prepare and submit a term paper on Should gay marriage be legalized.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Should gay marriage be legalized. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. Should gay marriage be legalized?

The United States constitution guarantees all citizens equal rights regardless of gender, sex, religion, race or sexual orientation and therefore, denying people of same-sex the right to get married is a violation of the constitution. As stipulated in the constitution, everyone has a right to liberty, freedom and equality provided in the exercise of such rights one does not cause damage or harm to other people. The gay people in engaging in marriage are only exercising the right and their behavior does not cause harm to anybody. Despite the fundamental principles not only allowing but also requiring legalization of same-sex marriage, some people still insist that same-sex couples should not be accorded equal right to marry. They forget that gays are human beings just like other people such as the heterosexuals and as such should be treated equally. The democrats and republicans often advocate equal rights for gay and lesbians such as the right to proper housing, government benefits, employment and legal protections. However, when it comes to marriage they strongly oppose such an idea. The democrats even go ahead to support the inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibility. Opposing the right to marry is thus a contradiction to the party’s commitment to legal equality and non discrimination. It makes no sense to support good cause for the gay and their families but refuse to acknowledge their right to marry and to live happily.

research paper on critique an article / the changing needs in medicine.

Need an research paper on critique an article / the changing needs in medicine. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Application of Ethics in Medical Practice: A Critique Hippocratic Oath made by Hippocrates was considered as “one of the oldest binding documents in history and…is still held sacred by physicians” which explored the duty “to treat the ill to the best of ones ability, to preserve a patients privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on” (MedicineNet Inc.). A lot of ethical issues have been raised as to public disclosure and confidentiality of HIV-infected patients due to its implications. This influenced Mehta and Padickakudi’s article on Ethics Challenge. The article centres on the case of a general practitioner’s decision on disclosure of an HIV patient’s condition to his wife and the public which has been reviewed in the light of the ethical issues that were involved.

This revolves around ethical issues on patient information disclosure and “exceptions to the rule” so to speak, in which the physician can forego their Hippocratic Oath and disclose an HIV patient’s condition to third parties concerned. This showed that risks to the general population apparently weighs heavier that it becomes acceptable to forego patient confidentiality, mirrored in this statement: “protective privilege ends where the public peril begins” (21), as mentioned Mehta and Padickakudi when they made an example of the Tarasoff case in which the physician was liable due to nondisclosure of the patient’s wish to inflict harm to another. However it is suffice to ask, where is the line drawn on the disclosure to the public? Additional information on benefits that disclosure provides was mentioned, which further strengthens the argument on the importance of foregoing patient confidentiality in HIV cases. There was however, a lack in the information which tackles the risks involved in public disclosure and shows where the writers are leaning as to. It is vital to show the effect that disclosure of confidential information to the public has to the patient’s psyche. Though the article lacked this vital information, it mentioned several ways in which the physician can address the patient’s wish for confidentiality and the disclosure to his wife about his condition by providing proper information and education to the patient in order for him to decide to do the disclosure himself (Mehta and Packikudi 23). These approaches may aid a physician in making decision on disclosure of a patient’s condition.

In this ethics challenge article, Mehta and Padickakudi explores the predicament of disclosure regarding the condition of an HIV patient to third parties involved. But can these approaches apply to certain places or countries where HIV is considered a notifiable disease? Different countries differ in customs, religious and social beliefs on HIV, how can ethical issues apply to them? This only shows that approaches become different in other places. It becomes a case to case basis wherein everything should be reviewed properly in order to come up with the best approach to the matter at hand. This article however touches on the importance of considering the ethical and legal issues which usually go hand on hand with disclosure of medical conditions specially HIV and opens the eyes of the public as well as physicians to the possible approaches to follow and consider in these kinds of situations.

Works Cited:

MedicineNet Inc. “Definition of Hippocratic Oath.” 2011 Mehta, Adwait and Janso Padickakudi. “Ethics Challenge 2009.” Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Student Medical Journal 3.1 (2010): 20-23.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic personality analysis.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic personality analysis. I owned a personal training company and was in charge of the management of the business, gaining valuable real-life experience. I expect to grow and be able to use the results of this report to improve my performance in the remainder of my degree course.

