirus apps for Android phones and iOS phones. Can anti-virus software protects only your personal computer.

(1)Prior to 2012, beginning with the 1979 opening of its economy, China experienced (a) several very positive results, but also (b) several negative results and criticisms; Please identify and briefly explain (a) positive and (b) negative results.  

Read the case I uploaded and answer the following two questions:

(1)Prior to 2012, beginning with the 1979 opening of its economy, China experienced (a) several very positive results, but also (b) several negative results and criticisms; Please identify and briefly explain (a) positive and (b) negative results.

(2)Please briefly explain the strengths/advantages of the XiYong Industrial Park.


Double-spaced, bullet-point, outline format

Maximum one (1) page per  question (so maximum 2 pages in total)

Focus on “answering the questions” (repeat questions in response) 

Identify a for-profit business whom you admire. Scan the business’s environment. Be sure to: Use two pages of text to identify issues, trends, and concerns that could affect an organization’s current and planned activities (Cite 3 references that support your claims).

Module 3 Assignment Submission

Identify an ethical issue in the workplace. You may describe one from the news or at your current or former job.  You do not have to state the organization’s name (use Company ABC or XYZ if you wish). In a 200-300word essay, answer each of the following questions.

  • Describe the ethical issue. What happened?
  • Why do you believe these events occurred?
  • How did the issue affect employees and the company?
  • Identify three repercussions associated with this issue. What could be done to prevent similar issues from reoccurring?
  • Name three tools managers use to encourage ethical behavior in the future.



Module 4 Assignment Submission



Identify a for-profit business whom you admire. Scan the business’s environment.

Be sure to:

  • Use two pages of text to identify issues, trends, and concerns that could affect an organization’s current and planned activities (Cite 3 references that support your claims).



Module 5 Assignment Submission


In a one-page, document, identify a change of people, structure or technology at your job (or former job- you may omit the name if you wish).

Be sure to:

  • Describe the change. What was it?
  • What were the reasons for the change?
  • Identify internal and external forces influencing the change Describe management’s efforts to communicate and implement the change.
  • How did employees react to the change?
  • What were the results associated with this change?
  • In your opinion, did management experience the results they were hoping for?  Why or why not?
  • Cite your textbook (APA Style).


Module 4 assignment

In this assignment, you will explore job descriptions and realistic job previews. Research your chosen career fields and gather information on the education, skills (soft, certifications, etc.) as well as experience necessary to obtain the job. It is a good idea to review sites like glassdoor.com and job descriptions.

Be sure to:

  • Identify 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of the job.
  • Describe work conditions.
  • In other words, let the reader know what a day is like on the job (good and bad)


Report Topics: What are the dimensions of environmental uncertainty? Focus on the dimensions of environmental uncertainty and its degree of complexity, or the number of different factors in the environment.

Report Topics:
What are the dimensions of environmental uncertainty?
Focus on the dimensions of environmental uncertainty and its degree of complexity, or the number of
different factors in the environment. An environment is typically classified as relatively simple or
complex. Also highlight on the rate of change in and among these factors. An environment is typically
classified as stable or dynamic. In your report, remember that the most challenging and uncertain
situation is an environment that is both complex and dynamic. High-uncertainty environments require
flexibility and adaptability in organizational designs and work practices, as well as an ability of decision
makers to respond quickly as new circumstances arise and new information becomes available.
The executive summary should
 Outline what the problems are presented by this case study and the related theory.
 Clearly indicate the solutions you feel appropriate for the topic.
Formatting notes
 It must be 6 A4 pages in length
 font should be 12 point in a business style such as Verdana, Trebuchet, courier etc.
 report must be fully Justified (Ctrl J)
 typed in 1.15 spacing with headings (if deemed necessary)
Report notes
 The style of the report, is a report on the research around the topic mentioned above for
Introduction to Management/Management Principles 2.
 Reports are to be delivered in frame of:
o Report what the topic is about
o Discuss what you see the underlying issue/s to be
o How did this report topic relate to the theory or theories?
o What do you think the solution/s might be?
o Final recommendations and roundup of the issue.
 You can do the report individually or in a group of maximum 3 students.
 Each team member MUST contribute to be assessed.
 The weight of this report is 40% of your final grade.
Submit a soft copy through Turnitin file in MYLMS and email in Week 7

You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational?

Activity 2
You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-in-the-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational?
Convert the pool heating system from electrical to solar power.
Build a 4-mile nature hiking trail.
Renovate the horse barn.
Launch a new promotional campaign with Hawaii Airlines.
Convert 12 adjacent acres into a wildlife preserve.
Update all the bathrooms in condos that are 10 years or older.
Change hotel brochures to reflect eco-tourism image.
Test and revise disaster response plan.
Introduce wireless Internet service in café and lounge areas.
How easy was it to classify these projects? What made some projects more difficult than others?

Convert the height of a person who is 6 feet tall to centimeters. Include the inches-centimeter conversion factor. Show all conversion factors needed. Some spaces don’t require numbers – in which case enter 1. Some units will be blank – in which case select the second item in the list, which is a blank space.

Convert the height of a person who is 6 feet tall to centimeters. Include the inches-centimeter conversion factor. Show all conversion factors needed. Some spaces don’t require numbers – in which case enter 1. Some units will be blank – in which case select the second item in the list, which is a blank space. Round final answer to 2 decimal places if needed. The setup below should look like the typical dimensional analysis that you learned. If it doesn’t, resize the window on your computer, if possible. Round any conversion factors you use to TWO decimal places.

