Today’s Global Economy is very top-down driven with the government making all the decisions and regulations as it relates to doing business globally. What are some advantages and disadvantages to this approach? Is there another approach that might work better?

Today’s Global Economy is very top-down driven with the government making all the decisions and regulations as it relates to doing business globally.  What are some advantages and disadvantages to this approach?  Is there another approach that might work better?

Taking an online course can sometimes feel like you are wandering in the dark, talking to someone that you know is there but someone whom you can’t see. It can be a little disconcerting.

Taking an online course can sometimes feel like you are wandering in the dark, talking to someone that you know is there but someone whom you can’t see. It can be a little disconcerting.

In an effort to make our online environment a little more friendly, I am encouraging everyone to introduce him or herself in this forum. That way, we know more than just a screen name.

There are several things you should include in your introduction.

  1. Tell me what, if any, particular interest in human growth and development you have and what you hope to gain from the course.
  2. Tell us where you work and what you do.
  3. Tell us what your major is and what you hope to do when you finish college.
  4. Tell me how many classes you are taking this semester.
  5. Tell me if you have ever taken an online course before.

Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below: What is the pathophysiology of one STI

Directions: Fill in the information as required by your rubric. Feel free to resize and reformat the SmartArt below to fit your needs. You may use a list format to organize your info, but please ensure you are citing appropriately.


Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:

  • What is the pathophysiology of one STI
  • What is the etiology of the selected STI
  • What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
  • What is the treatment for the selected STI

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.


Instead of writing a paper, you will be completing a concept map on this information. The concept map template is attached.

Regression And Correlation Responses

INSTRUCTIONS: Provide (2) peer responses for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Attached are RESPONSE 1 and 2 excel work to help you with the responses.

Peer response #1 – Looking at your peer’s Excel output, and the Regression Equation they wrote out, interpret the slope of their Regression Equation. Use their Regression Equation to make a prediction and show the work for your predicted value based on your expression. For Example, if your peer used Year to predict Price, plug in a Year value into the regression equation and use it to predict the Price of a vehicle. Does this predicted Price value make sense with their data?

Peer response #2 – It is important to remember that typically a two-factor regression model cannot accurately describe the entire situation. Look at the dependent variable that your peer chose. Name at least 2 independent factors you would use to run a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and explain why you feel they are related. Then use those factors to run a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) on your peer’s data and see if the variables you chose are related to the dependent variable they chose. What is your MLR equation? Is your MLR significant? Are any of the Independent factors significant? What is the R2 value? Explain and interpret this value and how it relates to the MLR. Make sure you include your MLR Excel output as an attachment in your response post.


For this weeks forum on regression and correlation I reviewed the original car data from week 1 and picked the year of the car and the price to show a correlation. I believe the correlation will be positive because the newer the car the price will be more. Since the independent variable (x) predicts the value of (y) in this scenario the intendent value will be the price in correlation to the dependent value of how old the car is (years).

I will be predicting that the price of the car will be more when the age of the car (years) is less.

I added a new column to the original excel data sheet where I adjusted the years and converted them to number of years. Then I correlated the years to the price which comes out to 0.464224032

Since I have a correlation we can find R2 = 0.464224032*0.464224032=0.215503952 = 21.55%

After running a regression analysis on my car data the R2  I found that the R Square did not match my calculations. The regression statistics calculated R2 10.07%

The significant F was 0.405285         a=0.05

To calculate the p-value < a  = 0.405285 < 0.05

Then I calculated the Regression Equation =

Price=slope(years)+price of the car

Coefficients intercept 29897.22 and 2725

2725(0)+29897.22=  29897.22

We can interpret the data by coming to conclusion that each new car will be $29,897.22 

(I had a positive correlation instead of a negative and I would like some input if the statistics is correct).



To start, I chose to see if there was a direct correlation between city MPG and highway (hwy) MPG. I chose this because it was different than any of the PDFs and was challenged by it. Although, towards the end of the exercise, I began to think of all the variables that change from vehicle to vehicle and realized the outcome was going to be harder to explain then I thought.

My =Correl was 0.967713303

Therefore, my R^2 was 0.936469036 = 93.65% or 94% for the sake of the argument. With an R^2 of 94% (vs a 100%) there is a pretty high probability that city MPG is correlated with highway MPG to some extent.

As for my P value, it was 1.944. 1.944 > 0.05 which tells me that there is no good way to compare city MPG to highway MPG between multiple vehicles.

In summary, as we know a vehicle does better on the highway then in the city. However, unless the same vehicles were used in the comparison, there is no good way to compare city MPG with highway MPG from different car makes and models.

Attached you will find my Excel spread sheet with my work.


From the list of aging theories above (Stochastic & Non-Stochastic Theories), where would you categorize the “telomere aging theory”? Would it be a Stochastic or Non-Stochastic theory?


Recently there has been an extensive amount of research into something called telomere, which is a short sequence of base pairs (DNA’s) that are found at the end of chromosomes. This short sequence repeats itself approximately 50-70 times and can be found at the end of the chromosomes found in human cells. There has been a push to isolate them on a person’s leukocytes because they are easy to isolate and locate within the body of these research subjects, but these can be found in other cells.

The proposal as to the function of telomeres is that they were a timepiece for each person; which means that a telomere would drop off at predetermined intervals (maybe 1-2 yrs) and eventually when the telomeres ran out, the cell would either die or undergo the apoptosis process.  The telomeres would fall off when the cell produced an enzyme called telomerase.  Thus, researchers became fascinated by what appeared to be a biochemical process in direct control of cellular life and death, and that could potentially be in control of death of an organism such as a human.

If you can imagine that these scientists were science fiction writers, they would be dreaming about laboratories throughout the world that could assist their patients to live up to 150 years of age or even longer.  The potential for some kind of mediation allowing a person to live longer does appear to be a reality, but possibly not to the extent that many imagine.

Stochastic Theories

  • Free Radical Theory
  • Orgel/Error Theory
  • Wear and Tear Theory
  • Connective Tissue Theory

Non-Stochastic Theories

  • Programmed Theory
  • Gene/Biological Clock Theory
  • Neuroendocrine Theory
  • Immunologic/Autoimmune Theory


  1. Read the paragraphs above.
  2. Answer the following questions as thoroughly and concisely as possible: 2 or more Pages Essay APA
    1. From the list of aging theories above (Stochastic & Non-Stochastic Theories), where would you categorize the “telomere aging theory”? Would it be a Stochastic or Non-Stochastic theory?
    2. Please provide a rationale as to your selection. Include references

Read and interpret the short story “Damien’s Shoes” by Ret’sepile Makamane. What logical inferences can you make based on its details? What can you infer about the narrator in this story, the narrator’s son, and the setting of this story? What details suggest this? What other logical inferences can you make about this story? 

Initial Post  (250 words)

Read and interpret the short story “Damien’s Shoes” by Ret’sepile Makamane. What logical inferences can you make based on its details? What can you infer about the narrator in this story, the narrator’s son, and the setting of this story? What details suggest this? What other logical inferences can you make about this story?  (Length: 250 words)

Two Replies 

Respond to the posts of two of your peers by acknowledging their ideas and adding on to them with additional commentary, supporting detail or fact (such as a quote, detail referenced, or scenario from the story), and/or an new or different perspective or logical inference.

Damien’s Shoes

by Ret’sepile Makamane

My son (Links to an external site.), Damien, makes fires that flicker throughout rainy June nights. He moves about the shores of Lake Muhazi, lighting a new fire on a new spot every night. People who travel to Kayonza come back to Kigali with stories of having seen him during the rainy season as the smokes of his fires constantly go up to the skies, like a man cast away and looking for rescue. Those who have travelled and visited relatives with houses on the hills around Lake Muhazi in recent years to observe his activities say that my son sails up and down the lake during the day, busy ferrying passengers with completely covered faces to the other side. Others even claim that they have seen him up close, and that unlike other undead dead people he does not run away or conceal his face when you approach him. He has remained ten years old throughout the years, only bits of his hair are beginning to grey now.

When his boat work is done in the evenings, he plays his flute into the night, calming Lake Muhazi into even more stillness. He plays the flute so dedicatedly, earnestly, its melody so piercing, with sorrow so intense – a child blowing all his young soul into a musical instrument just so our land can heal. His flute wakes God from his deep sleep, – since Damien has already given God a few warnings, I hear – saying to God, “Thou Shalt Not Sleep, never. Not here in Rwanda, not anymore! Find yourself another bedroom.” Because God used to sleep here in Rwanda, you know. Lately, God stays awake at night looking intently at the world map, planning to migrate.

