Persuasive essay in which the writer encourages the reader to give in some way to a worthy cause. The writer must first select a licensed not-for-profit organization with a web presence before identifying a specific audience and appeal(s).

Persuasive essay in which the writer encourages the reader to give in some way to a worthy cause. The writer must first select a licensed not-for-profit organization with a web presence before identifying a specific audience and appeal(s). Please note that giving comes in all shapes and sizes and not just financial contributions.

Write a persuasive essay (no fewer than SIX pages in length) that encourages the reader to “give.”

This essay must include no fewer than FOUR SOURCES (the organization’s website may be one).

This essay must include no fewer than EIGHT citations and should be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author’s name.

**Please note that copying information word-for-word from a website is plagiarism. It is important that you use the information and cite accordingly. Plagiarism is a serious offense and grounds for failure. Please ask any questions before submitting questionable work

The essay must also include a Reference List that includes the website used (as well as others, if applicable).

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and explain the benefits and consequences of the “relaxed” level of significance.

Respond to one of your colleagues’ posts and explain the benefits and consequences of the “relaxed” level of significance.




A significance of 0.05 corresponds to a CI of 95%. A significance of .10 corresponds to a CI of 90%.  You know that using 90%CI is not ok.  Be conservative. It is safer.


I should also comment on meaningfulness.  Please do not confuse significance with meaningfulness.  A result might be statistically significant but very weak.  A very weak effect is not meaningful. You would not take any action based on a weak effect.


If the difference is not significant, then that might be meaningful.  Learning there is no difference that can be very useful information.


Correlation is not causation.  Just because a correlation exists between A and B does not mean A causes B.  Since you do not know whether A causes B, results are less meaningful than they might first appear.


This case is saying that the CI is 90%.  This is inadequate.








When conducting research, it is important to know what is being researched and how it will be used to implement social change.  There must be a research hypothesis and a null hypothesis, which is the opposite of the research hypothesis.  The confidence level is typically 99%,  95%, or 90% which will tell us the confidence interval will contain the population mean.  The higher the confidence level, the lower the margin of error.


The discussion paragraph stated “meaningful contribution to the literature based upon finding statistically significant”.  Just because a relationship between two variables is statistically significant does not mean that the relationship is important theoretically or practically (Frankfort-Nachmias et. al, 2020 p. 247).

The paragraph also stated the “traditional levels of significance to reject the null hypotheses were relaxed to the .10 level.  Relaxing the levels to .10 increases the margin of error.  According to J. Allright, “adjusting the levels is morally wrong” (personal conversation, December 29, 2020).


Frankfort_Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society  (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Search in the online library to find four scholarly journal articles that describe a plan for instituting organizational change.  Provide a brief evaluation of at least two different generic change models that might be used to address the change needed in your organization

In an APA format paper, describe three change theories. Make sure to at least:

A. Provide a brief background of the organization and identify the problem requiring change.

B. Search in the online library to find four scholarly journal articles that describe a plan for instituting organizational change.  Provide a brief evaluation of at least two different generic change models that might be used to address the change needed in your organization (An example of a scholarly change model is Kotter, J. P. (2005). Leading change. Leadership Excellence, 22(11), 5-6.  It is not required that you use this model.)

C. Provide a unique strategy for how the change effort would be implemented.  (The unique strategy is not intended to provide a solution to the problem, but detail how the change effort would implement the change.  This must be different from, but can be a combination of, the models described above.).

D. Describe how a manager would overcome resistance to change.

Please note that the assignment should be 5 to 6 pages in length (excluding title page and the reference page) following APA format 6th edition. Make sure to submit the assignment as a word document. Include references at the end of the assignment.

Compare and contrast      the roles of the practice (DNP) and research (PhD) scholar. How do these roles complement      one another in translating research into practice?

This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible

due Jan 6, 2021

Week 1: Comparison of the DNP and PhD Roles in Nursing

Only in collaboration, can DNP and PhD scholars support the delivery of safe, cost efficient, evidence-based quality health care. Reflect upon the roles of the practice and research scholar to answer the following questions.

  1. Compare and contrast      the roles of the practice (DNP) and research (PhD) scholar.
  2. How do these roles complement      one another in translating research into practice?
  3. How could these roles add      value in addressing a practice problem at your workplace?
  4. Please review the Graduate      Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)for complete discussion requirements.


