What are some of the difference between demand influences and supply influences on our pricing decisions? consider the challenges marketers face as they seek to balance supply and demand. Increased prices typically result in lower demand and vice versa. However, this is not always the case. Identify a product in which a price increase or decrease resulted in the opposite demand and explain the factors why.

What are some of the difference between demand influences and supply influences on our pricing decisions?  consider the  challenges marketers face as they seek to balance supply and demand.   Increased prices typically result in lower demand and vice versa.   However, this is not always the case.  Identify a product in which a  price increase or decrease resulted in the opposite demand and explain  the factors why.

If you were the social worker at Joshua’s refugee settlement program when he first arrived in the United States, what knowledge about the case would you like to have? What information would you find most important?

Review the case study given at the beginning of Chapter 1. In light of the person, environment, and time dimensions (See Exhibits 1.1 and 1.2) discussed, respond to each of the questions contained in the Critical Thinking Questions 1.4 on page 22, and use in-text cited content from the chapter to explain the thoughts and conclusions that have been presented in this paper.

“If you were the social worker at Joshua’s refugee settlement program when he first arrived in the United States, what knowledge about the case would you like to have? What information would you find most important? Support your rationale by way of in-text cited content. What emotional reactions did you have to reading Joshua’s story? What did you find yourself thinking about his story? Where do you see Joshua fitting in systems of privilege? Support your rationale by way of in-text cited content. Where do you see yourself fitting? How might any of this impact your ability to be helpful to Joshua and his family?” (Hutchison, E., 2019, p. 22)

This paper is to be written in essay paragraph form and submitted at the submission site under Assignments only in a Microsoft Word document, double-spaced in size 12 type. In-text cited content is to be in APA format: if paraphrasing content, then followed by (author’s last name, year of publication). If minimal quoted content is used, then it should be followed by (author’s last name, year of publication, page number). A bibliographical reference should be written at the end of the paper. Students need a cover page with name and title. This paper is to be no longer than 4 pages not counting the cover page and bibliographical references.

Required Textbook:

Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment (6th edition) by Elizabeth D. Hutchison, 2019, Los Angeles: Sage Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-5443-3929-0

Write In 500 Words About The Concept Of Information Stores. Why Is An Understanding Of How Different Clients Store Messaging Information Critical To The Success Of An Email Search?

Write In 500 Words About The Concept Of Information Stores. Why Is An Understanding Of How Different Clients Store Messaging Information Critical To The Success Of An Email Search?

Suppose your business has 10 cash registers at the front of your store. You want to connect all cash registers to a computer server in the back room to collect data transactions. Discuss what is an efficient technique to link the cash registers. Justify and support your solution.

Subject: Telecommunication Systems and Management


601 Assignment 4

Assignment Description


Read chapter 4 textbook, Describe the operating characteristics of terminal to mainframe connections and why they are unique from other types of computer connections.


350+ words, APA format, and two references please



601 Discussion 4

Discussion Topic

Suppose your business has 10 cash registers at the front of your store. You want to connect all cash registers to a computer server in the back room to collect data transactions. Discuss what is an efficient technique to link the cash registers. Justify and support your solution. (Ref Chapter 5)


200+ words, APA format, and one reference please


Pages 4-9 provide a brief summary of this client’s conditions (in this example, Diabetes Mellitus). This demonstrates why it is important to have a good understanding of the client’s condition/disease before beginning a health education activity.

Health Education Pre-Brief Activity_STUDENT VERSION

  • Review Course Lecture PPTS and readings for Chapter 5: Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Risk Reduction.
  • Read the “Diabetes: Teaching Patients Self-Care” Module by Tracey Long RN, PhD, APRN (see attachment in Bright Space).
    • NOTE: This module is to help you understand the process of health education, not to educate you about any specifics related to diabetes. Please keep this in mind. The principles of education that are covered in this module are essential for ALL educational topics (not just the one focused on here). You are encouraged to create an educational plan based on your “client’s” needs. (examples: weight loss, hypertension management, stress relief etc). Do NOT do a plan on diabetes management, because this is covered in full in this module.


  • Using this module, answer the following questions:


  • Pages 4-9 provide a brief summary of this client’s conditions (in this example, Diabetes Mellitus). This demonstrates why it is important to have a good understanding of the client’s condition/disease before beginning a health education activity.
  • For your client:
    • Identify the disease/condition that you plan to address in this teaching plan
    • What resource/s will you use to review this disease/condition, in preparation for teaching? (Remember, all resources should be current and evidence-based).


  • Pages 9-12 discusses barriers to effective teaching.
  • List 3 barriers that healthcare professionals experience:
  • List 3 strategies to overcome the barriers you identified:


  • Pages 12-13 discusses Patient Centered Diabetes Education.
  • What is the difference between DOPE and HOPE?
  • How has the role of (diabetes) health educator changed in recent times?
  • How do we keep our education “patient-centered”?
  • What is the benefit of patient-centered education?







  • Pages 13-18 discuss the ASSURE mnemonic for teaching.

