You post a really negative remark on your friend’s Facebook wall, which many of your mutual friends and work colleagues have seen. The next day you realize you shouldn’t have been so negative. You really want to remain friends. You need to say something. What are your options for communicating your feelings? What communication channels could you use?

You post a really negative remark on your friend’s Facebook wall, which many of your mutual friends and work colleagues have seen. The next day you realize you shouldn’t have been so negative. You really want to remain friends. You need to say something. What are your options for communicating your feelings? What communication channels could you use?

Describe what you see as one of the most critical public policyissues that faces the nation, your state, or your community  Provide a summary of a course of action you advocate to address this issue as if you were serving in a policy-making or administrative leadership role

Describe what you see as one of the most critical public policyissues that faces the nation, your state, or your community

Provide a summary of a course of action you advocate to address this issue as if you were serving in

a policy-making or administrative leadership role

Provide supporting justification for the action you are advocating

APA format 3-4 pages work cited

The International Plastics, Inc. CEO read your executive summary and would like more information. The CEO would like a detailed explanation of the IT standards, protocols, and communication tools currently in use in the facilities to determine if improvements are needed.

The International Plastics, Inc. CEO read your executive summary and would like more information. The CEO would like a detailed explanation of the IT standards, protocols, and communication tools currently in use in the facilities to determine if improvements are needed.

Review the existing International Plastics network diagrams located in the attachment. 

In a table, using Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel®, complete the following:

  • Assess the current telecommunications protocols, standards, and collaboration tools used for International Plastics.
  • ​​​​​​​Document at least six current standards or protocols used at each location. Use the following table headings:
  • Current Telecommunications Standard, Protocol, or Collaboration Tools
  • International Plastics Location
  • Recommendation for Improvement
  • Effects of Improvement

In a 1-page explanation,

  • Recommend improvements based on your assessment.
  • Explain how you arrived at this recommendation.
  • Discuss options you weighed before arriving at this recommendation.
  • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of this recommendation.
  • Explain how your recommendation helps the company effectively blend their telecommunications and computer networks.
  • Cite at least one scholarly resource and include a citation in APA format.

Make sure you understand how to write a PICO question. Formulate a PICO question for your “Design A Research Study” assignment.  Your PICO question can be on any topic that is relevant to nursing and interests you. Don’t be afraid to really brainstorm!

PICO and Concept Map Assignment ( at least 3 pages and a page for concept map)


  1. Locate the PICOWorksheet in the Resources Tab in this      Module.  See PICO worksheet attached.
  2. Review the instructions attached to the worksheet.
  3. Make sure you understand how to write a PICO question.
  4. Formulate a PICO question for your “Design A Research Study” assignment.
  5. Your PICO question can be on any topic that is relevant to nursing and interests you. Don’t be afraid to really brainstorm!
  6. Create a concept map for your PICO question, using the module resources on concept mapping. Using guidelines from the concept mapping topic of this module, create a new concept map based on your PICO question.

7.The first step is in concept mapping to create boxes with the four pieces of your PICO.

8. Then begin making connections between the population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes for your question.

9. Expand your map by including additional levels of concepts, ideas, and search terms (synonyms) for each subtopic.

10. You should have at least three levels of sub-concepts in addition to your main PICO concepts.

A 21-year-old male noted pain in his right testicle while studying hard for his midterm college examinations. On self-examination, he noted a “grape sized” mass in the right testicle. This finding was corroborated by his healthcare provider. This young man had a history of delayed descent of his right testicle until the age of 1 year old.

Case Study 1 & 2 (10 Points)

Students must review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle.

The answers must be in your own words with reference to the journal or book where you found the evidence to your answer. Do not copy-paste or use past students’ work as all files submitted in this course are registered and saved in turn it in the program.

Answers must be scholarly and be 3-4 sentences in length with rationale and explanation. No Straight forward / Simple answer will be accepted.

Turn it in Score must be less than 25 % or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25 %. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

All answers to case studies must have reference cited in the text for each answer and a minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites) per case Study

Case Study 1

Mr. JS presents today to your office for a follow up appointment after a BP reading at home of

166/95 last week. He is a 52 y/o male with a PMH of HTN and Angina secondary to CAD, which

is well controlled, experiencing less than 1 attack per month.

On today examination, MR JS’s vital signs are as follows:

Temperature: 96.8º

Heart Rate: 68 bpm

Blood Pressure: 168/92

Respiration: 14

Ox Sat: 95% at room air

Pain: denies pain.


Last LDL on records (6 months ago): 189

Current Medications:

Atorvastatin 40 mg/day

Metoprolol tartrate 10 mg/twice/day


1) According to the recently released American Heart Association guidelines on hypertension,

what should be the BP goal for a patient with chronic stable angina and hypertension?

2) In addition to diet and lifestyle modifications, what is the medication of choice to control the

BP of a patient with chronic stable angina? Provide rationale

3) Provide at least 3 (questions) you would ask your patient RELATED to the case presented and

provide rationale.

