ASSIGNMENT: Muddiest Point—After reading Chapters 9 &10, write about an issue, concept, or definition presented in the chapters that you find most confusing or difficult to understand (please include the page #). Tell me exactly what you understand and what you do not understand about that issue, concept, or definition.

ASSIGNMENT: Muddiest Point—After reading Chapters 9 &10, write about an issue, concept, or definition presented in the chapters that you find most confusing or difficult to understand (please include the page #).  Tell me exactly what you understand and what you do not understand about that issue, concept, or definition.

Choose any county from one of the following states: Mississippi, West Virginia, or Washington. Based on the case study demographic profile collected from your chosen state and county answer the following: Which population should you prioritize?

The foundation of any successful health promotion program lies in gathering information about the priority population’s health concerns, needs, and desires. Therefore, complete the case study on page 18. Follow the case study instructions with the following modifications:

Choose any county from one of the following states: Mississippi, West Virginia, or Washington. Based on the case study demographic profile collected from your chosen state and county answer the following:

Which population should you prioritize? What are the current and future health risks for this population? What are the root causes of the health risks for this population? Identify interventions that would make the biggest impact on this population.

PAge 18 attached below

2pages single space/ 1 margin

APA formate

MAKE SURE… Choose any county from one of the following states: Mississippi, West Virginia, or Washington

Compare and contrast the Google+ features with those of at least two other social networks (such as Facebook).  This paper should be written in third-person. The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about.

Google+ is a social networking site that lets users define and manage various groups of people and how they interact with them.  With Google+, users can define various circles, which might include people from work, good friends, and family, as well as casual acquaintances. Using such circle definitions, users can better control the posts they allow others to view.

For this project, research Google+ features.  Compare and contrast the Google+ features with those of at least two other social networks (such as Facebook).  This paper should be written in third-person. The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about. The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves (Not I, we, us, our).

Provide a narrative explanation that shows how the developed theory can close the “gap” identified in the first part of the Project. Explain how it incorporates systems thinking.

Project: Scholar-Practitioner Project: Visual Representation of Health Care Administration Leadership Theory

Having a Health Care Administration Leadership Theory is essential to any health care administration leader. With a well-constructed theory, you integrate leadership perspectives into practice in order to offer solutions to health care administration problems. Also, with a visual representation of your theory, you may present another way to highlight your research with effective design and theory implementation.

For this Assignment, you complete another part of your Health Care Administration Leadership Theory based upon your understanding of leadership perspectives you have reviewed in this course. In addition, you must use a systems thinking approach in the development of your visual representation of your personal Health Care Administration Leadership Theory.

This week you will provide a visual representation of your Health Care Administration Leadership Theory. It can be a table, schematic diagram, graph, or any other representation you choose. Please feel free to be creative. However, the focus MUST be on leadership.

The Assignment (4 pages):

  • Provide a narrative explanation that shows how the developed theory can close the “gap” identified in the first part of the Project.
  • Explain how it incorporates systems thinking.

Both the narrative explanation and the visual representation are included in the page count for the Assignment length. Remember, your theory can be based on those that we have examined in this course or that you have researched on your own. There is no wrong theory. What matters is the explanation of how it addresses the gap and uses systems thinking. While this does not have to be addressed now, keep in mind the last part of the Project will involve presenting a methodology that tests the developed theory empirically.

Support your Project with specific references to all resources and current literature used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Written responses must provides topic exposition and delineation, and presents clear, assertive conclusion, speculative result welcome. The course is political science (POS2041) Course topics include: -institution -social conflict

Write a periodic summative examination of course topics to evidence content mastery.

Written responses must provides topic exposition and delineation, and presents clear, assertive conclusion, speculative result welcome.

The course is political science (POS2041)

Course topics include:


-social conflict







-public services



-divine right theory


-democracy and more…

Choose 2 topics for 2 different papers

I need 2 different documents in separate pdfs.

Due date: 01/22/21 @ 11:59 PM EST

What is one of your favorite childhood memories? How do you think that event has affected who you are now? What will you/your life be like as an older adult (60 years old+)? What about you or your life now makes you imagine things this way?

  • What is one of your favorite childhood memories? How do you think that event has affected who you are now?
  • What will you/your life be like as an older adult (60 years old+)? What about you or your life now makes you imagine things this way?
  • Post a song (video or audio if possible) that you like and that you think represents a specific time in life particularly well. For example, is there a song that really captures what you think it’s like to get older? Or is there one that portrays adolescence vividly? Explain your choice.

Now that you understand and have created a virtual machine,  your Caduceus CTO, Eliza, has asked you to extend that application and  provision infrastructure in the cloud. Specifically, you will provision a  Windows operating system in the cloud. The provisioned infrastructure  could be accessed by any end-user device client.

Now that you understand and have created a virtual machine,  your Caduceus CTO, Eliza, has asked you to extend that application and  provision infrastructure in the cloud. Specifically, you will provision a  Windows operating system in the cloud. The provisioned infrastructure  could be accessed by any end-user device client. This includes a desktop  running Microsoft Windows, a Mac device running Apple MacOS, iPad,  Android Tablet, and even a Google Chromebook. You will use any of the  aforementioned end-user devices to access the provision infrastructure  once this is set up.

Step 1: Log in to the AWS Dashboard

CMIT 495 requires you to complete hands-on assignments in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtual environment.

To get started, log in to the AWS free account you created in Week 1.

