write an article on learning as a lifetime experience Paper must be at least 1250 words.

Throughout my life, I continue to encounter numerous experiences, which significantly affect my perception and understanding of the occurrences in life. Through these experiences, I have learned numerous things that have enriched my life immensely. Though some occurred subconsciously, others were instigated discussions held between myself and friends.

While discussing various lifetime experiences with my friends, something I had always ignored occurred. My friend informed me of the inherent discrepancies present between environments where people grow up. The friend informed me of how he grew in a Muslim dominated society, and the difficult experiences he underwent as a Christian. With a majority of the people being Muslims, the childhood friends failed to understand the faith professed by my friend. The discrepancies in the fundamental teachings of the faiths caused numerous difficulties between the children professing different faiths. The children viewed each other as enemies creating immense tension and difficulty in creating friendships among children professing different faiths. After growing up, my friend’s understanding of the Islamic faith enabled him to appreciate individuals professing the faith.

My friend explained the various elements of the Islamic faith which caused the perception change. The discovery that a majority of the doctrines contained in the religions remain common across the religions was surprising. Through the explanation offered, I also gained an immense understanding of the Islamic religion. Although numerous accusations continue regarding the association of the Islamic faith with terrorism, stereotyping could be explained as the causing element for these accusations. The fact that there are quite many terrorists associated with the Islamic faith should not be a benchmark for all Muslims, terrorists. Stereotypical thinking with a limited understanding of Islamic faith leads to fallacious conclusions regarding religion.

As a child, I had also held this populist belief as true. My understanding of the Islamic religious doctrines displayed the religion as modeling terrorist.

prepare and submit a term paper on Domestic Violence Policy. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length.

Based on this, there has been the formulation of policies and reforms to safeguard potential victims (Davis, 1998, p. 43).

In Victoria, Australia, there has been an increase in the rate of domestic violence and statistics show an increase in homicide rates. As a result, there are calls for a review of domestic violence policy to determine what can be done to reduce such occurrences across the country. According to the opposition, the ruling party should not wait further so that it can act, if possible, a review of the laws should begin immediately. Such a duty will be left to the royal commission whose mandate will include a close examination of domestic violence and all the factors that affect it. These include health services, alcohol, education, criminal systems, and the courts. Of all these factors, alcohol stands out strongly as the leading cause of violence within homes. Statistics from a survey throughout Victoria, results show that in households where both or one of the couples took alcohol, the chances of domestic violence occurring was 53%. It was established that alcohol consumption blurred their thinking and left them very agitated, as such, they were more likely to be abusive to those around them. The commission will receive professional assistance from survivors and several support providers who have experience in dealing with such issues. According to the proposed chair of the panel, the judicial system has been lenient on domestic violence offenders and it was about time the Labor party made the appropriate changes to prevent the spread of this vice. He said the focus of the panel would be to deal with the matter while focusing on the causative factors. it is from this perspective that the relevant policies can be formulated (Pleck, 2007, p. 50).

However, statistics from Victorian courts show a different side to the domestic violence issue. Court documents prove that the rate of domestic violence has gone down over the last three years and prosecutions are few (Dutton, 2006, p. 77). Judges clarify that they have been strict on offenders in the recent past and, as a result, very few people are willing to bear with the consequences.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic effects of text messaging on teen literacy.

Mobile phones have made a huge impact on how people communicate. Nowadays, teenagers no longer use their phones to make calls to their family and friends, they use text messaging (Coe and Oakhill).

The use of text messaging services has grown rapidly since the year 1992 when the first text message was sent. In the year 2011, sixty percent of people from all over the globe were active in text messaging. this is a mind-blowing 4.2 billion people. Teenagers form the largest share of text message users, and this has created concern for parents, teachers, and linguists who claim that texting has affected the student’s schoolwork. In the United States, teachers are of the belief that students are making countless mistakes in essays and other writing assignments because of the abbreviation language style common in text messages. Pew Internet and the American Life Project found in their survey that sixty-four percent of teenagers have admitted to using some text messaging abbreviation style in academic writing (Coe and Oakhill).