4) Please explain whether you would request any laboratory or screening tests for this patient

and why (if any)

5) How would you achieve the B/P goal recommended for this patient according to the

guidelines provided above?

6) Provide References in APA style


Case Study 2

Testicular Cancer

Case Studies

A 21-year-old male noted pain in his right testicle while studying hard for his midterm college

examinations. On self-examination, he noted a “grape sized” mass in the right testicle. This

finding was corroborated by his healthcare provider. This young man had a history of delayed

descent of his right testicle until the age of 1 year old.

Studies Results

Routine laboratory studies Within normal limits (WNL)

Ultrasound the testicle Solid mass, right testicle associated with calcifications

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) 550mIU/mL (normal: <5)

CT scan of the abdomen Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes

CT scan of the chest Multiple pulmonary nodules

Diagnostic Analysis

At semester break, this young man underwent right orchiectomy. Pathology was compatible with

embryonal cell carcinoma. CT directed biopsy of the most prominent pulmonary nodule

indicated embryonal cell carcinoma, compatible with metastatic testicular carcinoma. During a

leave of absence from college, and after banking his sperm, this young man underwent

aggressive chemotherapy. Repeat testing 12 weeks after chemotherapy showed complete

resolution of the pulmonary nodules and enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What impact did an undescended testicle have on this young man’s risk for developing

testicular cancer?

2. What might be the side effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy?

3. What was the purpose of preserving his sperm before chemotherapy?

4. Is this young man’s age typical for the development of testicular carcinoma?

Answer the following questions about your table and/or graph:    A. What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)?    B. What type of graph or table did you choose for your lab? What characteristics make it this type?    C. Describe the data displayed in your frequency distribution or graph (consider class size, class width,             total frequency, list of frequencies, class consistency, etc)

 The above screenshot is the search results (topic and the number of articles containing your search terms) to the top of a Word document [see Step 5 above]. Below the screenshot, answer the following questions:

2. On your search:

3.     A. What terms did you use?

4.     B. What other things did you mark on the search page before conducting your search?

5.     C.Why did you choose the key words that you did?

6.     D. How many articles were found with these search terms [from screenshot]?

Step 2: Find a frequency table and/or graph within the article and post a screen shot in your Word document.

Step 3: Answer the following questions about your table and/or graph:

A. What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)?

B. What type of graph or table did you choose for your lab? What characteristics make it this type?

C. Describe the data displayed in your frequency distribution or graph (consider class size, class width,             total frequency, list of frequencies, class consistency, etc)

D. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph or frequency distribution you chose.

E. How else might this data have been displayed? Discuss pros and cons of 2 other presentation                     options, such as tables or different graphical displays.

F. Give the full APA reference of the article you are using for this lab.

1. Please describe your past entrepreneurial experience(s) and/or the factors that have influenced your decision to pursue an entrepreneurial career path.

1. Please describe your past entrepreneurial experience(s) and/or the factors that have
influenced your decision to pursue an entrepreneurial career path.
2. In the spirit of entrepreneurship, we would like you to imagine creating a company.
This company should be specifically designed to support and encourage diversity.
What does the company look like? What populations does it serve? What is the

Do you feel that any of the four traditional ethical theories examined in chapter two are adequate to handle moral issues that arise as a result of cybertechnology?  Is a brand-new ethical theory needed, as some have argued, for the Internet age; or can a comprehensive, integrated theory, such as the one proposed by James Moor (i.e., his theory of “just consequentialism”) be used successfully to resolve moral issues involving cybertechnology?  Explain your answer.

CSCI 415 Ethics, Law and Cybersecurity

Chapter 2 Quiz



Chapter 2 – Quiz 2

Instructions:  There are four (3) topic areas listed below that are designed to measure your knowledge level specific to learning outcome (LO 2) shown in your course syllabus. In most cases the topic area has several components. Each must be addressed to properly satisfy requirements.




Pay attention to what you are being asked to do (see Grading Rubric below). For example, to describe does not mean to list, but to tell about or illustrate in more than two or three sentences, providing appropriate arguments for your responses using theories discussed in our text.  Be sure to address all parts of the topic question as most have multiple parts. A verifiable current event (less than 4 years old) relevant to at least one of the topics you respond to is a fundamental component of your quiz as well.  You cannot use information from the text book or any book/article by the author of the text book as a current event.  Make sure that your reference has a date of publication.  For each chapter quiz and final quiz you are required to find and include at least one reference and reference citation to a current event less than 4 years old (a reference with no date (n.d.) is not acceptable) in answer to at least one question.  This requires a reference citation in the text of your answer and a reference at the end of the question to which the reference applies.  You must include some information obtained from the reference in your answer.  The references must be found on the internet and you must include a URL in your reference so that the reference can be verified. 