A: Analyze

  • Which elements are important to “Analyze” in our learners?
  • What are the 4 basic learning styles discussed in this module?
  • How can you assess learning styles in your client?

S: State the Objectives

  • Remember, all objectives should be SMART. What does this mean?
  • When creating objectives for the learning session, how do you best decide what to teach?

S: Select appropriate teaching method

  • List 3 examples of teaching methods that can be implemented during health education sessions:

            U: Use effective instructional materials

  • List 3 examples of instructional materials that can be used for health education:

R: Require learner performance

  • What are the 4 domains of learning?

R: Evaluate the learning

  • What are the best methods to utilize to evaluate effectiveness of teaching?


  • Pages 18-26 discuss various theories and models for change. Use this information to guide your selection of a theory/model for your educational session.


  • Pages 30-32 discuss Creating a Lesson Plan. Use this information to guide you as you create a lesson plan for your client.

Read chapter 4 and reputable resources and Compare customer relationship management and supply chain management. How are they similar? How are they different? In which functional areas do they have the most impact? In answering, consider the kinds of technologies used in each.

Subject: Enterprise IT Application and Integration


609 Assignment 4

                                                Assignment Description

Read chapter 4 and reputable resources and Compare customer relationship management and supply chain management. How are they similar? How are they different? In which functional areas do they have the most impact? In answering, consider the kinds of technologies used in each.


350+ words, APA format, and two references please



609 Discussion 4

                                                Discussion Topic

Read chapter 4 and reputable resources and discuss:

In which industries is supply chain management important? In which industries is it not? Why, or why not?


200+ words, APA format, and one reference please


Music artists utilize language that degrades or puts down various groups in our society including women. Think about a current, popular song. What do the lyrics say about relationships, gender identities, love, and intimacy? Do you agree that the use of derogatory lyrics is free speech? Does the song use qualitative, textual, or rhetorical methods to portray their thoughts of various groups in society?

Read these below responses for the question and provide a SHORT  answer- address each student as if you were talking to them directly and give them your opinion on their response to the question- three separate answers for these three students.   Example did you like what they said? DO you agree or disagree and three sentences why



Topic 7 DQ 1

Music artists utilize language that degrades or puts down various groups in our society including women. Think about a current, popular song. What do the lyrics say about relationships, gender identities, love, and intimacy? Do you agree that the use of derogatory lyrics is free speech? Does the song use qualitative, textual, or rhetorical methods to portray their thoughts of various groups in society? Be sure to support your response with scholarly sources.

Dorothy Re: Topic 7 DQ 1

The Music artist that I have decided to go with is a song from an entirely different culture. The Music artist is Ammy Virk, Neeru Bajwa, Amberdeep Singh in lead roles It was good seeing a song that was not about video games, big cars, naked women, sexual contents. The song was a very relaxing song that makes you smile and appreciate the song and the culture of the characters in the song.

The lyrics are based on a relationship between a couple who has a love for each other and does not have much in their home, but love is more than material things. This Music lyric contains no derogatory lyrics because it is based on love. Even though I can not understand the language that is spoken in this video, you can read the facial expression.

This song artist uses textual methods to portray to a group of people in society. This music involves understanding languages, symbols, and pictures present to gain information on what the song is about. It also provides cues to ways through which the artists are using communication to get others to understand. “Therefore, multi-view text clustering presents a useful solution for trends detection by integrating various representations called ‘views’ to provide a complementary description of the same content. In this context, we propose a new ensemble method for multi-view text clustering that exploits different representations of text to produce more accurate and high-quality clustering” says, Maha, Hajkacem, & Essoussi. (2020). This movie is an Indian well known popular music but it has drawn attention to all different cultures around the world.

Zackery Re: Topic 7 DQ 1

While I have a song from 1990, I would certainly not call that a current or popluar song. That being said, I do not really keep up with popular music at all because I have an older taste in music, personally. I do not really enjoy the current trends in music today. I enjoy most genres, but many of them have changed over the years. But one constant has been a hard focus of hardcore rap music discussing drugs, maltreatment (best description I can use) of women, and basically no cares in world about reprecussions for their actions. THe song I chose is by Vanilla Ice, Ride that train. The lyrics speak of a one night stand after a show.

While he is discusses the actions between the two participants, he focuses on all the things she does to him and that he can’t physically handle the sexual “challenges”, so to speak. While this may be more of a mistreatment of him, by the female character, he is still objectifying females. The female discussed can be construed as any “roadie” of his time, for lack of a better term. One of the things that Flynn discusses is that objectification is primarily researched in music videos, lyrics offer a unique and unexplored perspective on the topic. That is what we are basically discussing here.

While the song was never on main stream radio, in the subculture, albeit small, of Vanilla Ice fans, this was considered a decent song by the artist. Personally, I thought the beat to the song was ok, but once I truly listened to the lyrics, I was no longer a fan.

This poses the real issue with some of these songs. I propose that many persons simply hear a beat and when they enjoy the beat, they listen to the song. Many fans don’t really listen to the lyrics of a song at first. I know this is a huge assumption. But I think it holds a lot of weight. How many times do we hear a song and bob our head when it is a beat we like? We might listen to the shortly thereafter, but not always. I do not think there is always a freedom of speech issue. The artist have the right to make the music they want to make. The radio stations have regulations they have to abide by when they air the music. There are sometimes censored (or clean) versions of the same music that is also released for radio. The issue now is the accessibility through streaming means which do not have the same regulations that radio stations have. This is something to consider.

Dwayne Re: Topic 7 DQ 1

I am a big country music fan but I know there are a lot of songs that are really negative or degrading towards women. I just heard a song on Pandora in the car yesterday that I used to listen to all the time but hearing it this time around again, I was shocked with the lyrics of the song. This song was Honky Tonk Badonkadonk by Trace Adkins and focuses on women’s physical appearance at a club and it is all about her bottom and how they love to watch them above all else:

“We don’t care bout the drinkin’
Barely listen to the band
Our hands, they start a shakin’
When she gets the urge to dance
Drivin’ everybody crazy
You think you fell in love
Boys, you better keep your distance
You can look but you can’t touch
That honky tonk badonkadonk
Keepin’ perfect rhythm
Make ya wanna swing along
Got it goin’ on
Like Donkey Kong
And whoo-wee
Shut my mouth, slap your grandma
There outta be a law
Get the Sheriff on the phone
Lord have mercy, how’s she even get them britches on
That honky tonk badonkadonk”

This song sees women not as relationship material but as a physical object to watch and enjoy. They don’t see these women as people with thoughts and feelings they are just there for men’s enjoyment. This is nothing new for the country music industry as a whole, especially in the more recent time periods. Between 2010 and 2014, country music songs were more like to focus on a woman’s appearance and treating women like objects than any other previous decade, especially with the recent trend in country music that has developed called “bro country” (Rasmussen & Rebecca, 2016). A reason for this may come from the fact that country music is extremely male-dominated with only 8% of Billboard charting singles being sung by woman (Rasmussen & Rebecca, 2016). While I don’t personally enjoy derogatory lyrics, I do think that they are covered under free speech. They can say and express their views in the lyrics no matter what they are and it is legally permissible. It may not be a good choice to do so more morally but legally they are perfectly able to do so and consumers can choose to listen to the lyrics or not.

From the case, during the 25 year period (1991-2006) please summarize BRIEFLY the general Performance (refer to Figure1 ) of India, choosing any six(6) specific items (these can be items within Economic, Social, Political. or International categories as identified-examples shown— in Figure 1/Country Analysis……..).  Figure 1 is in the picture I upload.

Read the case I uploaded and answer the following two questions:


(1)From the case, during the 25 year period (1991-2006) please summarize BRIEFLY the general Performance (refer to Figure1 ) of India, choosing any six(6) specific items (these can be items within Economic, Social, Political. or International categories as identified-examples shown— in Figure 1/Country Analysis……..).  Figure 1 is in the picture I upload.

(2) From the case, BRIEFLY describe the policies of India that restricted the country’s growth/performance. 


Double-spaced, bullet-point, outline format

Maximum one (1) page per  question (so maximum 2 pages in total)

Focus on “answering the questions” (repeat questions in response) 

Using your smartphone and a financial app, how do you deposit a check into your checking account? Name some financial apps introduced in this case.

Case Study 2-1. Become Your Own Banker

Using one of the many financial apps (most of them free) that are available for your tablet or smartphone these days, you can become your own banker. In fact, trips to the bank or even to an ATM could soon become a thing of the past. The new apps let you do all the functions that you could do on a bank’s Web site and more. For example, to deposit a check into your banking account, you can simply take a photograph of the front and back of the check, after which the app will ask you for the amount you want to deposit. Then you type the account number and then press “OK” to complete the deposit. With the Mint app (mint.com) from Intuit, you can even perform all sorts of analytics on your account. For example, you can establish a budget and keep track of the expenses in various categories, such as food, gas, and groceries. Another app that offers similar services is HelloWallet from hellowallet.com. Still other apps help you track and report work-related travel expenses. An example is an iPhone app called QuickShot. It allows you to take photos of your receipts, and the photos are automatically stored in an account on Dropbox, an Internet file-storage service.* Banks, brokerage firms, and other financial institutions have developed their own apps that simplify their customers’ financial interactions with the institution.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Using your smartphone and a financial app, how do you deposit a check into your checking account?
  2. Name some financial apps introduced in this case.
  3. What are some examples of analytics that can be done using financial apps?
  4. What are some other examples of financial apps? What are their applications?


 Develop your position about the individual rights to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society. · Survey the role of boards of health in your community and state to determine how communicable diseases are prevented and controlled.

Develop your position about the individual rights to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society.

· Survey the role of boards of health in your community and state to determine how communicable diseases are prevented and controlled.

250-word maximum without the reference(s).

·  Minimum of one reference, APA format.

·  Upload by Thursday at 11:59pm, week #4

·  Be prepared to discuss in class, week #5