DNP Discussion Guidelines and Rubric


The purpose of the graded collaborative discussions is to engage faculty and students in an interactive dialogue to assist the student in organizing, integrating, applying, and critically appraising knowledge regarding advanced nursing practice. Scholarly information obtained from credible sources as well as professional communication are required. Application of information to professional experiences promotes the analysis and use of principles, knowledge, and information learned and related to real-life professional situations. Meaningful dialogue among faculty and students fosters the development of a learning community as ideas, perspectives, and knowledge are shared.

Due Date

The initial posting to the graded collaborative discussions is due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Peer and faculty responses are due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. All posts for Week 8 are due by the close of class on Saturday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Please note that the late assignment policy does not apply to the collaborative discussions.

Discussion Criteria 

I. Application of Course Knowledge: The student post contributes unique perspectives or insights gleaned from personal experience or examples from the healthcare field. The student must accurately and fully discuss the topic for the week in addition to providing personal or professional examples. The student must completely answer the entire initial question.

II. Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue: The student responds to a student peer and course faculty to further dialogue.

a. Peer Response: The student responds substantively to at least one topic-related post by a student peer. A substantive post adds content or insights or asks a question that will add to the learning experience and/or generate discussion.

· A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the other student’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post.

• The peer response must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.

• The peer response must occur before Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT.

• The peer response does not require a scholarly citation and reference unless the information is summarized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

b. Faculty Response: The student responds substantively to at least one question by course faculty. The faculty question may be directed to the student, to another student, or to the entire class.

· A post of “I agree” with a repeat of the faculty’s post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post.

· The faculty response must occur on a separate day from the initial posting.

· Responses to the faculty member must occur by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT.

· This response does not require a scholarly citation and reference unless the information is summarized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

III. Integration of Evidence:

The student post provides support from a minimum of at least three (3) sources which may include assigned readings, or weekly module content, or outside scholarly sources. The scholarly source when used is: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) published within the last 5 years, and 4) an in-text citation. The student initial response to the graded discussion must include at least 1 source. Responses to peer and/or faculty, citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards then apply.

1. It is important that student utilizes support from the literature that is grounded in the literature providing sources relevant to the discussion posting. One source may come from the online weekly content.

2. Scholarly Sources

• Two (2) scholarly sources should be used in the discussion board assignments across the week.

• These include peer-reviewed publications.

• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources. However, in some assignments, support from textbooks may be used on a limited basis when accompanied with additional scholarly sources if specified in the assignment guidelines or with instructor approval.

• Scholarly sources may be present in the weekly readings and students may choose to utilize these.

• Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be used.

• Sources should be no more than five years old unless they are historical or seminal references or approved by your instructor.

3. Literature Sources:

• Grey literature is scholarly but not peer-reviewed. These resources can be used but do not meet requirements for peer-reviewed sources.

• Refer to the assignment guidelines to determine which grey literature sources (e.g., professional organization website, white papers) are appropriate to be used for discussions or assignments and would constitute receiving full credit for using this resource in the paper or discussion.

• Government reports are actually part of the grey literature – they are not peer reviewed and the government’s main purpose is not the publication of literature.

• Internet resources on dissertations, a form of grey literature, provide additional views on the scholarly level of this literature

• Papers written for Chamberlain College of Nursing should be the student’s original work and contain no more than one short quotation for every three pages or as designated in the assignment guidelines. Quotations should be avoided if possible.

(Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers, 2018)

IV. Professionalism in Communication: The post presents information in logical, meaningful, and understandable sequence, and is clearly relevant to the discussion topic. Grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate.

V. Wednesday Participation Requirement: The student provides a substantive response to the graded discussion question(s) or topic(s), posted by the course faculty (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.

VI.   Total Participation Requirement: The student provides at least three substantive posts (one to the initial question or topic, one to

a student peer, and one to a faculty question) on two different days during the week.


Discussion Criteria

Highest Level of Performance


Very Good or High Level of Performance


Acceptable Level of Performance


Failing Level of Performance



10 points

9 points

8 points

0 points


Application of Course   Knowledge:

Answers the initial discussion question(s)/topic(s), demonstrating   knowledge and understanding of the concepts for the week.