Texting has positive and adverse impacts on the literacy skills of students. Educators claim that texting has adverse effects on the writing skills of their pupils. The issue of text messaging on teen literacy has received a lot of attention over the years. It is now common that “textisms” have adverse effects on teenage literacy, but some studies have shown that they have positive effects depending on the situation they are employed in. With much of the media attention being directed on the adverse impact of texting, some studies have shown that texting has positive effects on the students. One study showed that the more the abbreviated words were in use, the more the verbal reasoning tended to be. The study showed a clear relation between textism and verbal reasoning. Another study conducted on British students revealed that proficient literacy skills were used to decipher text messages. this shows that text messaging is leading to the development of literacy skills in teenagers. According to Drouin and Davis, text messages are associated with emoticons, acronyms and removing excess grammar and spelling parts.

write an article on aircraft systems Paper must be at least 3250 words.

Besides, all these active and highly efficient sensory system, modern aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art, machine vision and artificial intelligence-based versatile and robust systems. All the sensors and actuators used in the navigation panel of the pilot cabin work efficiently due to the CAT (computerized adaptive testing) system. This system is capable of generating a more robust and optimal solution to a problem faced by the navigation system. This system makes the airplanes more autonomous and is capable of communicating and helping pilots in unexpected situations. CAT systems are not only capable of providing output but are also provided with built in intelligence to study all the active parameters and provide an intelligent response to the pilot.

Above is the view of a typical electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) used in modern aircraft (Skybrary, 2013). In older aircraft, these EFIS were based on CRTs but with the advent of advances in electronics and CAT systems, more sophisticated EFIS was on demand. Therefore, the above shown EFIS is primarily based on liquid crystal display technology which makes the instrument display system a very colorful panel.

For the safe operational landing of commercial aircraft, an approaching aircraft gets guidance by the instrument of landing. This operation relates to the modulation of depth comparisons. Many recent aircraft use Autopilot systems to locate signals from these beams. The instrument of landing in most airports consists of a Glideslope and localizer. A localizer measures the difference in depth of modulation. Measurement of this depth relates to diverse pairs of directional antennas. A localizer refers to an array of antennas located beyond the point of departure of the airport. It provides lateral guidance to aircraft. Typically the system consists of two signals transmitted on one instrument landing system.&nbsp. One of the signal modulations is at 150Hz and 40Hz.

prepare and submit a term paper on Nephew Deployment to IRAQ. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length.

Nephew deployment to IRAQ Affiliation: “My beloved nephew Charlie of the nephew), military personnel present, family members, all distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Today is both a happy and sad day for me because I have to say goodbye to my beloved nephew who is being deployed for army duties in Iraq. It is sad to say farewell because we are not sure whether we will meet again and if so when that will be.

Charlie’s devotion to his work is what I believe has made his superiors decide to deploy him to Iraq to join his fellow servicemen to serve this country. I, therefore, have no doubt in my mind and am sure most of the family members will agree to this that Charlie will not let anyone down. He will continue upholding his values and do the country proud.

When you go out there Charlie, remember the other servicemen are your brothers and sisters. Take good care of them and always be the peacemaker and uniting factor. Obey your superiors as they know what is best for you. Above all, remember to pray to the almighty for protection and strength to move on despite everything that may be facing you out there in the foreign land. Never make any hasty decisions that may compromise your safety or that of your colleagues. We will be with you in spirit and prayers and may God grant you the necessary protection and wisdom. Take good care of yourself son, we are proud of you and we will miss you terribly. God bless you, my dear nephew.

Compose a 250 words assignment on the gender wage gap in america

The Gender Wage Gap in America

This essay serves to explicate the basic reasons for the under-payment of women. Occupational selections and gender roles are given as some of the reasons for this phenomenon. The American woman is, therefore, disadvantaged by situations beyond her control. You call on all Americans to be actively involved in solving this unfortunate situation.

Your thesis statement is “All Americans must actively seek to solve the gender wage gap, because solving the gender wage gap will benefit all Americans” addresses the need to pay women better wages (1). This is a pertinent issue in the field of gender studies, which is important to all Americans. Your thesis gives the first premise, the second premise is appropriately missing, and the conclusion is well stated. I, however, cannot find disagreement in your thesis and I think you should have how all Americans will benefit from the bridging of the gender wage gap.

