Students are expected to find a current article related to drugs and health (within the last 6 months), summarize the article, its impact on college students and provide their personal opinion.

Students are expected to find a current article related to drugs and health (within the last 6 months), summarize the article, its impact on college students and provide their personal opinion. This should be at least two pages and double-spaced. Students may use newspapers, magazines, periodicals or research publications that are found through the library or internet. If the internet is used, the source must be a credible site. Students will share their articles with the class. Detailed guidelines and grading rubric will be provided in a separate handout.

Write a personal essay of 850-950 words in which you will describe/explain key events that led to an epiphany for you – a kind of moment of awakening if you like.

Write a personal essay of 850-950 words in which you will describe/explain key events that led to an epiphany for you – a kind of moment of awakening if you like.

Think of a specific moment when you feel you changed or the way you looked at life changed. This could be the result of a specific event such as a move, the loss of a loved one, or meeting a particular person. Perhaps a profound revelation or interaction changed the way you see yourself and/or someone close to you or allowed you to see your parents or grandparent as “people” for the first time

search the Internet and explain why some organizations are accepting and other organizations are rejecting the use of Bitcoins as a standard form of currency. Your paper needs to identify two major companies that have adopted Bitcoin technology as well as one that has refused accepting Bitcoin as a form of currency.

This week’s reading centered around Bitcoin Economics. For this week’s research paper, search the Internet and explain why some organizations are accepting and other organizations are rejecting the use of Bitcoins as a standard form of currency. Your paper needs to identify two major companies that have adopted Bitcoin technology as well as one that has refused accepting Bitcoin as a form of currency. Be sure to discuss each organization, how they adopted (or why they won’t adopt) Bitcoin, and what recommendations you have for them to continue to support Bitcoin (or why they should support Bitcoin).

Your paper should meet these requirements:
Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Discuss what the term stress means to you. Is it different from anxiety? What are your current stressors? Which ones do you have control over? What do you do to cope with the stressors you have control over? What do you do to cope with the stressors you have no control over? Which stressors are harder to cope with? Why?

Part 1, Social Stress Personal Analysis (2-4 pages)

Research stress inventories on the Internet and write a critical analysis of the site. Include the URL, name of the inventory, how long it takes to complete the inventory, and your opinion of the results. Answer the following questions in your analysis:

How do you explain that an event that you might find stressful may not be identified as a stressor by someone else?
Discuss what the term stress means to you. Is it different from anxiety? What are your current stressors? Which ones do you have control over? What do you do to cope with the stressors you have control over? What do you do to cope with the stressors you have no control over? Which stressors are harder to cope with? Why?
SHARE #2 WITH YOUR GROUP. Identify the themes discussed in your group.

The text points out Cooley’s looking-glass self. Discuss how you believe others see you, and how that may lead to distress.
Part 2, Social Stress and Race, Class and Gender (3-5 pages)

Using scholarly sources and a critical sociological perspective (not blaming the victim), Research how race, class, and gender impacts stress, stress-related illnesses, treatment of stress and coping strategies. Answer the following questions in your analysis (3-5 pages):

Without stereotyping, discuss the various social and psychological ways in which different people with different backgrounds can combat social stresses. Include the importance of extended families, friends and peers, religious organizations, support groups, and telephone hotlines.
Using the feminist perspective, discuss why there is gender disparity in stress.
How would you explain this statement: “Research has demonstrated that black individuals have higher rates of psychological distress than white individuals.” Include information about systemic and institutionalized racism, police violence, high incarceration rates, etc.
Conclusion (1-2pages):

Discuss how society, especially the medical society, can provide better support in helping people handle stress. Give solutions and resources. What changes/improvements can you make in your own life to better handle social stress?

Use in-text citations from your research, journal articles, websites, the text etc. to support your statements. Include a Reference Page. Paper will be written in APA format.

Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to assess leadership styles, traits, and practices as a nursing professional, establish the importance of effective interprofessional communication as a leader in nursing, and to explore the role of servant leadership in nursing practice.

Read the study materials on leadership and complete the topic quiz activities to better understand your leadership qualities.

Upon completion, summarize and share with your group what you learned about your specific leadership qualities, so you can become familiar with how you are similar and different from your peers when it comes to being a leader.

As a group, review the study materials related to servant leadership. Using what you have learned about the tenets of servant leadership and traits and practices of successful leaders, create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. Add an additional slide for references at the end of your presentation.

Include the following in your presentation:

1. Each group member: Create a slide that summarizes your leadership style, traits, and practices.

4. Discuss what leadership traits and styles are necessary to be an effective communicator. Explain the importance of leaders adapting communication approaches when working interprofessionally (across ancillary departments, vendors, community members).

6. Discuss how leaders who practice servant leadership and have a strong understanding of their personal leadership traits can successfully lead others and navigate the unique challenges that are part of nursing and health care. Provide two examples that illustrate your main ideas.



Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment.

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

Using Microsoft Project or other similar software create a GANTT chart for a hypothetical project that involves at least 7 tasks, and two milestones.