Addresses all aspects of   the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and   understanding.

Addresses most aspects of   the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and   understanding.

Addresses some aspects of   the initial discussion question(s) applying experiences, knowledge, and   understanding.

Does   not address the initial question(s).


10 points

9 points

8 points

0 points


Engagement in   Meaningful Dialogue With Peers and Faculty: 

The student responds to a student peer and course faculty to further   dialogue.

Responds to a student peer AND   course faculty furthering the dialogue by   providing more information and clarification, thereby adding much depth to the discussion.

Responds to a student peer AND   course faculty furthering the dialogue by adding some depth to the discussion.

Responds to a student peer and/or   course faculty, adding minimal depth   to the discussion.

No response post to another student or course faculty.


10 points

9 points

8 points

0 points


Integration of Evidence:

Includes assigned readings, or   weekly module content, or outside   scholarly sources.

Includes three sources to support concepts for the week.

A scholarly source is defined on page 2 of these guidelines. These sources   may be evident across the 3 postings.

Sources   are credited.*

At least 3 sources to support posts.

Sources are credited.* 

At least 2 sources to   support posts.

Sources are credited.*

At least 1 source to support posts.

No scholarly source provided to support posts.


10 points

9 points

8 points

0 points


Professionalism   in Communication

Presents   information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (0–1 error   patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents   information using clear and concise language   in an organized manner (2–3 error patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents   information using understandable language; information is not organized

4-5 error patterns   in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Presents   information that is not clear, logical, professional, or organized to the   point that the reader has difficulty understanding the post 6 or more error   patterns in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and/or punctuation).


5 points 

0 points 


Participation Wednesday Response: Responds to initial discussion question(s) by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT.

Posts a substantive response to   the initial discussion question(s) by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT.

Does not post a substantive   response to the initial discussion question(s) by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT.


5 points 

0 points 


Total Participation   


Participates in the discussion thread at least   three times on at least 2 different days.

Posts in the discussion at least   three times


on two different days during the   discussion week.

Posts fewer than three times


does not participate on at least two different days during the   discussion week.


NOTE: To   receive credit for a week’s discussion, students may begin posting no earlier than the Sunday immediately before each week opens. Unless otherwise specified, access to most weeks begins on Sunday at 12:01 a.m. MT, and that week’s assignments are due by   the next Sunday by 11:59 p.m. MT. Week 8 opens at 12:01 a.m. MT Sunday and closes at 11:59 p.m. MT Saturday.

A zero is   the lowest score that a student can be assigned.

Faculty may submit   any collaborative discussion posting to Turnitin in order to verify   originality.

* Using APA style and formatting, in text citations are included for   all sources. Matching references are included for all in-text citations. Due   to the formatting constraints of Canvas, references included in the   discussion must include complete information. Canvas will not allow a hanging   indent; it is not required.

(Rev 6_5 Subcommittee,  Rev 10/9/19 faculty/subcommittee, Rev 10/23/19 DNP Faculty meeting )

Discuss the Sikh code of conduct listed. How well do any or all of these codes correspond to your own moral/ethical code?

Part 1

Five Pillars of the Islamic faith: How could practicing the five pillars of the Islamic faith create a personal conflict with contemporary culture? How can practicing these five pillars enhance daily life?


Part 2

Discuss the Sikh code of conduct listed. How well do any or all of these codes correspond to your own moral/ethical code?



Chapter 13 discusses the most modern religious movements.



What preconceived notions or assumptions did you have regarding modern religious movements prior to your study of these traditions? Have they changed at all?


Please send on different docs


IT infrastructure to support team processes

IT infrastructure to support team processes

This Case is to cover team processes and the IT infrastructure to support team processes. For the IT infrastructure, refer to Module 3, Lecture 1: Business IT Networks and Components.

The IT infrastructure consists of components identified as hardware, software, communication systems, data resources, and people. These components apply to information systems, and in Module 3, you will be analyzing collaboration systems. You case will present findings on the IT infrastructure to support team processes discussing hardware, software, communication systems, data resources, and people for the selected tool or application, and providing a comparison across the various group collaboration tools.


To complete this assignment:

(1) Choose a collaboration tool that has functions beyond video conferencing such as Trello, Slack, Asana, Favro, etc. that help a team complete projects, communicate, share documents and keep versions of them, and other useful things.