 Speak to the prevalence of Cybercrime. Research national statistics using the FBI database we learned about in Week 2. Detail those statistics. How does the rate of occurrence of your crime compare with others? Is your crime a big problem, or is it somewhat infrequent? What do the statistics tell us?

For Week 6:

Now that you have selected Cybercrime, create a 500 to 700-word paper (approximately 2 pages, 1-inch margins, 12pt font, double spaced) that:

·  Speak to the prevalence of Cybercrime. Research national statistics using the FBI database we learned about in Week 2. Detail those statistics. How does the rate of occurrence of your crime compare with others? Is your crime a big problem, or is it somewhat infrequent? What do the statistics tell us?

·  Detail the most likely location for the crime you chose. Is it an urban issue, occurs more often in rural areas, or does it vary? Why? Use specific facts and figures from your research to support your conclusion.

·  Research and describe some of the current deterrence methods employed in an effort to prevent your crime. Do they work? Why or why not? What more could be done to prevent the crime you chose?

Question 1 [……. /6 Marks]

Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of three hazards that can be found in a range of work environment.

Based on the given description, you will use the table below to present the risk assessment study


  • Give the types of hazards and place them in the first column. You will get three different types.


  • Assess the risk using the qualitative and a quantitative risk assessment matrix. For each hazard (answer the questions below:)
  • What can go wrong?
  • What is the likelihood that it would go wrong?
  • What are the consequences (impact)?

Decide on control measures: select Tow of the five known risk management approaches (refer to the hierarchy of control) and assess the residual risk (R2).


List of Hazards:

  • Possible exposure to electrical live parts can result in major injuries leading to death, including electric shocks, burns, explosions and falls from height. The risk is increased in wet conditions, where a worker’s equipment and surroundings can also become live.


  • Viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., are likely to cause adverse health impacts. These health impacts can range from skin and respiratory system irritation, to the transmission of infections. This will require professional intervention and time off work for 5days.


  • Unguarded machinery or unguarded moving machinery parts presents a serious danger as employees can sustain serious injury and fatalities leading to long term disabilities if they unlikely were to accidentally come into contact with them.






Control measures
















R1: the overall risk , R2: the residual risk , I : Impact, L: Likelihood



Question2:    [……. /6 Marks]                                                                                                                                                 

A computer network service company presents the results of the investigation on the possible imperfections, variations, defects, or failures modes that could cause frequent incidents. The primary and some of the secondary were presented as follow:

  • Lack of spare parts
  • Old material used
  • Poor documentation
  • Poor testing methods
  • Human mistakes due to lack of:
  • Experience
  • Training
  • Motivation
  • Frequent heat waves

Based on the given data, create the Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram using the given template. You will use 5 Categories: Material, Machine (equipment), Manpower, Methods and Environment.















Figure1. Network applied Ishikawa diagram


Question3: [……. /3 MARKS]

Draw the Fault Tree diagram of the following system. The undesired effect will be Absence of light. You will use OR and AND gates and INTERMEDIATE events ONLY.


Figure2. Electrical circuit
























End of assessment


Question 1 [……. /6 Marks]

Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of three hazards that can be found in a range of work environment.

Based on the given description, you will use the table below to present the risk assessment study


  • Give the types of hazards and place them in the first column. You will get three different types.


  • Assess the risk using the qualitative and a quantitative risk assessment matrix. For each hazard (answer the questions below:)
  • What can go wrong?
  • What is the likelihood that it would go wrong?
  • What are the consequences (impact)?

Decide on control measures: select Tow of the five known risk management approaches (refer to the hierarchy of control) and assess the residual risk (R2).


List of Hazards:

  • Possible exposure to electrical live parts can result in major injuries leading to death, including electric shocks, burns, explosions and falls from height. The risk is increased in wet conditions, where a worker’s equipment and surroundings can also become live.


  • Viruses, bacteria, insects, animals, etc., are likely to cause adverse health impacts. These health impacts can range from skin and respiratory system irritation, to the transmission of infections. This will require professional intervention and time off work for 5days.


  • Unguarded machinery or unguarded moving machinery parts presents a serious danger as employees can sustain serious injury and fatalities leading to long term disabilities if they unlikely were to accidentally come into contact with them.






Control measures
















R1: the overall risk , R2: the residual risk , I : Impact, L: Likelihood



Question2:    [……. /6 Marks]                                                                                                                                                 

A computer network service company presents the results of the investigation on the possible imperfections, variations, defects, or failures modes that could cause frequent incidents. The primary and some of the secondary were presented as follow:

  • Lack of spare parts
  • Old material used
  • Poor documentation
  • Poor testing methods
  • Human mistakes due to lack of:
  • Experience
  • Training
  • Motivation
  • Frequent heat waves

Based on the given data, create the Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram using the given template. You will use 5 Categories: Material, Machine (equipment), Manpower, Methods and Environment.















Figure1. Network applied Ishikawa diagram


Question3: [……. /3 MARKS]

Draw the Fault Tree diagram of the following system. The undesired effect will be Absence of light. You will use OR and AND gates and INTERMEDIATE events ONLY.


Figure2. Electrical circuit
























End of assessment