Using Microsoft Project or other similar software create a GANTT chart for a hypothetical project that involves at least 7 tasks, and two milestones. In your posting, include enough support material to describe the project, each of the tasks, and to identify the critical path. Be sure to include linkages between tasks other than finish-to-start. (If you absolutely cannot get MS Project to work, you can use another tool to produce your Gantt chart but I would prefer to see it in MS Project.) Create your own Main Topic using your name. Provide supporting documentation in the text box, and a copy of your MS Project or other type of file printed as a pdf so all can read.

1. Case Study Critique

MGT 355: Case Study Critique
Instructions and Rubric
Assignment Overview
• Locate a current event article that includes an interesting view of a communication-related issue.
• Pick ONE current event or organizational situation that can be solved with the concepts from our readings and discussions.
• Summarize the appropriate communication issues, problems, and the business involved.
• Offer alternative approaches or solutions to the identified communication issue using the knowledge you gained during the first half of this course
• Use and cite the class text (Bovee & Thill, 2014); and cite the current event article you selected.
Due Date: Submit via Blackboard by 11.59 PM Friday, October 2, 2020.
Critique Report Outline
You will need to write up to three-page report. Page counts are a guide only – the length of your write-up could vary based on the communication issue identified.
• Purpose
• Outline
Current Event Summary
• Source
• Organization
• Communication Issue
Communication Issue Description
• Communication issue detailed description (connect to course – use terminology and concepts from class)
• Causes (provide support – use text)
• Consequences (provide support – use text)
Alternative Approaches
• Suggest 2 to 3 alternatives or solutions to the issue (connect to course – use terminology and concepts from class)

Read “The Importance of Album Art” and “The Shins Heartworm Cover Inspiration” in Lesson Three folder. One gives you more to consider when analyzing album art, and one is an example of what an analysis might look like.

Week Five Assignments (9/20-9/26)

Outline is due: Oct. 4th

Rough Draft is due: Oct. 9th on

Final Draft is due: Oct. 12th

2.Read the assignment sheet and begin thinking about an album cover that might work for this essay. You can use this list of great cover art to get some inspiration.

3. Choose an album cover for the essay by the end of Week Five.

3.Read chapter 11 in the Field Guide to Writing, which can be accessed by clicking on the “Field Guide to Writing” link on the left side of our eCampus page. This chapter gives you important information about analyzing texts. Pay close attention to the parts of the chapter on analyzing visual texts, and please read the essay called “The Fashion Industry: Free to be an Individual.” This essay is part of chapter 11 and gives you an example of what a visual analysis essay might look like.

4. Read “The Importance of Album Art” and “The Shins Heartworm Cover Inspiration” in Lesson Three folder. One gives you more to consider when analyzing album art, and one is an example of what an analysis might look like.

Week Six Assignments (9/27-10/3)

1. Use the Library’s databases to find two sources related to either your musician/musical group or the specific album you are using for your visual analysis essay. Start with the Academic Search Complete database, but feel free to try others as well. Once you have found two sources, create a works cited page with work cited entries for those two sources, properly formatted. HINT: there is a citation button on the right of most sources in the databases that will give you the citation. All you will need to do is copy it and properly format it on a document. This means remove any highlighting, change the font color to black, change the font to Times New Roman, make it 12pt, double space it, and create a hanging indent so every line after the first line is 1/2 further to the right. Look at the sample works cited page at the end of the MLA Guidelines document in the MLA folder. Once you have the two source works cited page completed, upload it to the “Sample MLA Works Cited Entries” link under “Turn in Assignments Here.” Note: You can use other sources in your essay than the sources you find in the databases. The purpose of this assignment is to get you familiar with the databases, but you might find quotes from reviews on music websites that you can also use in your essay.

2. Continue to analyze the image you have chosen using the “Questions for Analyzing Album Art” in the Lesson Three folder under Class Content.

3. Create a thesis and outline for your essay. Use the “Questions for Analyzing Album Art” and the “Album Cover Outline Template” for help. This needs to be uploaded to the “Turn in Assignments Here” link on the left side of eCampus, under “Turn in Essay Outlines Here.” The outline is due on Oct. 4th before midnight.

Using your current work organization (or an organization of interest) and a second organization in the same industry as the subject matter expert, research the elements of business, compare and contrast the two selected organizations,

Using your current work organization (or an organization of interest) and a second organization in the same industry as the subject matter expert, research the elements of business, compare and contrast the two selected organizations, and prepare an APA formatted paper that:

Analyzes the basic legal, social, and economic environment in which the organizations operate
Analyzes the managerial, operational, and financial issues impacting the organizations including:
Company Culture and Performance
Promotion Policies
Strategic Decisions Making
Decision-Making Style
Management Style
Leadership Style
Communication Style
Use of SWOT Tool
Operations Strategy Framework
Assesses how the overall management teams perform in terms of the four functions of management.
Identifies and explains the strong points of the managers.
Identifies and explains areas in which improvements are needed.
Be sure to use a minimum of 5 external sources to support your analysis.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

Title page: Remember the running head and title in all capital letters.
Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third-person voice.
Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page, and it must be double-spaced between paragraphs. The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3–4 pages. In-text academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
Reference page: References that align with your in-text academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper- and lower-case usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the reference page is not a bibliography, but it is a further listing of the abbreviated in-text citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-text citation.