Create a 1 page page paper that discusses develop a tv-show.

Entertainment-education is a strategy that has been applied to maximize the reach and effectiveness of messages…” If we talk about the demographic profile of the audience, both the sexes, and both the genders, can see this TV show and benefit from it. The education level must be a graduation, in order to better understand the theme behind the show. There is no limitation of ethnicity or race since everybody is invited to take benefit from this show, without giving regard to ethnic or racial differences. The show will be broadcasted in (type the name of your country here), but slowly it will be promoted to other countries, because for us, all children are the same, and the profit of all children belonging to the whole world, is wanted. However, the teachers and parents must be at the income level where they can afford to get their children to watch the show through DVDs, or by taking them to cinemas. At present, the area of the intended audience’s residence is urban, but it will be carried to suburban and rural levels very soon through the efforts of our team.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses surface modeling in the conception, design, and documentation of products in industry.

AutoCAD Electrical and electrical engineers are interconnected. AutoCAD Electrical software is designed specifically for electrical engineers. In this paper, first, the technology of AutoCAD Electrical software is described along with its tools and features. AutoCAD Electrical is a successful software and businesses are adopting the software for their designing needs. AutoCAD Electrical facilitates with many features that accommodate electrical engineers with better opportunities for designing and drafting electrical applications.

In the electrical industry, AutoCAD Electrical software is employed for designing operations and many businesses are shifting from AutoCAD to AutoCAD Electrical because of the efficacy of the software. It is said that AutoCAD Electrical software is designed with better features as compared to AutoCAD. It also helps in making non-electrical designs into electrical designs.

After the development of AutoCAD Electrical software, the working procedures of the electrical industry are affected a lot as with AutoCAD Electrical software, the designing procedures are faster, accurate, reliable, supportive, and flexible. The future of AutoCAD Electrical software is very bright as it is made cost-effective and effective. The organizations are adopting the software for their business operations related to designing and drafting.

AutoCAD Electrical is a technology that is gaining a reputation with time. Because of the efficacy of the software, businesses are accessing the software for their needs. AutoCAD Electrical is the enhanced version of AutoCAD that is considered a world leader in the development of 2D and 3D designs and drafting (Brunette, 2007b). AutoCAD Electrical is the application software that is designed especially for electrical engineers for accommodating them in designing electrical applications and designs (Chadwick, 2006). The software is designed by Autodesk that has previously designed AutoCAD (Pfeifer, 2007). The software has come up as a major support in the electrical industry because of its specification in terms of the electrical field (Shaum, 2006). AutoCAD Electrical can be used by mechanical and electrical engineers collaboratively.

This quiz tests your understanding of the two assigned books, “Drive” and “First Break All the Rules.”  Respond to each question completely. If I ask you to defend a position, I expect you to see your opinion.

This quiz tests your understanding of the two assigned books, “Drive” and “First Break All the Rules.”  Respond to each question completely. If I ask you to defend a position, I expect you to see your opinion.

If your response is based solely on these two books, you do not need to cite a source.  If you chose to use external references to support your argument, e.g., the Internet, remember to cite the sources properly.


1. What does the Encarta versus Wikipedia story tell you?

2. What did we learn from the Lepper and Green study of children at play? (Hint: expected, not expected, no reward.)

3. What was the learning point from the Dan Ariely’s study in Madurai, India? Hint: (Respondents played several games earning the sum of four, 40, or 400 rupees.

4. Some argue that companies that spend the most time concentrating on quarterly earnings deliver significantly lower long-term profits? Do you agree? Defend your answer?

5. What was the author’s belief about contingent (do this and get this) rewards?


First Break All the Rules

1. The authors claim that the relationship with the immediate supervisor is the most important?  Do you agree? Defend your answer.

2. Do you agree that you can treat all employees the same? Defend your answer.

3. Some argue that “the only way to generate enduring profits is to cultivate an environment that attracts, focuses, and retains talented people.” Do you agree with this statement? Defend your position.

4. Scientific Management Theory and some authors will tell you that there is “one best way” to perform every role. With time and study, you can find that “one best way” and teach it to everyone. Do you concur? Defend your answer.

5. The authors claim that the cause of non-performance may be the manager—tripping the wrong trigger, e.g., trying to motivate a non-competitive person with contests or a shy person with public recognition. Do you concur? Defend your answer.

What is the relationship between the structural instability of politics in Milan and the structural instability of politics on the island? Review the “Reading Questions” for The Tempest

Q1   (only read Shakespeare_The Tempest and reading question)

Please write 150 words on the relationship between two or more of the various usurpation plots in the play (Antonio usurping Prospero in Milan, Sebastian and Antonio usurping Alonso on the island, Caliban, Trinculo, and Stefano usurping Prospero on the island).