I carry with me Damien’s one shoe. He is barefoot, Damien, my boy, that is why he has to make these random fires when it rains in June – to warm his feet. I rescued this shoe from the mouth of a stray dog which made me run and chase it until I was panting like a hound myself. That was back in ninety-four. I was still a young man in those days. Oh, but that dog was not the end of my troubles. I have aged double while walking these hills and valleys with acacia and guava and mango trees, without even seeing their beauty anymore. Walking with a tormented soul, looking for Damien to put on his shoe on the other foot. Blaming myself, sixteen years moiling and roiling through these mangroves and swamps, looking on every street corner, every pathway. Asking strangers and returning exiles over the years, “Have you seen a boy so beautiful, dark, like rich black oak his skin, have you seen my Damien in your travels, a boy wearing one Adidas shoe, have you seen my son? Tell me, please!” And strangers and familiar faces alike walk on, not hearing me, not looking my way, not noticing me because you know I am dead too. But unlike Damien, I cannot seem to move. I cannot make it past death nor back to life and cannot make myself seen – even when I do need help. And I cannot even walk to that damn lake to give my son his shoe. I am stuck. Because I asked for my own death, and when they refused, I went ahead and died from grief.

I would not mind this limbo if it was not for June and her tormenting rains that thrust my memories and emotions into such turmoil, cutting and tearing me up inside, and leaving me longing so badly, so badly to say, “Damien, here is your other shoe – wear them both, son. It is raining outside.”

Submission and Grading

Discussions are an important tool for the interaction and development of a learning community. Your timely participation is essential. Please make sure to post your initial response by the due date listed; you can take more time for your two replies if you need to.

The attached rubric will be used to grade this assignment (please note the criteria for timeliness). To view the rubric, select the gear icon. If you’re using a mobile device, the rubrics can be found in the course navigation menu.

.Do you think there are security issues with hardware too, or software-based security (anti-malware, monitoring, etc.) is enough? 2. Have you have instanced where your USB flash drive works well with some systems but does not work with other systems (Windows, Linux, car MP3 player, IoT devices. etc)?

.Do you think there are security issues with hardware too, or software-based security (anti-malware, monitoring, etc.) is enough?

2. Have you have instanced where your USB flash drive works well with some systems but does not work with other systems (Windows, Linux, car MP3 player, IoT devices. etc)?

3. Another frequent situation is that you cannot copy a big file (say 6GB) onto some disks even though you have plenty of free space on the disk.

If you never had such experience, many of us have. If you have, please, describe it. What may cause such situations? What could be a way to resolve each of those situations? What may be a tradeoff that comes with your solution?

One to two FULL pages. Due next time. What would be your “X Club” that you would have people do to get their frustrations out? Describe this club. What would be the benefits of this club? The drawbacks?

One to two FULL pages. Due next time. What would be your “X Club” that you would have people do to get their frustrations out? Describe this club. What would be the benefits of this club? The drawbacks?

A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose and research a location with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base.

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose and research a location with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base. Some examples include Tokyo, Japan; London, United Kingdom; and Sydney, Australia. Please discuss the following with your classmates:

  • *What are some cultural, political, and economic challenges of working in this environment?
  • *What different kinds of marketing strategies could the bank use overseas?
  • *Do you think the bank will be successful in international trade? Why or why not?

you have been given instructions to identify three different software solutions that are explicitly designed for project management and review each one by referring to the specifications and functionalities that are publicly available for review through their various sales communications.

Your task
Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video in which you are to compare and contrast
three different examples of project management software by incorporating an accompanying set of
PowerPoint slides.
Assessment Description.
The purpose of this individual assessment is to foster students’ ability to evaluate overall project
performance and compliance with quality standards.
Assessment Instructions
Presume that you have been employed as the project management consultant for the project you
have chosen to analyse in the first assessment, and that project supervisors have asked you to
explore various project management software to determine the best suitable option.
Based on this task, you have been given instructions to identify three different software solutions
that are explicitly designed for project management and review each one by referring to the
specifications and functionalities that are publicly available for review through their various sales
After your review, the project supervisors have asked you to record a 10-minute video, in which you
are to explain to the project supervisors how each software program could assist the project
manager and project team of the chosen project in the first assessment with each of the IPECC
stages by:
• Comparing and contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of each software choice in
relation to the project you chose in the first assessment.
• Identifying the software, you would recommend for use in the project you have chosen in the
first assessment by providing the rationale for your recommendation.
Assessment Information
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The findings presented in this video must be accompanied by a set of PowerPoint slides and be
based on a minimum of 8 sources of information such as websites, government publications,
industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These sources must be
presented in the video in the form of in-text citations and a reference list adhering with
Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used.