(2) Then, assess that software application’s ability to meet the needs of a team in terms of: hardware needed to support it, software it may need to connect with, communication support, data resources it uses or provides, and how people on a team are supported by it. You are focusing on Infrastructure, not the app’s various abilities themselves.

The conclusion area should contain summary thoughts, including pros/cons and recommendations.

Assignment 2

Report One:  A Proposal

Purpose:  To Persuade

Page Length:  three to four pages single spaced except for headings


To prepare, reread Chapter 9.3 “Business Proposals” and read

The persuasive report can be written about various topics, but all persuasive reports have in common their purpose.

Topic:  The only restriction you have concerning topic is that it must be business-related.

Audience:  You can determine your audience for this project and include that information (person’s name and title) in the “To” line of the memo.

Writer:  You can assume a personae other than yourself by giving yourself a company title.  Your name and title go in the “From” line of the memo.

The memo part of your report serves as an introduction to the report and should also summarize it.

Purpose: Your purpose in this report is to persuade. You might persuade an audience to get money for a project or more money for yourself.  You might persuade your audience to start an onsite daycare or a food service and venue to provide employee meals.  You might persuade your audience to change a policy that is negative, for example the use of a potentially harmful substance or an attendance policy that is too punitive.  You might persuade your audience to adopt a positive policy, for example the manufacture of energy-saving devices, to enhance the company’s profile as environmentally friendly.

It took me two minutes to think of the above topics, and I say this not to brag but to illustrate how wide open the range of topics can be. The world of business is full of great ideas, and if you want to get attention paid to yours you must present them effectively.

No matter what topic you choose, pay attention to rhetorical appeals talked about in the textbook. Ethos, logos, and pathos must be used effectively to enhance your proposal.

It’s up to you to decide how/how much to develop your topic, but keep in mind that your purpose is to persuade and that means that you must provide evidence to back up your persuasive assertions.  If you use outside source material, use it sparingly and use legitimate sources.  Focus on developing your own ideas about the topic.  If you use source material, cite both in text (parenthetically) and at the end in a Works Cited or Bibliography.  You don’t need a separate page for the Works Cited or Bibliography if you have enough room on the last page of the report.  Reports without citations will receive a failing grade. You may use no more than two outside sources;  if you use more I won’t grade your report.




You’ll use headings to organize your report, but don’t forget that topic sentences are important in reports just as they are in other writing assignments.  Topic sentences guide readers through a paragraph’s content and are important for clarity, which is important to persuasion.  Don’t let headings take the place of topic sentences.

No matter how well developed a topic is, a reader won’t know what to do with information unless it’s connected by transitions.  Like any other writing assignment you’ve done, you need to use transitions to create logical connections between pieces of information.  Don’t let subheadings take the place of transitions.

Concluding the report can be done in several different ways.  Briefly, the conclusion of a persuasive report is a final summary of what the report discussed and a call for some kind of action on the part of the audience, whether it be to put a policy into place or change the reader’s mind about something.


Formatting reports is not exactly intuitive, and this may be the first time you’ve used headings. It helps to think about what good formatting accomplishes:  readability.  Headings help readability by helping the reader understand how material is broken down into separate sections. A readable report will present your ideas well and get you what you want in this persuasive endeavor.


Define the internal and external users of accounting data. What data would each group most likely want to review? Provide examples of each user type. Describe the role ethics plays in the operation of an accounting system. Include a couple of examples.

Complete a 3-part assessment in which you create journal entries for a variety of business events, test your recall of accounting fundamentals by answering a series of questions, and identify and prepare entries for the corporate ownership business type.

Although many small businesses might operate on a cash basis, most of the larger ones use the accrual basis to record business events in the general journal. Learning the language of business is very challenging. There are so many terms, procedures, processes, and dos and do nots that keeping track of all of them requires a separate space in one’s brain. There are three business ownership types: (1) proprietorship, (2) partnership, and (3) corporation. Many of their accounting transactions are similar. However, there are some business events that require special transaction handling in accounting entries.


By now, you have seen the end products in the operation of an accounting information system. However, you have not demonstrated how you got there. Getting there is a journey that takes a full accounting period (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) and involves analyzing and recording a series of organizational events or transactions. After all of the transactions have been recorded in a journal, the amounts are posted (transferred) to a ledger (storage for accounts).