What is the relationship between the structural instability of politics in Milan and the structural instability of politics on the island? Review the “Reading Questions” for The Tempest, especially the parts about who was king of England at the time Shakespeare wrote the play, and comment on what you think the original audience(s) might have thought about all the emphasis on the wobbly politics of power in the play. Your post must contain at least 2 quotes from the play to support your claims.

Please note that you must include your quotes at the beginning and that they do not count as part of the word limit.

Q2(  read Shakespeare_The Tempest and Cesaire, Aime_A Tempest)

150-200 words max

At one point, when his director-friend, Jean-Marie Serreau, asked Césaire if he really wanted to undertake the adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Césaire apparently said: “Ok, but I want to do it my way. When I’d finished the job, I realized that there wasn’t much Shakespeare left.”

In this post, please pick a specific character or production element or plot change (for example, the introduction of a new character, the ending of the play, a new scene, a change in the character’s attitude) in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Césaire’s A Tempest and use it to make an argument about how much Shakespeare there is left in Césaire. You must use 2 quotes from each play (4 quotes in all!).

For this assignment, you will research a group/culture that you are unfamiliar with.  You will need to use concepts learned throughout the course. 

Diversity Research Paper


For this assignment, you will research a group/culture that you are unfamiliar with.  You will need to use concepts learned throughout the course.  You will need a minimum of 10 credible sources.  The research paper must be approximately 8 – 10 pages in length (title page and references not included), 12 font (Arial), double spaced, and written in APA (or MLA).  Your analysis should include but not limited to:


  • What is the cultural history/background of the group? Remember, you are introducing the group to your audience.


  • What are some common experiences this group shares?


  • What are potential biases or stereotypes of this group? Who holds these particular stereotypes?  How can these stereotypes affect workplace diversity and inclusion?


  • In the last five years, discuss the demographic shifts with this group. What are the current issues and trends with this group?  Describe how these issues inform and influence the workplace in regard to diversity and inclusion?


  • Identify potential discriminatory policies that would affect this group?  Provide alternative policies to would be inclusive to the group.


  • Describe potential “dos and don’ts” when leading or working with individuals from this group.


  • What insights does your analysis provide those in leadership roles on how to create a more inclusive workplace?


  • In your conclusion, provide a summary of what you learned from this assignment and how did it change or strengthen your views of the group.




Essay will be graded as follows:


10 – 9           Excellent paper is well written, clearly answers the items for the assignment.


9 – 8            Good paper but has errors in the writing.


8 – 7            Fine job but has writing errors and there are some issues with the analysis.


7 – 3              Poor job that does not show pride in work or that time and effort was spent.


2 – 1              Turned in something but does not meet the requirements at all


0                  Missing




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provide a 500 word minimum post in which you discuss how you’ve been politically active in the past or plan to become more politically active in the future. What issues are most important to you? How might you go about making change within this context?

provide a 500 word minimum post in which you discuss how you’ve been politically active in the past or plan to become more politically active in the future. What issues are most important to you? How might you go about making change within this context?

In section one, describe the history and development of two personality theories covered in the course as it relates to explaining human behavior in general.

Term Paper Instructions



Please read the instructions for the term paper assignment below.

Papers that do not conform to the assignment specifications may not be accepted.




A common application of personality theory is a case study of a single individual that applies one or more theoretical views to understanding a person. A good case study explains the causes of a person’s current behavior, makes predictions about their future behavior, and provides the information required for interventions designed to change the person. For example, a case study may be used to assist psychotherapy, personnel decisions (e.g., hiring, firing), legal decisions (e.g., parole, amicus briefs, insanity adjudication), educational placements (e.g., special education programs, admissions decisions), etc.


The term paper should be a minimum of five pages, double spaced, and should consist of three sections: Background, Explanation, Comparison.

In section one, describe the history and development of two personality theories covered in the course as it relates to explaining human behavior in general.

In section two, explain a particular behavior pattern of an individual using each of the two theories you described in section one.  Describe how each theory would explain the causes of the behavior pattern.

In section three, explain how and why the two theories differ in their explanations of the behavior pattern.  Indicate how each would make a different prediction about the future progression of the individual’s behavior.


The final term paper should be a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced.  Each of the three sections should have the headings above underlined and should be approximately two pages.

The paper should be written in APA (Links to an external site.) style. The text book is written in APA style and should serve as a model for the assignment’s style and format.  Students should be especially attentive to APA writing style (Links to an external site.):

Surveillance and Reporting: Current surveillance methods and mandated reporting processes as related to the chronic health condition chosen should be specific. disease chosen is cystic fibrosis



This paper should clearly and comprehensively discuss a chronic health disease.

Week 6 Paper:  Cystic Fibrosis 

The data should reflect the United States.  My state is Maryland, My county is Howard, My city is laurel 

The paper should be organized into the following sections:

  1. Introduction (Identification of the problem) with a clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance and a scholarly overview of the paper’s content. No heading is used for the Introduction per APA current edition.
  2. Background and Significance of the disease, to include: Definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics by state with a comparison to national statistics pertaining to the disease.  Create a table of incidence and prevalence rates by your geographic county/city or state with a comparison to national statistics. Use the APA text for formatting guidelines (tables).  This is a table that you create using relevant data, it should not be a table from another source using copy/paste.
  3. Surveillance and Reporting: Current surveillance methods and mandated reporting processes as related to the chronic health condition chosen should be specific.
  4. Epidemiological Analysis:  Conduct a descriptive epidemiology analysis of the health condition. Be sure to include all of the 5 W’s:  What, Who, Where, When, Why.  Use details associated with all of the W’s, such as the “Who” which should include an analysis of the determinants of health.  Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.
  5. Screening and Guidelines:  Review how the disease is diagnosed and current national standards (guidelines).  Pick one screening test (review Week 2 Discussion Board) and review its sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and cost.
  6. Plan:  Integrating evidence, provide a plan of how a nurse practitioner will address this chronic health condition after graduation.  Provide three specific interventions that are based on the evidence and include how you will measure outcomes (how will you know that the interventions have utility, are useful?)  Note:  Consider primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions as well as the integration of health policy advocacy efforts.  All interventions should be based on evidence – connected to a resource such as a scholarly piece of research.
  7. Summary/Conclusion: Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of the keys points from each section of the paper utilizing integration of resources.
  8. The paper should be formatted and organized into the following sections which focus on the chosen chronic health condition.
  9. Adhere to all paper preparation guidelines (see below).

TEXTBOOK:  Curley, L. A., & Vitale, A. P. (2016). Epidemiological Methods and Measurements in Population-Based Nursing Practice: Part II. In Population-Based Nursing, Concepts and Competencies for Advanced Practice (2nd ed.

Preparing the Paper:

  1. Page length: 10 pages, excluding title page and references.
  2. APA format current edition
  3. Include scholarly in-text references throughout and a reference list.
  4. Include at least one table that the student creates to present information. Please refer to the “Requirements” or rubric for further details.  APA formatting required.
  5. Length: Papers not adhering to the page length may be subject to either (but not both) of the following at the discretion of the course faculty: 1.  Your paper may be returned to you for editing to meet the length guidelines, or, 2. Your faculty may deduct up to five (5) points from the final grade.

Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Week 5 Assignment: Ethical and Cultural Perspectives of Inquiry Paper



Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic.

  • Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
  • Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
  • State your research questions in your paper’s introduction.
  • Form the body of your paper by answering each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research).
  • In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
ETHICAL Perspective of Inquiry

·         What laws govern or pertain to the issue?

·         What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue?

·         How do ethical theories apply to the issue?

·         How do money, power, and control matters relate to the issue and its treatment?


Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
CULTURAL Perspective of Inquiry

·         Which cultural values and/or norms influence the issue?

·         How is the issue addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations?

·         Which cultures or societies are most affected by the issue? Why?

·         Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)?


Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering).


How did the projects in which you were involved allow you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in meeting the outcomes of your program?

SPT 492 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Internships offer a preliminary view into the industry and career path you have been working toward throughout your academic experience here at
SNHU. Through this internship, you will have the opportunity to challenge yourself by applying theoretical knowledge and program outcomes; communicating
ideas, suggestions, and relevant information; identifying areas for professional self-development; and reflecting upon the experience gained.
In this assessment, you will reflect on your internship experience by creating part of an internship brief. The real-world working environment is dynamic and
complex, and some things can only be experienced in a real-world setting. Your internship brief will look at how the things you have learned in the classroom
translate to a real-world work setting, as well as what things took place that were never mentioned in the classroom. Prompt: This milestone will help you complete one of the three components for Final Project Part One, the internship brief. In this assessment, you will develop
an internship brief that reflects on your internship experience. Your brief will reflect on how concepts, theories, and practices are used within a real-world work
place, and how they can be applied to your future professional goals.
Specifically, these following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Programmatic Knowledge
A. How did the projects in which you were involved allow you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in meeting the outcomes of your
B. Describe an experience that required you to apply management or leadership theory. How did your experiences allow you to demonstrate what
you’ve learned? Support your response with examples.
C. Describe the differences between the theories you learned in the classroom and the workplace practices in this internship