The results of the personality analysis showed that I am primarily an Implementer and secondarily a Shaper. This means I am organized, rely on common sense and demonstrate self-discipline. I like to approach problems systematically and map out a solution with a series of steps. When working in a group, I tend to focus on the best interests of the group rather than my own. I am useful in groups because I can keep on track and persist until the task is completed, regardless of difficulty. Some flaws or weaknesses in my personality include a possible lack of flexibility and resistance to unproven ideas. This is where my secondary personality trait becomes useful.

As a shaper, I am outgoing and dynamic. I am highly motivated and have ample energy a desire for achievement. I often push others to work hard and find ways to overcome obstacles. I can handle confrontation and sometimes find it useful. However, my personality as a Shaper will help me deal with high pressure, stressful situations, and deadlines [Appendix A].

In my learning style analysis, I discovered that my learning style is evenly spread across the four learning styles and I have at least a moderate preference for all the learning styles. I had a slightly stronger preference for the reflector learning style. This means that I prefer to observe, consider all angles, and think. I like structured experiences, case studies, and reports because they contain thorough information and evidence. However, my ability to learn using all four styles makes me adaptable to any learning situation. This can be very useful and keep my education balanced as I continue through my degree program [Appendix B].

My Shaper characteristics complement my&nbsp.ability to complete tasks as an Implementer.

write an article on liturgy and the microphone

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on liturgy and the microphone Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Experience would tell me that an effective sermon touches certain domains of the mind and the heart and provokes past as well as present personal issues. These issues may refer to encounters of pain, happiness, or grief. Most of all, they refer to matters pertaining to spirituality and how it can be strengthened.

Eliot describes such a phenomenon as the workings of the “auditory imagination” in which the mind seems to travel back in time and results in a merging of earlier and current times (qtd. in Mcluhan 107). As the words lull in the distance, a kind of progression takes place especially when the message is relevant to what has happened or what is presently happening in the person’s life. The microphone then is like an instrument in neuro-linguistic programming that is often used as a therapeutic intervention to deal with various psychological problems. By listening to a psychotherapist, the person is being guided to a particular place in his consciousness that will give him access to personal issues and gradually attempt to resolve them in the same plane.

However, the depth of mental and emotional processing that will take place is still dependent on the listener’s willingness to focus on what is being said. If the person is not really interested in the message or is too distracted by other thoughts to allow anything else to sink in, the volume and quality of the sound produced through the microphone will not matter to any extent. As such, the microphone may involve a public address system during the mass, but the overall experience in consciousness is still private and individual.

Similarly, I disagree with Mcluhan’s contention that the use of the vernacular pace through the microphone discourages meditation unlike what is happening during a relaxed Latin Mass (Mcluhan 110).

introduction to law enforcement.

I will pay for the following article Unit 5 IP introduction to law enforcement. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Members, especially, those living in organized societies have the right to be protected by law. Most states have law enforcement agencies at the local, national and international level. Apart from this, there are specialized agencies that focus on specific areas like drugs, terrorism because local agencies do not have the required expertise, reach or resources to effectively tackle them. In general, it is the local police that arrive at the scene of a crime. But taking into consideration the nature, extent and scope, the local police may require or be compelled to work with other law enforcement agencies. The advantage is that a cooperative effort will be much more effective in solving and controlling such crimes mentioned above. But the disadvantage is the conflict of interests, lack of cooperation or coordination among the agencies involved and to a certain extent, ethical dilemmas.

This paper focuses on the concept of ethical dilemmas that may occur during cooperative effort between various law enforcement agencies and the local law enforcing department or agency (police department). In the process, the paper will attempt to identify possible dilemmas and also provide practical solutions in order to solve or prevent such occurrences. The paper will take the form of a case study with regard to a local enforcement agency in a large city in the United States.

The city in question is large and multiracial in nature. Typical of similar places, the main instances of crime are robbery, dealing and use of drugs (illegal substances), homicide and murder. Within the past decade new forms of crime have appeared the two major ones being terrorism and cyber crime. It should be noted that the city has not experienced any form of terrorist attack in the past.

write an article on through the eyes of the native

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on through the eyes of the native Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Through The Eyes of the Native of As the native inhabitants of America, the Amerindians would have nothave welcomed the British as they were, like the Patriots, a threat to their existence and to their livelihood. They must, however, take sides during the American Revolution. Many allied with the Patriots but most of them supported the British 1. This is because the British promised them protection from the American settlers who were encroaching on their lands 2.

A New Nation?

Amerindians, especially the Iroquois tribe (Mohawks, Cayugas, Onondagas and Senecas) fought alongside the British forces during the American Revolution. They sided with the British because they stuck an agreement with King George III to protect them from Americans who were getting their lands from them. Because of this, the Native Americans saw this as a positive development because this would serve as their defense against the Americans, who they think were robbing them of their territories. The Iroquois was led by Joseph Brant or Thayendenaga, a Native American who was educated in Moor’s Indian Charity School. He worked as an English translator and was the chief of the Mohawk tribe3.

The British lost the Revolution and in the Preliminary Articles of Peace in 1972, when they were making agreements with the Americans, they have failed to mention the plight of the Native Americans. This shocked Brant as they also learned that the British were selling them out to Americans. The British also failed to keep their promise of setting aside their lands, as in their previous treaties 4. They were “sold” to the Americans, as a result.

Because of this, we can conclude that the American Revolution was a catastrophe for the Native Americans. They were used and they were made victims of a broken promise. They allied with the British with the hope that they could have helped in defending their native culture and territory but in the end, they were sold to the Americans too, without even them knowing it. In the end, we can say that they would have been better off on their own.


1. Alan Taylor, “American Colonies” (New York: Viking, 2001), 326

2. Ibid., 327

3. Alan Taylor, “The Divided Ground: Indians, Settlers, and the Northern Borderland of the American Revolution” (New York, Knopf, 2006), 100-105


research paper on government regulation of business.

Need an research paper on government regulation of business. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. Government Regulation of Business Government Regulation of Business Most business organizations operating in the country identify themselves with four major environments namely political, environmental, social and technological environments. As far as the politician environment is concerned, government regulations of these businesses play very vital role in determining the course of business operations. Indeed several debates and discussions have gone on in the public on the effects of government regulation of businesses and whether or not these regulations should be expanded. Macaray (2013) argues that there is the need for more government regulation on business to be increased and intensified than is currently experienced. The reason for this argument is that government regulation sets a very fair business operating ground for all businesses to operate. Kain (2013) will however not support this opinion, saying that the regulations often foster the need for rigorous competition between companies, resulting in the untimely collapse of smaller businesses.

Generalizing the ideas gathered above, Holt (2013) expresses the opinion that there are generally five (5) major areas of government regulations and the perspective from which a particular business takes the regulation determines the effect that these would have on their operations. The five government regulations identified by Holt (2013) are in the areas of advertisement, employment and labor, environmental, privacy, and safety and health issues. Based on the five major areas of government regulations outlined by Holt (2013), the Best Practice website (2013) indicates that the absence of any of the key government regulatory indicators would lead to serious market failures in the areas of “insufficient information for the public, injustice to customers, Failure to comply with State and Firm Regulations, unjust compensation, and Unaffordability increases”.


Best Practice (2013) Need for Government Regulation in Business. [Online] Available at [27th August, 2013]

Holt M (2013) Five Areas of Government Regulation of Business. [Online] [26th August, 2013]

Kain E (2013) Do government regulations hurt small businesses? [Online] [27th August, 2013]

Macaray D (2013) We need more government regulation of business not less. [Online] Available at

prepare and submit a term paper on Elder Ause and Mistreatment.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Elder Ause and Mistreatment. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The last part of the paper covers standards of the research method and some aspects of the elder abuse and mistreatment in the modern society. Organization of the research under NASW standards also is very important.

Elder abuse and mistreatment is a many-sided social problem in the modern society, as it touches such spheres as health care, social services rendering, socio-economic protection and observance of human rights. The elderly are the most vulnerable social group due to their age, low capacity for work and competitiveness on the labor market or serious illnesses. During the previous century level of their social protection has been increasing owing to approval of international social standards and signing of international conventions.

Social workers should not only prevent development of these phenomena, but consider them from scientific point of view. Efficient counter-measures should be taken to identify reasons and sources of the abuse of this social group. A developed hypothesis relates to interrelationship of level of social and law knowledge of the elderly and prevention of abuse/mistreatment. This problem has been previously examined by Aurora Salamone, Marion Brickner, Luciana Oginoni and others. For example, Silvernet Study focused upon the elderly mistreatment in the home care programs and their fallacious behavioral patterns. Nikki DiFranks discovered the issue under dissection through the prism of Code of Ethics and social workers’ competency. The proposed research will aim to identify interdependence between social workers’ competency and abuse and mistreatment of the elderly. Research Proposal Question: Do attitudes toward reporting elder abuse negatively effect the likelihood of reporting elder abuse? Hypothesis: The attitudes toward reporting elderly abuse negatively effect the likelihood of reporting elder abuse.

prepare and submit a term paper on Elder Ause and Mistreatment.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Elder Ause and Mistreatment. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. The last part of the paper covers standards of the research method and some aspects of the elder abuse and mistreatment in the modern society. Organization of the research under NASW standards also is very important.

Elder abuse and mistreatment is a many-sided social problem in the modern society, as it touches such spheres as health care, social services rendering, socio-economic protection and observance of human rights. The elderly are the most vulnerable social group due to their age, low capacity for work and competitiveness on the labor market or serious illnesses. During the previous century level of their social protection has been increasing owing to approval of international social standards and signing of international conventions.

Social workers should not only prevent development of these phenomena, but consider them from scientific point of view. Efficient counter-measures should be taken to identify reasons and sources of the abuse of this social group. A developed hypothesis relates to interrelationship of level of social and law knowledge of the elderly and prevention of abuse/mistreatment. This problem has been previously examined by Aurora Salamone, Marion Brickner, Luciana Oginoni and others. For example, Silvernet Study focused upon the elderly mistreatment in the home care programs and their fallacious behavioral patterns. Nikki DiFranks discovered the issue under dissection through the prism of Code of Ethics and social workers’ competency. The proposed research will aim to identify interdependence between social workers’ competency and abuse and mistreatment of the elderly. Research Proposal Question: Do attitudes toward reporting elder abuse negatively effect the likelihood of reporting elder abuse? Hypothesis: The attitudes toward reporting elderly abuse negatively effect the likelihood of reporting elder abuse.

research paper on the advantages of single-sex education.

Need an research paper on the advantages of single-sex education. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The paper “The advantages of single-sex education” gives detailed information about how researchers at the University of Pennsylvania carried out a study on the children attending schools in Seoul, South Korea, and they found that single-sex schools are causally linked with both college entrance exam scores and college attendance rates for both boys and girls. Attending all-boys schools or all-girls schools, rather than attending coeducational schools, is significantly associated with higher average scores on Korean and English test scores. Compared with coeducational schools, single-sex schools have a higher percentage of graduates who moved on to four-year colleges. (“Single-Sex vs. Coed: The Evidence”). Other research to support the statement that academic performance is boosted within single-sex schools is the study conducted by researchers from Stetson University on the single-sex and coeducational classes at Woodward Avenue Elementary School, Florida. The results of their research were that on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), “boys in coed classes: 37% scored proficient, girls in coed classes: 59% scored proficient, girls in single-sex classes: 75% scored proficient and boys in single-sex classes: 86% scored proficient” (“Single-Sex vs. Coed: The Evidence”). In 2002 the National Foundation for Educational Research carried out a study on 2,954 high schools throughout England, and it was found that “both girls and boys did significantly better in single-sex schools than in coed schools”.