  1. How do religion, law, and philosophy each provide different grounds for justifying a moral principle?  How can each perspective be applied in analyzing the moral principle “Stealing is wrong”?  Be sure to elaborate and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your position. (knowledge)
  2. Do you feel that any of the four traditional ethical theories examined in chapter two are adequate to handle moral issues that arise as a result of cybertechnology?  Is a brand-new ethical theory needed, as some have argued, for the Internet age; or can a comprehensive, integrated theory, such as the one proposed by James Moor (i.e., his theory of “just consequentialism”) be used successfully to resolve moral issues involving cybertechnology?  Explain your answer. Be sure to elaborate and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your position. (comprehension)



  1. Consider a case in which the United States government, with the approval of the majority of Americans, decides to round up all Arab-Americans and relocate them into internment camps.  Imagine that you have a friend who is an American citizen of Arab descent.  She asks you to protect her from the authorities.  You have known this person all of your life, and you are convinced that she is a loyal American.  You agree to hide her on the third floor of your house.  A United States federal agent knocks on your door and asks if you know the whereabouts of the person you are hiding.  How would you respond to that agent?  You now face a genuine moral dilemma because you cannot both keep your promise to your friend and tell the truth to the federal agent.  Initially, your gut reaction might suggest that the solution to your dilemma is really quite simple.  For example, you might believe that a far greater good will be served by lying to the federal agent than by breaking your promise to your friend.  However, to embrace the moral principle inherent in that line of reasoning is to fall back into utilitarianism.  We have already seen some of the difficulties that can result from trying to be a consistent and thoroughgoing utilitarian.  Could you consistently universalize a moral principle that states: “Whenever you must choose between telling the truth to authorities and breaking a promise to a friend, always honor your promise”?  Will that principal work in every case?  Will Ross’s theory help in this situation?  Explain your answer. Be sure to elaborate and provide your “theoretical” rationale in support of your position. (comprehension)


For the Unit VI Case Study, you will focus on structural damage and building requirements in Riverside County California USA. This can include actions taken to protect against earthquakes, wild fires, etc.

Due by Monday night 01/25/21

SafeAssign will be used to check for plagiarism. 


For the Unit VI Case Study, you will focus on structural damage and building requirements in Riverside County California USA. This can include actions taken to protect against earthquakes, wild fires, etc.

Start by conducting research on Riverside county for examples of mitigation and structure protection. These examples may include design of services and roads, land-use regulation, flood control, levees, dams, updated building codes, earthquake resistant community buildings, warming shelters, evacuation shelters, and structural reinforcement of building materials.

Incorporate no less than 4 pictures of what you find so that you can show your professor what your area has done to address the issue.

Using what you learned about Riverside county, Ca. and what you learned about past disasters from this course, write a case study, a minimum of four pages in length, that addresses the following points.

  • Explain what has      been done with regard to mitigation, recovery, and/or response efforts      within your community.
  • Explain who      conducted these efforts and the vulnerabilities they faced in their      community, and include the role these individuals or groups play with      mitigating, responding, and/or recovering from the risk.
  • Research at      least one major, historical disaster that resulted in structural damage      (this is not limited to your community). Explain the event that caused the      damage and the results.
  • What      collaborative efforts were employed during the historical disaster you      researched?
  • What can your      community learn from the past disaster you researched?
  • Consider the      legal issues that would apply to those who did not follow land-use or      building code requirements. When researching the mitigation and or      structure protection occurring in your area or the location you choose,      also discuss the organizations that would be involved with ensuring      compliance as well as what sanctions would apply for those who were out of      compliance.

Your paper should be a minimum of four pages in length not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use a minimum of three outside sources as part of your case study.. All sources, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

Discuss the importance of guilds on the growing strength of Medieval cities and towns. How was this structure later incorporated to meet the growing demand for higher education? What do you think increased the demand and popularity of universities during this period? 

Ch 12.

Berger, Eugene, et al. World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500, Dalhonega, GA: University of Georgia, 2016.


“Medieval Japan during the Heian Period,” Khan Academy,

“Shoguns, Samurai, and the Japanese Middle Ages,” Khan Academy,

“Medieval Japan: A Time of War and Parallels with Feudal Europe,: Asian Topics,

DIRECTIONS-Please discuss the following question. Try and keep your original response essay to the question to between 250 and 300 words. Please use historical examples from your readings (lecture lessons and common reader) in this original essay. You are required to cite your textbook or outside sources using parenthetical citation (author, page number) or using Turabian style footnotes. Please put your source(s) at the end of your essay (if using footnotes) and always include a bibliography. Finally, please try to support your essay using examples or sources different from your fellow classmates.

Please restate the question verbatim you are answering before your response. Please restate my follow-up question verbatim as well.

Discuss the importance of guilds on the growing strength of Medieval cities and towns. How was this structure later incorporated to meet the growing demand for higher education? What do you think increased the demand and popularity of universities during this period? 

Please use the provided resources above for information on the answer.