I agree with your rebuttals that women are still the primary caregivers and tend to take more flexible jobs and that women tend to make occupational choices differently from men (2). I, however, must add that the issue of occupational choices is caused by socialization. Most women are socialized to believe that they cannot handle tough jobs which are a preserve for the males. Accordingly, such women choose to pursue less demanding jobs, which equally have lower pay.

The essay should be more accommodative to readers that may view this issue differently. You should lay more emphasis on how gender-based discrimination in wages affects every American whether male or female. You need to let the men know that you’re not blaming them for the issue, but the system instead. You should not make them feel responsible for the plight of women in terms of poor wages.

I appreciate that you have used various sentence structures. There are simple, compound, and complex sentences in the essay. Your ideas are flowing nicely. I, however think you should have addressed the issues that have led to gender-based wages in consecutive paragraphs without introducing the idea of racially discriminative wages. The latter discussion should come after the major points concerning gendered wages are concerned.

This essay is an eye-opener regarding the ways in which the American woman is discriminated against in terms of wages. You, however, need to be more precise on the ways in which an individual can contribute to finding a solution to the discrimination of women in relation to pay.

Work cited

Pilgreen, Sally. The Gender Wage Gap in America. April 28, 2013.Print.

prepare and submit a paper on book and you. Full When Books Speak Books are treasures.

They are sources of information that shaped people’s lives in the past and canshape modern lives as well. They do not just enrich one’s vocabulary but also enrich readers’ knowledge of different subjects. Books are as essential today as they have been in the past. In a world with technological advancements where information is easily accessed through the internet, it seems that books are becoming of lesser value than they ought to. It should then be realized that there are still a lot of advantages that printed materials bring to readers compared to what is contained in the internet. With the vast information one can get through the internet, the sources are often questionable that readers cannot always be sure if they have the right information from authorities or if they only have a biased information from a supporter or a critic of a certain subject matter. Concerning health, reading the printed material has no side-effects as compared to reading a software with the use of a computer that is known to cause certain cancers through the radiation emitted by the machine. These are just among the many importance of reading books in a computer age.

The books that have caught my interest are mostly novels. I used to read them for entertainment purposes but as I discovered the rich information contained in literary works, I became more observant about the places and people described in the stories I read. I often feel transported to another world where I seem to become a spectator of the events in the story that makes me see through a different angle of vision which is the author’s viewpoint. I came to understand other people and cultures as I read through the pages of the more informed authors. As a child, I have read story books with colorful illustrations. This started my interest in reading and as I grew older, I turned to more serious books like novels that help me become more critical of my environment. Sometimes, I borrowed books from my friends who often recommend good books to me and at other times, I trade some of my collections with their own. I bought some books that I really loved because whenever I have the time, I read them again. Some were also given to me as gifts.

One of my favorite authors is Dan Brown and I like his novel “Angels and Demons” a lot. It is a story of a symbologist who solves a divisive plan of the murders of Catholic Church leaders using the Illuminati, a famous secret society, as a façade in the execution of the plan. The novel seems to have been well-researched because of the information about the church and Illuminati used in the story. It is also very descriptive, the author seems to portray the scenes realistically, taking readers into an experience similar to watching a movie. The use of the Roman Catholic church is in itself an interesting twist in the story because it is known that the church teaches values that are commonly deemed good. However, its involvement in the story portrays the truths in real life that bad deeds occur even in such holy places. It also reflects scientific analyses which happen to be my line of interest. The events in the story are unbelievable but with the cruelties happening around the world, one cannot help but think about the possibilities of such fiction stories.

prepare and submit a paper on organization of big business.

According to Amy Edmondson, it is always hard to learn from failures since people do not appreciate them, and others do not like failures and most of the time they get defensive failing to acknowledge them. It is hard for employers to accept failures and therefore it becomes very hard for them to learn from them. Thus, most executive do everything to avoid failure and therefore, they do everything not to fail. This is what makes it so hard for them to accept that they fail sometimes.

It is important for big businesses to learn that big projects have bigger chances of failing especially when it is the first time they are working on the project. When big projects such as rebranding fail, the cause is not just a single failure, but small failures in different departments that end up causing the failure. However, mostly in such cases the executive would rather blame an employee rather than accept failure and learn from it. It is also important for organizations to keep trying through trial and error, learning from their mistakes and failures and with time success can be guaranteed.

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Machivelli. of Machiavelli’s The Prince

I have a logical reasoning behind my agreement with Machiavelli’s The Prince. The reason behind my agreement is merely because he has been able to keep an interrelated pattern of different behaviors of a human nature and also the ways in which this combination affects the politics in a wider spectrum. The true essence of politics is only evident when the human nature becomes conscious of the interests. This has been a focus of Machiavelli in his essay because politics are affected when one group is being threatened. In the essay of Machiavelli, the person is rather noted to be the individual that makes the changes, be it negative or positive.

In order to back up my ideal about the working schema of the essay by Machiavelli, there are some of the aspects that are being discussed here from the context of the essay (HistoryMuse.net). Machiavelli have noted that one should never intrude in one’s property because that may threaten the social security of an individual which may put him under the impression that he or she needs to be a rebel which affects the social environment. Those who appear greedy will always get a similar treatment in a society (YouSendit.com).

Issue # 1:

The first issue that is taken under debate regarding the text is that Machiavelli has shown a rather greedy side of a prince where he would be concerned about each and every aspect of the materials that may enforce him with power. I believe that this is not just a fake statement by the author because it is true in all dimensions. The monarchs or the government head always try to get more power if they have access to. If the material that provides power belongs to one person that the prince (representation of monarchs or the government) will be inclined towards that individual to gain power for authority.

Issue # 2:

Another issue which is merely regarding the attribute of a prince being fearful or loved is that Machiavelli suggested in his text that government needs to be sure of the fact of being loved or feared by its people. Some governments would like to be feared while other would be loved. As per the suggestion of Machiavelli, one should be able to feared and then loved. This is agreeable as the government needs to empower the people when they are given the right way.

Issue # 3:

The cruelty has also been considered as an aspect of argument. It is in the manner as stated by the author. Clement should be the way of governing rather than being cruel. The author has justified this stance in the form of governments in the previous times which went unsuccessful to provide developmental opportunities to their people. Consequently, these governments didn’t last for long.

Thus, it can be said that the guide that has been provided my Machiavelli in his essay The Prince seems to be effective in every logical ground of politics. It is because of this reason that I rather consider the essay to be agreed upon (HistoryMuse.net).

Works Cited

HistoryMuse.net. “Selections from Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince.” 2013. historymuse.net. http://www.historymuse.net/readings/MachiavelliPRINCE1513bv.htm. 18 February 2013.

YouSendit.com. “1-Machiavelli.MP3.” 2013. YouSendit.com. https://www.yousendit.com/dl?phi_action=app/orchestrateDownload&rurl=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.yousendit.com%252Ftransfer.php%253Faction%253Dbatch_download%2526batch_id%253DUW14MFhobEFrUm5FdzhUQw. 18 February 2013.

to write an article on analysis of the book the diving bell and the butterfly Paper must be at least 1000 words

Bauby’s illness made him unconscious for two weeks and later woke up with a paralysis that left only his left eye working. Jean-Dominique elaborates practical vision based on ordinary experiences magnified in words. The playwright reveals a significant environment of the changing modern literature through the characters.

Miraculously, Dauby was able to communicate with his left eye by blinking to dictate his words at a time, selecting letters as the alphabets were recited to him over and again to make a sentence (Bauby 36). Through these efforts, Bauby was able to compose a book, diving bell and the butterfly. Bauby’s paralysis condition known as locked- in syndrome is a rare condition, which, the patient’s minds are active, but their body parts are immobile. Bauby experienced an immense stroke, in the result of which the injury of the brain took place where the anterior part of the pons was injured. The events of the narration technique focus more on past memories that generate a concrete relationship between the audience and the characters. The book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is a reflective context that analyses the contemporary society through practical vision based on a playwright’s perception.

Bauby had two children and never married their mother his character signifying his way of being independent and selfish. Given the character, it was easy for Bauby to fall apart. Conversely, his condition proved him as a person strong and a persistence personality. His condition gave him motivation and time to reflect on his life and the people around him hence he did not quit. There was not a time in life, Dauby wrote about suicide considering his condition, and that proved his positive perception towards life. Bauby’s optimism towards life shows how people can withstand hardships and still thinks of the benefits (Borgo and Will 100).