Again, assuming the role of an organisational consultant, you are to write a report that clearly articulates the organisation’s strategy and business model and outlines a detailed approach to Competition Strategy (Week 3), how the chosen organisation’s performance is/can be measured against their strategies (Week 4).

Assessment 2 Information
Subject Code: MBA600
Subject Name: Capstone: Strategy
Assessment Title: Business Report
Assessment Type:
Individual Written Analysis
2000 words (+/- 10% allowable range)
Weighting: 35%
Total Marks:
Due Date: Week 9
Your task
Using the same organisation chosen for Assessment 1, you are required to write a 2000-word business
report in which you apply learnings from the capstone topics and apply them to the organisation by
undertaking additional research.
Assessment Description.
The purpose of this assessment is to foster students ability to evaluate an organisation’s performance
and develop recommendations to promote future performance improvements. (LO2, LO3 and LO4)
Assessment Instructions
Again, assuming the role of an organisational consultant, you are to write a report that clearly articulates
the organisation’s strategy and business model and outlines a detailed approach to Competition
Strategy (Week 3), how the chosen organisation’s performance is/can be measured against their
strategies (Week 4). You will also be required to prepare a Balanced Scorecard for their chosen
organisation (Week 7). Attention should be paid to the use of secondary research and insights (Week
8). Areas covered should include:
• An Executive Summary.
• An Introduction that summarises the purpose of the report.
• A summary of the organisation’s strategy.
• A specific outline of the organisation’s approach to competition strategy, performance
measurement and the balanced scorecard.
• A summary of recommendations that identify areas of focus and opportunity to enhance the
organisation’s performance in the future.
• A conclusion.
• References.

You are encouraged to use a wide variety of information sources that include, where possible, primary
research such as interviews with staff or executive members within their chosen organisation as well as
the use of an appropriate mix of strategic and business analysis tools and references.
Assessment Information
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Assessment Submission
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Late assignment submission penalties
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“late assignment submission penalties” Policy.
Number of
1* – 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total
marks available
10 – 14 days 50% deducted from the total marks available.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after
the due date will not be accepted, and the student will receive a
mark of zero for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be
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Assessment Information
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This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any
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Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of
cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at
which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the
resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
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This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further
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098 181 947 is a registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.

What types of supply chain tools help a company collect data? Please describe two types of tools. *How does supply chain management help a company to improve efficiency and effectiveness? 

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Through improved financial strategies and data management, the supply chain of a company can improve their customer experience, business efficiencies and overall financial performance. By collecting data, improving customer intimacy, establishing financial strategies, and through the use of analytics, organizations can embark on new opportunities and stronger financial futures. Complete the following:

  • Discuss why it is important for an organization’s supply chain to include the management of their data and financial strategies by answering the following questions: 
    • *What types of supply chain tools help a company collect data? Please describe two types of tools.
    • *How does supply chain management help a company to improve efficiency and effectiveness?
    • *How does contract bidding improve a company’s financial outcome?
    • *Why is forecasting demand important?

***Be sure to include your required references and format your submission in APA format.

After finishing A Rose for Emily, please answer the following questions: What did you think about the ending? What was your instant reaction upon learning what had happened?

After finishing A Rose for Emily, please answer the following questions:

  • What did you think about the ending? What was your instant reaction upon learning what had happened?
  • Give an example or two of foreshadowing in this story. Remember, foreshadowing is when an author gives a hint at something that will come later. If you were to read the story again, what passages would you recognize as a hint at what is to come?
  • Discuss how this story addresses Faulkner’s idea about the south unable to move on after the end of the Civil War. You can tie the ideas to what is happening currently, if you wish.

To discuss whether certain behaviors are deviant—that is, straying from an acceptable norm—may imply that there is a clear arbiter of “normal.” But is human society that rigid? Or is society’s perception of “normal” fluid and more like a continuum? If deviant is a malleable term, then so too may be normal—so what would it mean to try to actually eliminate deviance?

To discuss whether certain behaviors are deviant—that is, straying from an acceptable norm—may imply that there is a clear arbiter of “normal.” But is human society that rigid? Or is society’s perception of “normal” fluid and more like a continuum? If deviant is a malleable term, then so too may be normal—so what would it mean to try to actually eliminate deviance?

In this Discussion, you consider the plausibility and implications of eliminating deviance, and perhaps thereby eliminating crime.


  • Is elimination of deviance a necessary, plausible, or ethical pursuit?
  • Is the prevention of crime possible?

Respond to two colleagues:

  • Choose a response that is different from your own.
  • Explain how your colleague’s position has changed your perception or understanding.
  • attachment

Current laws that govern cyberspace are inadequate to handle advances in the Internet and computing technologies. In your opinion, is this an accurate statement? Support your position or answer with a few examples.

Current laws that govern cyberspace are inadequate to handle advances in the Internet and computing technologies. In your opinion, is this an accurate statement? Support your position or answer with a few examples.

Your submission should be:

  • 300 words
  • in-text citations and references using the APA style
  • single spaced

create a PowerPoint presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner? What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester?

ASSIGNMENT 2: Presentation (Chapter 2)

8 points

Using research throughout Chapter 2, create a PowerPoint presentation for expectant fathers on what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth. For example, what changes can the father expect in his partner? What changes does the baby undergo during each trimester? Why are health and nutrition so important during pregnancy? What will the newborn look like? How can the father support the mother during pregnancy and childbirth, and why is social support important for both mother and baby?

NOTE: Your presentation should be created in PowerPoint and attached as a file in the DB. Don’t forget to include a title page with your name and the name of the presentation and a reference page. Your presentation should be between 7 to 10 slides (excluding your title page and reference page). Please number your pages.

ASSIGNMENT 1: Minute Paper (Chapter 3)

2 points

Minute Paper—Write one paragraph about the most surprising and important thing(s) you learned after reading Chapter 3 (please indicate page #s).  Tell me exactly what made it surprising and why it seemed important to you.

This 3,500-word report   It requires that you select a firm from anywhere in the world and apply Porters Fives Forces Model to its current market position as well as the suggestion of either a Cost-Leadership or a Differentiation strategy and justifications for this.

Assessment 3

Subject: Strategic Management Theory


Description: This 3,500-word report


It requires that you select a firm from anywhere in the world and apply Porters Fives Forces Model to its current market position as well as the suggestion of either a Cost-Leadership or a Differentiation strategy and justifications for this.


  • Executive summary.
  • Current market status for the firm.
  • Application of Porters Five Forces Model to the firm.
  • Proposed strategy (cost leadership or differentiation).
  • Justifications for choice of strategy


Words count: 3,500 words (+/- 10%) not including reference list.






The work will require that you use a minimum of 10 references of which 5 need to be academic and 5 can be from the firm’s web site, business news and other credible sources of information.


Plagiarism: less than 10%




Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is one or more psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken, or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write spell or do mathematical calculations

Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is one or more psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken, or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write spell or do mathematical calculations. SLD does not include visual hearing, motor disabilities, intellectual disability, emotional or environmental problems (American Psychiatric Association, 2018). SLD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins during school-age, although may not be recognized until adulthood. Research shows that 5 to 15 percent of school-age children struggle with a learning disorder. Having a learning disorder means that a child has difficulty in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intelligence or motivation is not affected (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), 2020)

Your group chose Developmental Aphasia which is a severe language disorder of the brain rather than developmental delay in the normal acquisition of language. DA results from damage to the parts of the brain that produce, and process language (Cleveland Clinic, 2019) A comprehensive assessment is needed to assess the patient for speech, language, swallowing, and cognition to determine the best treatment option. The most recommended treatment for DA is speech and language therapy to rehabilitate their language skills and supplement their experiences (ASHA, 2021). DA aims to improve the person’s ability to communicate by restoring as much language as possible and teaching how to make up for lost language skills. The earlier the therapy begins the better chances of recovery. Group therapy is also effective as patients with aphasia try out their communication skills in a safe environment. Using computer-assisted therapy also show a positive result in helping the child relearn verbs and word sounds. Medications and brain stimulation has been used to enhance brain recovery ability and improve the ability to name things (ASHA, 2021)


American Psychiatric Association. (2018). What is Specific Learning Disorder? Retrieved from

American Speech-language-Hearing Association. (2021). Aphasia. Retrieved from

Cleveland Clinic. (2019). Aphasia. Retrieved from

Take the Myers-Briggs or Keirsey Temperament Sorter to determine your personality type of the 16 types specified. Conduct a Google search on your type. Do you feel the type is accurate? Why or why not?

Your Personality Type

Take the Myers-Briggs or Keirsey Temperament Sorter to determine your personality type of the 16 types specified. Conduct a Google search on your type. Do you feel the type is accurate? Why or why not?

How does learning about your type help your involvement in groups, particularly in the human services profession when working with various populations in service delivery, serving on committees, or with groups of colleagues at your organization or agency?

Your journal should be 350-500 words in length. Cite and reference your reflective journal in APA style 6th ed. Format.

Select one published article from any of the online databases listed in the Library that presents research on any type of diversity issue discussed in Chapter 6 of the required text. Some examples are racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or generational diversity in groups.

Diversity in Groups Article Analysis

Select one published article from any of the online databases listed in the Library that presents research on any type of diversity issue discussed in Chapter 6 of the required text. Some examples are racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, or generational diversity in groups.

Your assignment for this week is to summarize and evaluate the main points or theses of the article. Specifically:

  • Summarize the article and its main point(s) or argument(s).
  • Identify the methodology and design (example: qualitative and phenomenological) of the research undertaken or put forth.
  • State and discuss the implications and meaning of the results.
  • Provide your evaluation of the study, critiquing its findings and, if relevant, stating and defending your position on the issue.
  • Explain how the research study could be improved or what you might have done differently and why.
  • Explain how this research expands the knowledge base on diversity and groups.
  • Explain how this research relates to what we are learning in class.

Your paper:

  • Should be 850-1,100 words in length.
  • Should conform to APA style, 6th edition.