The recording process begins with the transaction. Business documents, such as a sales slip, credit card receipt, check, invoice, or cash register tape provide evidence of the transaction. The accounting department assembles and analyzes all of this evidence to determine the transaction’s effects on specific accounts. Once recorded, the journal entry is transferred to the designated accounts in the ledger.

Questions to Consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

  • Consider that you have been asked to make a presentation before your organization’s board of directors on how financial information flows through an accounting information system. To make your presentation move smoothly from the beginning to the end and not to lose any of the board members (and to keep them awake), you have decided to make a chart that shows the flow of information and the steps necessary for their understanding. You also need to make some notes on each step so you have a cheat sheet. In making this presentation:
    • What application would you use to display it for a wow factor?
    • What information would you include?

Assessment Instructions

This assessment includes three parts. Use the template provided for each part to complete the assessment. The templates are linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading.

Part 1: Proprietorship Business Transactions

Although many small businesses might operate on a cash basis, most of the larger ones use the accrual basis to record business events in the general journal. In this assessment, apply your knowledge of various business events that require journal entries to be made.

For this part of the assessment, use the Assessment 4, Part 1 Template to create journal entries for each of the following business events for Magnolia Greens Frisbee Golf Course:

  • May 1: Invested $20,000 cash in the golf course business.
  • May 3: Purchased Hampstead Golf Land for $15,000 cash. The price includes land $12,000, shed $2,000, and equipment $1,000.
  • May 5: Paid advertising expenses of $700.
  • May 6: Paid cash $600 for a 1-year insurance policy.
  • May 10: Purchased golf discs and other equipment for $1,050 from Discs Are Us, payable in 30 days.
  • May 18: Received $1,100 in cash for golf fees earned (service revenue).
  • May 19: Sold 150 coupon books for $10 each. Each book contains four coupons that enable the holder to play one round of golf.
  • May 25: Withdrew $800 cash for personal use.
  • May 30: Pay salaries for part-time employees $250.
  • May 30: Paid Discs Are Us the full amount due.
  • May 31: Received $2,100 cash for fees earned.

Accounts to be used are given below:

  • Cash.
  • Prepaid insurance.
  • Land.
  • Buildings.
  • Equipment.
  • Accounts payable.
  • Unearned service revenue.
  • Owner’s capital.
  • Owner’s drawings.
  • Service revenue.
  • Advertising expense.
  • Salaries and wages expense.

Part 2: Accounting Knowledge Transfer

This part of the assessment allows you to demonstrate and reinforce your knowledge of business accounting terminology by transferring what is in your head onto paper.

For this assessment, use the Assessment 4, Part 2 Template to record your answers to the following short-answer questions designed to test your recall of accounting fundamentals.

  1. Define the internal and external users of accounting data. What data would each group most likely want to review? Provide examples of each user type.
  2. Describe the role ethics plays in the operation of an accounting system. Include a couple of examples.
  3. Select three among the several accounting conventions prescribed by law, regulators, and accounting organizations. For each selection, describe its purpose and provide an example of how it would be applied to an accounting system.
  4. Describe each of the three main financial statements—the end products of the work that takes place in an accounting system over a period of time—studied in the course. What does each statement present? Why is it important to prepare these? Who uses the information in the statements? Describe the interrelationship among the three statements.
  5. Discuss the rules of debit and credit as apply to each of the account types that would appear on a company’s balance sheet and income statement. Identify the normal balance for each account type and provide an example event for each. Analyzing business events requires the accountant to make several judgments about the facts contained in the event.

Part 3: Corporate Business Transactions

There are three business ownership types: (1) proprietorship, (2) partnership, and (3) corporation. Many of their accounting transactions are similar. However, there are some business events that require special transaction handling in accounting entries.

For this part of the assessment, use the Assessment 4, Part 3 Template to identify and prepare entries for the corporate ownership business type.

Imagine you are an accountant for J. Malone’s Law Firm, Inc. The accounts and transactions of the firm are listed below. Analyze each transaction. Identify the account or accounts to be debited and credited and, using the provided template, prepare a journal entry for each in the proper format.

Here is an example to record the owner’s investment to start the business:

  • Cash: $54,000.
  • Common stock: $54,000.