Step 2: Download the Week 2 Assignment Template

Next, watch the video and download the template from the Cloud Computing Assignment Resources page. You will answer the questions and embed the appropriate screenshots of your cloud infrastructure provision as you work.

When providing a detailed overview of the steps required to  install the Windows operating system on the virtual machine, make sure  to include screenshots of each step in the process. Specific details and  instructions are included within the Week 2 Assignment Template.

Step 3: Install and Configure a Microsoft Windows Operating System

  • Provision cloud infrastructure via Amazon and a OS platform (PaaS) by installing and configuring a Microsoft Windows operating system that can be accessed on demand by any end-user device.
    • Research and use AWS documentation and tutorials for instructions and guidance to complete the assignment.
    • Consult the AWS Connection Documentation in order to connect to the Microsoft Windows operating system.
    •     How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
      The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:
    • 1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication.
    • 2.2.3: Explain the assumptions underlying viewpoints, solutions, or conclusions.
    • 2.3.1: State conclusions or solutions clearly and precisely.
    • 3.1.1: Identify quantitative information that is relevant to a problem or situation.
    • 3.1.2: Analyze quantitative data using an appropriate method.
    • 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
    • 11.1.3: Install software.
    • 11.3.1: Add and update systems as required.
    • 11.2.1: Configure technology according to stakeholder specifications and requirements.

Step 4: Upload Your Work to the Assignment Folder

  • When complete, export your file as a PDF and upload to the LEO Assignments Folder (e.g., Project 2 – Cloud Computing).


Step 5: Stop and Terminate Your Amazon Instance

After you complete the Week 2 Assignment, stop and terminate your  Amazon deployment/instances so you do not receive any unexpected charges  on your account.

For this informal paper, share your hopes, dreams, and fears for college. Bear in mind that this is NOT a research paper. Instead, reflect on and discuss your personal thoughts, feelings, questions, concerns, goals, and so on as they relate to starting and attending college. You can use “I” statements and contractions,

For this informal paper, share your hopes, dreams, and fears for college. Bear in mind that this is NOT a research paper. Instead, reflect on and discuss your personal thoughts, feelings, questions, concerns, goals, and so on as they relate to starting and attending college. You can use “I” statements and contractions, following a more informal style.

The Hopes, Fears, and Dreams Paper should be 350-500 words in length, and must be double-spaced and have 1-inch margins. You should use Times New Roman, 12-point font. The paper will be graded according to the Hopes, Fears, and Dreams Paper Rubric.

What topic in this module did you find most interesting and why?  Perform an online search related to the topic and share with the class one or more interesting fact(s) you discovered about the topic that was not presented in either the PowerPoints or the textbook. 

To get full credit for this Discussion Board, you must submit an initial post and respond to at least one classmate’s posting following the guidelines given below.

After completing all three lessons, think about what topic or topics were the most difficult to comprehend and/or what concepts still require further clarification.

Use this Discussion Board to clearly articulate what it is that you find confusing and/or to formulate specific questions you may have about the material.

Please respond/comment to at least one classmate.  You should either answer your classmate’s question or provide clarification on the topic with which your classmate is struggling.

Please include the Lesson number (e.g., Lesson 1, Lesson 2, or Lesson 3) and the topic or concept in the title line for your post .  For example, if you did not understand how molecules form hydrogen bonds, your title line might read: Lesson 2, hydrogen bond formation.

If you fully understood all of the material in this module and do not have any questions about the material, then choose one of the following two options as the topic for your post.  Please note, you are still also required to respond to at least one other classmate, and if you understand all the material it would be very helpful if you choose to answer one classmate’s content-related question:

  1. What topic in this module did you find most interesting and why?  Perform an online search related to the topic and share with the class one or more interesting fact(s) you discovered about the topic that was not presented in either the PowerPoints or the textbook. Please include the Lesson number (e.g., Lesson 1, Lesson 2, or Lesson 3) and the topic or concept in the title line for your post.  You must also correctly cite/reference all sources used to research and/or find your interesting fact(s).
  2. Which of the topics in this module did you find most relevant to your everyday life?  Explain how the topic relates to your life and why it important to you. Please include the Lesson number (e.g., Lesson 1, Lesson 2, or Lesson 3) and the topic or concept in the title line for your post .

Your posts will be graded as follows:

Did Not Post or Posted Late


Initial post that clearly shows you have read the material and (1) presents a relevant question or concept that requires clarification; (2) adds relevant  information that was not provided in the text or the PowerPoint; or fullly explains why one of the topics presented is relevant to you.  You must use standard English grammar and spelling in your posting.


Thoughtful response/comment to a classmate (you must answer his/her question or provide clarification or provide a substantial comment on his/her posting (do not just say ‘interesting’ or ‘ I agee’.).  Again, You must use standard English grammar and spelling in your posting.

As stated above,  if you understand all the material it would be very helpful if you choose to answer one classmate’s content-related question:


In this discussion, please describe at least two cryptocurrencies with applicable examples. Discuss some similarities and differences. Lastly, discuss if you have any experience using any cryptocurrencies

The vast majority of the population associates Blockchain with cryptocurrency Bitcoin; however, there are many other uses of blockchain; such as Litecoin, Ether, and other currencies. In this discussion, please describe at least two cryptocurrencies with applicable examples. Discuss some similarities and differences. Lastly, discuss if you have any experience using any cryptocurrencies.