Write 6 pages with APA style on Inequality in the American Society.

In order to conduct extensive research, I will have to look for some of the most authoritative, sound, and reliable book, journal, and article resources to use as references in my research. Apart from helping me to have a baseline source of argument, it will enable me to produce excellent research which can be relied upon by the readers and anyone else who might be planning to conduct further research on this area. A careful selection of resources to use will definitely make my research to be accurate, valid, and credible. Therefore, a part of my two primary sources, I will have to add six more references to be used as secondary resources. These will enrich my research and makes it to be quite exhaustive.

This short story was written by Carver Raymond and published by the Atlantic Monthly Press in 1988. Here, Raymond Carver addresses several issues associated with the development of an unequal society. Carver argues, ‘The disparity existing within the society is based on the development of the opinion and the social segregation in the whole process.’ Likewise, racism has been passed over from slavery to the end incorporation of the current corporate racism as revealed in society.

When doing research about inequality in the USA, I would use it as one of my credible and authoritative resources. This is because it will provide me with adequate information about the causes of inequality in the country. Besides, it will enable me to take a journey through the challenging issues of inequality and racism. These are very important issues that need to be captured in my research.

This story is a product of extensive work by Raymond Carver. The 1983-published short story takes the reader through a journey of self-actualization. The story is minimal with only three characters namely the narrator, the main&nbsp.character’s wife, and the third party being the blind man Robert.&nbsp

submit a 500 words paper on the topic Pre-Lab-Tyrone Hayes Discussion on Atrazine.

In a few sentences please describe the problem that Dr Tyrone Hayes is talking about in his lecture.

The problems Dr Tyrone Hayes is talking about in his lecture relates to the harmful effects of pesticides and other chemicals. The concentration of chemicals to waters is a harmful process. Concentrations of these pesticides within living organisms then provide a breeding place for the cancer cells. The concentration of various chemical causes dysfunctions. This pertains to the non-functionality of some of the body organs and growth irregularity.

What was the part of the video that was most intriguing to you?

The most intriguing part of the video was the scientific manner in which the toxic effects of atrazine and DES were related in rats to humans. The fact that smaller creatures are able to simulate and identify potential effects of pesticide exposure on humans is most intriguing.

Overall Questions

Discuss the pros and cons of animal testing. Do you think that testing on animals is justified?

Animal testing is an integral part of the product and drug trails before their commercialization. The benefits of testing animals are the fact that it acts as a prototype through which the effects of the drug or product on human life can be simulated. The value of human life cannot be compared with that of animals, for this reason, these product or drug trials cannot be tested on humans directly. The research helps increase the yield and betters result. On the negative aspect, the testing exacerbates the animal to early exposure and diseases. Others argue that testing effects on animals do not accurately simulate human’s response to the same drugs. This creates a problem associated with misleading results.

Do you feel that testing upon animals gives accurate results that can be related to humans? Support your reasoning.

Animal testing is essential in order to simulate and understand the effects of toxicity in humans. This is proven by vaginal cancer and uterine deformities in offspring of rats that were exposed to DES. Offspring’s of humans that had been exposed to DES also developed similar symptoms as those seen in rats. The DES exposure case similarity in rats and humans clearly pointed out that animal testing does give accurate results that can be related to humans.

What did Tyrone Hayes say about using rats to simulate humans? Does he think that they are accurate results? Why? Why not?

Dr Tyrone Hayes talks about using rats to simulate the effects of toxicity in humans. Dr Hayes argued that effects of toxicity in rats reflect possible effects of exposure in humans. He presented the case of DES exposures in both rats and humans. DES exposure caused vaginal cancer and uterine deformities in offspring of those rats that had been exposed. Similarly, DES exposure in humans has caused similar symptoms to develop in offspring. Similarly, Atrazine exposure in humans can cause the same effects that it causes in rats.

If you were a farmer that dependent on the high yield of crops for a living do you think that you would use atrazine on your crops? Assume that using herbicides and pesticides would ensure that your yield produced is enough to sustain your business.

The usage of atrazine on crop production is dangerous. Atrazine has been found to cause prostate and mammary cancer, immune failure and abortion in rats. It is clinically known that rats simulate human effects. Since the use of other herbicides and pesticides are sufficient to sustain a business, then the use of atrazine is not justified. For this reason, I as a farmer would take up alternate practices to increase crop yield instead of using atrazine.

prepare and submit a paper on setting legal drinking age.

This argument is put forward keeping in view the fact that most teenagers do drink despite bar on their legal age to start drinking.

However, despite the fact, many teenagers drink before their legal age, the Federal government should retain the Minimum Legal Age of 21 as lowering the drinking age would expose the teenagers to more risky behaviors like abnormal sexual derive, higher alcoholism rates besides hampering their brain development.

To start with, underage alcohol drinking is one of the major causes of deaths in teenagers mainly due to injuries. These injuries include not the only car crashes due to drunk driving but also include falling and drowning, homicides as well as suicides. Accidents through motor vehicles are considered the leading causes of death among children aged between 15 to 21. Apart from that adolescents are already exposed to high risk due to the lack of driving experience whereas the children under the age of adolescences have high respectability to driving accidents as use of alcohol impair their driving skills therefore lowering the MLDA would result in an increase in the injury and death among youngsters. This argument can be further substantiated from the fact that during the Vietnam War era, many States reduced the minimum age of drinking mainly due to the lowering of the age for military enlistment and voting however the results were worst than expected. There was a steep increase in alcohol traffic fatalities and other allied injuries caused to the teenagers who were allowed to drink legally at a much lower age. However, subsequently, when the MLDA was raised to 21, there was a sharp decline in the same. Data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from 1975 to 2002 suggested that an increase in the minimum age for drinking has saved more than 21 thousand lives in 50 states of the country. The forecasts by NHTSA also suggest that the current MLDA would save approximately 1000 lives each year. Apart from that road accidents in 1982 due to drinking were counted for 60% of the fatalities in the US however the same figure has reduced to just 39% in 2005. These statistics clearly suggest that the current MLDA is perfect in at least reducing the social cost for the government.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses should society help the homeless.

&nbsp.According to Fargo there were a total of more than 0.13 million homeless veterans in seven different jurisdictions of United States and several more were at a risk of being homeless (According 9). This means that only amongst the veteran population such a huge number of people are homeless and this even means that the probability of homeless people in other populations and jurisdictions of US is quite high. The society members are making efforts to help the homeless people in United States. Due to the moves made by the government and the society to help the homeless people there has been a debate on whether the society should continue to help the homeless people or not. I believe that the society should continue to take measures to help the homeless and more effective and efficient measures need to be taken by the society to tackle and completely wipeout homelessness from United States. The society and the citizens of United States should help the homeless people in order to deter crime, share government’s burden and to achieve a better (prosperous) future for the society.

One of the main reasons due to which the society needs to increase and continue its efforts to help the homeless people of US is that these measures can help in decreasing rate of crime and deter homeless people from committing criminal activity. All human beings are rational choice makers and if they believe that a particular decision can yield higher advantages than disadvantages, they are more likely to take that decision. Homeless people always feel a desire to satisfy one of their basic needs which is to obtain shelter and individuals are motivated by this basic necessity to take different actions to earn money and satisfy this needs. If homeless people perceive that by indulging in criminal&nbsp.activity they can obtain the funds to finance their need for a shelter, they are most likely going to indulge in criminal activities such as robbing banks or other individuals.&nbsp.

write an article on techniques for dynamic analysis for understanding the operation of executables Paper must be at least 1500 words.

While undertaking a maintenance task, it is essential to make out and to trace the portion of code that requires altering depending on the perception that is acquired by executing the software and consultation with its use-cases. It is relatively easy to locate a portion of code that requires changing if the system is well documented and high-level documents can be traced to the source code. However, this is rarely the case since the only information available regarding the system is the source code itself. Such instances call for maintainers to read and scrutinize the source code, which may be time-consuming and tiresome since implementing a feature may entail multiple modules and classes.

In an attempt to decrease such a labour-intensive endeavour, various techniques have been developed to automatically identify the software’s features and to trace these features to the source code that executes them. Static analysis techniques are inadequate for an understanding of executables in a large software system and to establish its features, therefore, static analysis techniques ought to be accompanied by complementary dynamic analysis techniques. In most cases, this is completed by instrumenting the software code, executing its pertinent features via a prowler, and then analyzing the execution traces to establish the portions of the code that were executed by the features.

Using necessary tool support, this approach permits developers to situate the code of interest promptly and easily. It can also disclose run-time relationships between modules and between classes, including thread contacts for multi-threaded systems, which static analysis alone cannot detect.

Dynamic analysis is a method used to study the performance of software systems by running it and observing its actions. Despite the existence of techniques based exclusively on static information, hybrid techniques combining static and dynamic information offer a more precise or a quicker solution.&nbsp.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: A Health Promotion Intervention for Adolescents Suffering from Depression.

Teenagers are in a stage vulnerable to a variety of emotions. Biologically, their bodies undergo a number of changes, and their hormones trigger emotions that may be unfamiliar to them making it difficult to handle. Adolescence is a time when people may need a support system to help them understand many life situations that may be difficult to process.

It is alarming to note that adolescent depression is often related to suicide, the third leading cause of death for those aged 15-24. In 2002, 1531 youth between the ages of 15 and 19 committed suicide (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2005). According to the CDC Web site, “Adolescents and young adults often experience stress, confusion, and depression from situations occurring in their families, schools, and communities. Such feelings can overwhelm young people and lead them to consider suicide as a ‘solution’” (CDC, n.d.). Evans, Van Velsor, and Schumacher (2002) called adolescent depression “one of the most overlooked and undertreated psychological disorders” within this period of development (p. 211). A chilling statistic compiled by Columbia University: 60% to 80% of adolescents with depression go undiagnosed or untreated (Morais, 2007).

Depression is usually manifested with negative behaviors stemming from negative emotions. Sometimes, the person experiencing it is not even aware that he is undergoing depression. Brent and Birmaher (2002) noted that depression in both children and adolescents is not always featured by sadness, but rather takes the form of irritability, boredom, and the inability to find pleasure. Symptoms of depression may also vary depending upon the stage of adolescence. Younger adolescents may show more anxiety-related symptoms—clinging behaviors, unexplained fears, and physical symptoms—while older adolescents may experience a greater loss of interest and pleasure and also have more morbid thinking (Mondimore, 2002). Lewinsohn, Rhode, and Seeley (1998) found that nearly 89% of depressed adolescents reported disturbances in sleep. Other symptoms that were frequently reported included a disturbance in weight/appetite (79.5%) and anhedonia (77.3%).&nbsp.&nbsp.

prepare and submit a paper on the sun as an energy source.

Solar energy is the most experienced form of energy due to its accessibility, and the ease of converting solar energy to electricity. Many solar energy conversion technologies present sustainable and promising potentials in providing renewable energy that does not only reduces the cost of electricity but could also deliver effective mitigating solutions to the environmental problems we have today.

The International Energy Agency expresses its confidence over the positive impacts that solar energies could bring to the world. The agency states that the creation of low-cost, unlimited and untainted solar energy technologies will have “huge longer-term benefits” (International Energy Agency, “Solar Energy Perspectives”). The energy agency adds that the stable generation of solar power through the use of solar energy conversion technologies will ensure energy security in many countries. and will cut dependence on power plants that use radioactive materials, which are potentially pernicious to human health. It will also lower down the energy cost, improve sustainability, will help reduce pollution, and will lessen the effects of climate change. Therefore, the agency stresses that since this innovative approach requires a substantial amount of financial investments, careful planning must be employed for an efficient expenditure of financial resources (International Energy Agency, “Solar Energy Perspectives”).

Normally, the Earth obtains a sizeable load of radiation from the sun. On average, our planet takes at least 174 pent watts of solar energy (Smil 240). Of this, 70 percent is absorbed by the Earth by the clouds, oceans, and ground forms including the mountains and the plains among others. The sun’s rays could either be&nbsp.direct or diffuse (SECO, “Solar Energy”). The direct solar radiation is a type of radiation that travels straight from the sun to the surface of the Earth, on its upper atmosphere.&nbsp.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses martin luther kings strategy for gaining civil rights.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr created history by supporting the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King used&nbsp.nonviolence as his weapon of protest, and his powerful oratory captured the attention of the Americans. He was successful in convincing many people to join in the movement against civil apartheid. This brought about the demise of segregation (Huang).

He had faced a number of challenges in carrying out his lifelong mission to procure civil justice. His house was bombed by his opponents and he was imprisoned on several occasions. For instance, in 1963, King was arrested and jailed in Birmingham for a week on the charges of having disobeyed a court order that had banned protest marches. He continued his efforts to motivate people to fight against civil injustice after release from jail. In one such demonstration, the racist Police Commissioner Eugene Connor instigated the predominantly, white police force to let loose dogs and to use water cannons against demonstrators. King successfully delivered a speech with his trademark powerful oratory, wherein he called upon the nation to implement equal justice to all the citizens of the US (Huang).

The Constitution of the United States guarantees several rights to individuals, like the freedom of speech and assembly. Martin Luther King’s movement for civil rights during the 1950s and 1960s put those guarantees to the test. Martin Luther King employed nonviolent protests, like marches, sit-ins, and rallies, to achieve social change. His main aim was to bring about equality for all people irrespective of their race. He adopted nonviolence as his strategy and his example has become the standard for a number of movements (Gonzalez).

The Rosa Parks’ incident took place in the month of December 1955. She was arrested and incarcerated for having refused to give her seat on a bus to a white person. This was in violation of Alabama’s bus segregation legislation.

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: Impact of Globalization on Workers, Cultures, and Environment.

Technology is also paving way for various cultures and business opportunities to be traded in foreign settings. Thus, technology influences globalization. Globalization is the connectivity of different aspects touching on social, political, business, and cultural diversity. The result of globalization is the development of global citizens, a technologically-sensitive generation keeping up with global trends and taking them as part of their identity. Following the interaction of technology, globalization, and the human entity. this essay seeks to show the factors involved in the interaction and what role the human entity has in regulating and controlling the impact of technological development and globalization.



The best definition of technology as per the scope of this essay is the development and sustaining of innovative inventions. Technology allows humans to work and perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible to achieve without it. Inventions such as communication systems, information systems, heavy-duty machinery, medical equipment, and resource management systems perform a principal task of making human activities easier and faster to execute. With a better time management approach, humans can promote their economies to resemble developed nations. In addition, current technology is used to research and develop future technology. Hence, technological development is a process in which current or slow systems or approaches to doing business are made faster and much efficient to tackle increasing demand and responsibilities (Rocci, 2012).


Globalization is the process and state of connectedness in terms of communication, business interaction, culture diversity, and emulation of international trends – social and economic, etc. Globalization is also the outcome of having a connected world in terms of communication channels such as different social classes interact over long distances and businesses sell to global customers.

Impact of Technology Development

The technological development effects can be felt individually by different sets of individuals. Within the domestic and commercial settings, various groups of people fill up positions that require the use of technology.

Write a 6 pages paper on sustainability in civil engineering

Analyzing such projects will help show the benefits of sustainable construction in terms of reducing the costs of the project and increasing the functionality of the project. The research will also involve a literature review on the various aspects of sustainability to enhance the proper understanding of the topic.

Sustainability is defined as a combination of various social, economic, and environmental factors relating to the built environment, which are aimed at increasing capacity and improving the quality of living (Haselbach 6). Sustainability increases the effectiveness and competence of projects and hence reducing their costs without interfering with the quality of the project. Sustainable construction is also focused on maintaining the quantity and quality of resources and preventing them from extinction. Sustainability in Civil infrastructure creates a condition whereby the environmental, economic, and societal well-being of the present and the future is taken into consideration. All sustainable projects are guided by economic growth, environmental conservation, and social progress.

Buildings require varying amounts of energy depending on their functions. In order to achieve sustainability in buildings, energy must be used efficiently. The current sources of energy are not capable of satisfying the current and future generation and therefore it is necessary to minimize energy&nbsp.use. The amount of petroleum available on earth deposits has constantly reduced and hence the cost of energy has skyrocketed. However, different sources of energy such as solar panels and windmills can also provide energy in buildings. By using such technologies in buildings, the cost of energy will significantly reduce and it will help conserve natural resources. Solar panels can be laid on roofs of buildings and can provide the required energy during all the building operations.