Use the following account titles for this scenario:


  1. Cash.
  2. Accounts receivable.
  3. Prepaid rent.
  4. Office equipment.
  5. Automobiles.


  1. Accounts payable.
  2. Interest payable.
  3. Note payable.

Owner’s Equity

  1. Common stock.


  1. Automobile expense.
  2. Rent expense.
  3. Utilities expense.
  4. Salaries expense.
  5. Interest expense.
  6. Telephone expense.


  1. Service revenue.


Justin Malone:

  1. Invested $54,000 in cash to start the business.
  2. Paid $3,000 for 3 month’s rent.
  3. Bought a used automobile for the firm for $16,000 in cash.
  4. Performed services for $3,000 in cash.
  5. Paid $400 for automobile repairs.
  6. Performed legal services for $3,750 on credit.
  7. Borrowed $25,000 from the local bank to help expand his business.
  8. Purchased office chairs for $2,100 on credit.
  9. Received $1,800 from credit clients.
  10. Paid $1,000 on account to reduce the amount owed for the office chairs (purchased in item 8).
  11. Issued a check for $560 to pay the monthly utility bill.
  12. Purchased office equipment for $8,400. Paid half in cash; the remainder to be paid in 30 days.
  13. Issued a check for $5,680 to pay salaries.
  14. Performed legal services for $1,850 in cash.
  15. Performed legal services for $2,600 on credit.
  16. Collected $1,600 on accounts receivable from charge clients.
  17. One month’s worth of rent (paid in item 2) has expired.
  18. One month’s interest $145 accrued on the note payable (from item 7).

How does organizational change relate to changing communities and/or markets? How critical is it to build diversity within an organization to effectively interact with diverse communities? How is this accomplished? Are there limitations?

Choose one of the questions below and provide a well-thought-out response. The response should be 200-300 words in length, reflect knowledge and comprehension of the subject, and include specific reference (with proper APA citation) to the assigned reading. Open the discussion and select Create Thread to post your response to one (1) of the questions in the list.

  1. How does organizational change relate to changing communities and/or markets?
  2. How critical is it to build diversity within an organization to effectively interact with diverse communities? How is this accomplished? Are there limitations?
  3. How does the understanding of Warriors, Sages, Adventurers, and Guardians inform the experience of organizational member feedback and evaluations?
  4. Which one of those four leadership frameworks/styles is best suited for community building?
  5. Explore the ideas of affirmation and empowerment as enabled or hindered by Patching’s four leadership frameworks/styles.

Locate a scholarly journal article that addresses research in the area of leadership and diverse communities and write a review to be submitted to the forum of the salient insights (250 words minimum).

Locate a scholarly journal article that addresses research in the area of leadership and diverse communities and write a review to be submitted to the forum of the salient insights (250 words minimum). Recent publication dates are encouraged.  Inform the cohort of the titles of the articles and where and when they were published. Please provide the URL address if it is located on the Internet. Adhere to the following for this assignment:

Prepare your report using Microsoft Word, 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced. Use the following criteria to save your file: last name_first name_article review1.docx. Click the title and select Create Thread to post your response. Select Browse My Computer to attach your completed Microsoft Word document.

Submit a 500-750 word referenced reflection on what you feel were the key items covered during the week and how they might apply to your present or future education, life, or ministry.

Submit a 500-750 word referenced reflection on what you feel were the key items covered during the week and how they might apply to your present or future education, life, or ministry. This is a very important part of the learning experience each week and should contain significant reflection on what you have learned.

Specifically, you should report on:

  1. What significant insights did I gain this week?
  2. How did what I learned affect my thinking about this week’s topic?
  3. What previous experiences relate to what I read and learned?
  4. How will I use (or have I used) this knowledge in my work, ministry, or life?
  5. What could I additionally learn or explore about this week’s topic?

The above five (5) weekly reflection questions are independent of each other, meaning that your response to each question may or may not be a continued discussion of the previous question. It is possible to have five (5) entirely different responses to five (5) different aspects of what you learned this week.

To score well, the reflection must make reference to the assigned reading (including parenthetical references), will include suggested real-world manifestations of the course material, and will include a plan for implementing the material in a personal and/or professional setting. Adhere to the following for this assignment: