Training Lab Procedures Questions

Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


Download the Training Lab Procedures file. Conduct the procedures described on yourself and a friend unless the procedure only requires one subject. Be sure to warm up prior to starting any exercise.

Record responses to all areas and questions below.

Subject #1:Gender: ___________Age: _______

Subject #2:Gender: ___________Age: _______

Procedure #1 (YMCA Step Test)

Subject #1 Resting HR = ____________ Subject #2 Resting HR = ____________

Subject #1 Recovery HR = ___________ Subject #2 Recovery HR = ____________

Fitness Category: ___________________Fitness Category: ________________


Procedure #2 (Determining Energy Expenditure: Treadmill Walking/Running)

Equation (if walking):

VO2 (mL/kg/min) = (3.5 mL/kg/min) + ( ) х 0.1 mL/kg/min + ( х ) х 1.8 mL/kg/min

METs = mL/kg/min ÷3.5 mL/kg/min

kCal/min = ( mL/kg/min ÷ 1000) х kg x 5.05 kCal/L O2

Equation (if running):

VO2 (mL/kg/min) = (3.5 mL/kg/min) + () х 0.2 mL/kg/min + ( х ) х 0.9 mL/kg/min

METs = mL/kg/min ÷3.5 mL/kg/min

kCal/min = ( mL/kg/min ÷ 1000) х kg х 5.05 kCal/L O2

(you may copy and paste the equation as needed to include data for 2 subjects)



Procedure #3 (Endurance of Upper Body Muscles)


Push-Up Test

Subject #1:Number of push-ups:___________ and Category: __________

Subject #2:Number of push-ups:___________ and Category: __________

Healthcare Delivery System Access & Facilities PowerPoint

I’m studying and need help with a Health & Medical question to help me learn.



In an ideal health care delivery system, all patients would have access to affordable, high-quality health services that are well coordinated to ensure the continuity and comprehensiveness of care. In reality, patients may have vastly different experiences based on their health problem or injury, the organizations that provide services close to where they live, and how the health services they need are financed.

Consider, for example, a 56-year-old man who has a hemorrhagic stroke in a rural area of Alaska. What services will he need through the duration of his recovery experience? Where will he receive care? How will he pay for the services he needs? Now think about how his situation might compare to a 56-year-old man who had a stroke and lived in Houston, Texas. How might the two patients’ experiences compare in terms of care coordination and the continuity and comprehensiveness of services they receive?

This Discussion, which relates to your PowerPoint Assignment for this module, provides a forum for you and your colleagues to evaluate experiences patients may have with health care delivery.

For this Discussion, be prepared to describe one of the organizations/agencies you featured in your PowerPoint Assignment and discuss care coordination. As indicated in the Assignment instructions, if you are an international student, you may choose a geographic area in the United States or use your own location as the patient’s location. In addition, develop a brief description of your hypothetical patient (presented in the PowerPoint Assignment) that includes the patient’s primary diagnosis and location.

Note: You are encouraged to apply insights from your scholarly discussion with colleagues in this Discussion forum to strengthen the description and analysis in your PowerPoint presentation for the Assignment.

Post by Day 3 of Week 5 a substantive and cohesive response to the following:

  • Describe one organization/agency that would be involved in care delivery for your hypothetical patient. Provide specific details related to:
    • The geographic location in which it is located
    • The primary diagnosis of your hypothetical patient
    • Types of patients typically treated at this facility
    • Administration
    • Departments
    • Payment sources the organization accepts
    • Performance improvement efforts
  • Briefly identify other organizations/agencies with which your selected organization is likely to coordinate in order to provide optimal care.


To develop the content for your presentation, record detailed notes as you complete the following steps.

  • Review the information about the continuum and coordination of health services presented in the Learning Resources, including the HIMSS resource, Continuum of Care, and the tables in Chapter 1 of the course text.
  • Develop a brief description of a hypothetical adult patient who has a serious health problem or injury. Imagine this patient lives in your local area. If you are an international student, you may choose a geographic area in the United States or use your own location.
  • Use the pertinent information in Chapters 7, 8, 9, and/or 10 of the Shi & Singh textbook and conduct additional research of your own to analyze specific services your hypothetical patient might need, beginning with the onset or diagnosis of an illness or injury and concluding with an end-point of your choosing (i.e., recovery, symptom management, end of life). Also research the types of organizations that provide those services.
  • Investigate the health care organizations in your local area. Based on the services your hypothetical patient needs, select four or five actual settings in which he/she would receive care.
  • Next, gather information related to the types of insurance from which each organization accepts payment. Typically, this would include Medicare, Medicaid, and various types of insurance programs. What challenges do you anticipate your patient may have related to payment for services?
  • Review the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2014) resource and consider what it means for health care to be safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. Analyze how the scenario you have created—with your hypothetical patient receiving services from actual settings in your geographic area—illustrates positive or negative attributes related to two or more of the six Institute of Medicine aims.
  • Next, prepare to create your presentation using PowerPoint. Examine the Presentation Guidelines and Tips and the Module 3 Assignment Template, both found in this module’s Learning Resources.

Ethical Principle of Justice response

Need help with my Health & Medical question – I’m studying for my class.



Many nurses are experiencing moral distress during their current career. During the COVID-19 pandemic many circumstances were and is making it difficult to take appropriate course of action. Moral distress caused by excessive workloads, responsibilities, and challenges being faced with end-of-life decisions are being faced during times of crisis. As you have reviewed justice is the behavior that professionals must demonstrate in ensuing that fairness and nondiscrimination of care is being delivered during care. McDermott et. al (2018) in an engagement of leaning and guidance nurses reviewed the Delphi method that was used in the development of ethical principles for global nursing (p.473). Studies like these are used in education and workplaces so that nurses can demonstrate ethical principles. Furthermore, as you have identified it is important that advance care nurses are able to keep justice in mind. Advance practice nurses hold a education at a master’s-level degree and hold the knowledge and are able to implement justice when delivering care. Great post.

ReferenCOVID-19 pandemic  ce

McDermott, R., Leffers, J., and Mayaka, J. (2018). Ethical principles and guidelines of global health nursing practice. Nursing Outlook, 66(5), 473-481. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2018.06.013


Great perspective on justice and the current pandemic. Although we should definitely be trying to allocate resources towards the most amount of people, Rhodes (2020) argues that another facet of justice involves prioritizing based on need. More specifically, we must be smart and strategic about the resources we use and who we treat first. As an example, four patients show up to the ER, all needing fluids, but one is in septic shock while the others are just mildly dehydrated. Based on the perspective of justice that Rhodes (2020) describes, it would be wiser to prioritize the patient who was in shock as they are more critically ill. However, as you mentioned, it would not be fair to pour all the resources into a patient who cannot be saved but until the medical team is able to make that determination, we must be able to differentiate criticality when distributing scarce resources. Deciding who to save and who dies is not a black and white situation and we must use our judgement and medical expertise to help make difficult life and death decisions during this time.


Rhodes, R. (2020). Justice and guidance for the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Journal of Bioethics20(7), 163-166.


During this pandemic, healthcare workers can be faced to make difficult decisions regarding which patient to save first given the scarce resources. The advanced practice nurse will have to utilize the key ethical principles that include, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, fidelity, justice and paternalism. One ethical principle that can be used in that situation is justice. Justice leads us to ensure that care is provided on a fair and equal basis, regardless of the patient’s social or financial status (Davis, 2018). Being that there is a low amount of resources during a pandemic, it is important that the advanced nurse uses justice as a key ethical principle when deciding which patient will be saved first. It is vital that care is distributed fairly to every patient even during a pandemic. All patients have the right to quality care, and any breach of this standard of care by the physician or nurse violates the patient’s right to justice (Wood, 2017). Keeping justice in mind, the advanced nurse should approach the decision based on factors such as, the patient’s potential prognosis or the patient’s age. When making a decision the advanced nurse should identify the problem, apply the code of ethics, determine  the nature and dimensions of the dilemma, generate potential courses of action, consider the potential consequences of all options, choose a course of action, evaluate the selected course of action and then implement the course of action (Forester-Miller, 2019).


Davis, C. (2018). Ethical decision making. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!,16(2), 4-5. doi:10.1097/01.nme.0000529954.89032.f2

Forester-Miller, H. (2019). A Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making. Retrieved 2020, from…

Wood, J. (2017). Ethical decision making. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing,16(1), 6-10. doi:10.1053/jpan.2001.18202

Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Mrs. Baumgartner is a 70-year-old female who has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 10 years. She lives at home with her husband of 48 years, who has been her primary caretaker. Upon her last visit to the neurologist, she was prescribed natalizumab (Tysabri).

1. What questions should the nurse ask when assessing Mrs. Baumgartner’s tolerance of the new medication?

2. Mrs. Baumgartner tells the nurse that she has been reading online about complementary and alternative therapies for MS. She asks the nurse, “Should I use some of these?” How should the nurse respond?

3. While speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, the nurse notices that Mr. Baumgartner is often tearful when discussing his wife’s condition and treatment. What symptoms of caregiver fatigue might the nurse observe

Resolving Issues with Conflict Management Discussion

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

Topic: Group Activity: Resolving Issues with Conflict Management

Course outcome assessed in this Discussion Assignment:

PC-1.3: Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.

Break into two teams based on the first letter of your last name. There will be two response threads setup in this unit’s Discussion—one for each team.

Team 1 = A through M: Each member should argue that statistics add value to the health sciences.

Team 2 = N through Z: Each member should argue that statistics are used to mislead and confound issues.

The expectation of each team member is to fully support the team goals and objectives by contributing, as well as consistently assisting and/or supporting others in their contributions. The final post should be a collaborative effort (posted by one team member selected by the group) that resolves the viewpoints of both team 1 and team 2.


You must contribute to the team goal of making an argument in favor of the team cause by posting a supportive thought, fact, or idea to strengthen the argument.
You must respond to at least two team members in a way that uses conflict resolution to help resolve the viewpoints of both teams.
The team objective is to resolve the differing viewpoints of each team into a stated position.
Grading: Half your grade will be based on the global Discussion Board grading rubric and half will be based on how well you support team goals and objectives through fulfilling your own contributions as well as consistently assisting and/or supporting others in their contributions.



Ackieve Derizzio
3 hours ago

Investopedia defines statistics as a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of experimental data or real-life studies. It is a summarized version of information that is gather from studies, in mathematical form. People use it when the information is too large, or the area of study is too much to cover. It is analyzed and used to make informed decisions. What is health sciences? and what is it’s purpose? Public Health Online states that health science refers to a large group of disciplines related to the delivery of health care to humans and animals through the application of science, engineering, mathematics and technology. In other words, it is the field in which knowledge is taken from pure science and other related sources and applied to practical and clinical practices to maintain and improve the health of living beings. All these fields comes with large amounts of data, covers a wide range of topics, and reaches all the population. Statistics helps to summarize all this information, makes it easier to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions from. Without statistics, it would almost be impossible to gather and decipher all that information. Statistics is important to health sciences.


Grant, M. (2019). Statistics. Investopedia. Retrieved from

What is Health Science? (n.d.). Public Health Online. Retrieved from,%2C%20engineering%2C%20mathematics%20and%20technology.



Gerlinda Antoine
yesterday at 11:40 AM

Statistics add value to all aspects of health science. Anyone can make their point by stating random numbers and data that is not verified or checked with anyone. But having the data and research to back up what you are stating makes the research more credible. This shows that an effort was made, besides just an opinion to present facts on that specific topic. “By identifying statistical trends and trails, health care providers can monitor local conditions and compare them to state, national, and international trends. Health statistics provide empirical data to assist in the allocation of public and private funds and help to determine how research efforts should be focused. Whether considering disease incidence, accidents, cure rates, physician or hospital fees, malpractice, mortality, drugs, treatments, or medical devices, the primary source for statistical health data most often appears on government, international organization, or professional association web sites” (Bartkowiak 2004). Having statistical data also gives new researchers a platform to base future studies on. It also gives us a chance to evaluate the new statistics to see how much has changed over time or if things have changed. This is crucial in all aspects of health science.

Bartkowiak, B. A., & Finnegan, B. J. (2004). Health statistics. Clinical medicine & research, 2(3), 189–190.

write a one page double spaced paper highlight your key learning from the project

  • Inquire on Sources:
  • Means of attracting sources is done through Temp Agency called Kelly Services, where they must be employee at Nike for at least 6 months to be considered for any openings. Contracts temps have with Kelly Services is for a year, then there is a 3 month break, and then they may come back on another year long contract.
  • Rarely, when Kelly Services does not have temps/ candidates for Nike, Nike will post openings on sites like Craigslist,, and so on…


  • What are Nike’s recruitment tactics?
  • Kelly Services brings on temps who must be at Nike for at least 6 months. Once the 6 months are up, if there are openings, they can apply. 
  • Temps are usually eager to apply but they are typically notified by hiring supervisor at Nike.
  • Kelly Services does comprehensive screening before bringing anyone on board: background test, drug test, basic comprehensive testing, tour of plant, orientation…


  • What is Nike’s culture like?
  • Nike has a very fun and competitive culture.
  • Very family-oriented
  • Team-oriented company
  • Embraces diversity and celebrates employee’s successes.


  • How is Nike’s mission and goal reflected in the hiring process:
  • Nike’s primary focus is in meeting the athlete’s needs; their mentality is somewhat along the lines of “if you have a body, you are an athlete,” and that includes the person being interviewed for the job.
  • Wants to protect the people, the business and the planet so safety is key and this is emphasized throughout hiring process. 
  • Part of being considered for the job is having worked as a temp for Kelly Services for at least 6 months where they will have to have been “safe” throughout assignment. 


  • Are there different levels of sourcing depending on the position?
  • Yes- for example, a supervisor could have been someone who started as a temp and worked their way up to that position. Or someone who applied externally that may have had the experience/ history needed. 
  • Some positions are usually employees who are promoted, but come from within. Others, there is more flexibility to hire from outside. 
  • Based on how many people need to be hired, sometimes Nike works with Kelly Services and/ or external sources.


  • First impressions when hiring?
  • As candidate: need to be confident and upbeat. Must be positive and have motivation to grow with the company.
  • As employer: most candidates are temps through temp agency so after interview, they continue working while they go through hiring process. Typically, it is a good experience for candidates who leave with a good impression. On occasion, it can be used as learning experience for candidate, if they don’t get job, so they can apply in the future. Always motivating candidates.


  • What are your selection measures?


  • Hiring Process Steps:
  • Supervisors request to hire based on company needs. Once director approves, supervisors let Kelly Services temps know that there will be openings. They go over jobs, requirements and so on. Temps must have been on assignment for at least 6 months to be considered. When supervisor thinks someone should apply, they ask them if they are interested and ask them to apply on website. On website, candidate must create profile and submit resume. Cannot request help from supervisor as computer skills are needed for the job. They then complete application and it goes to hiring managers. Qualified candidates get phone interview, if they move forward, manager asks for a face interview. During face interview a panel of supervisors interviews them and they submit results to managers who review. If management approves, then candidate is called back and they get a verbal offer which talks about pay, background/ drug test, offer letter. Then they go to headquarters for orientation where they get black badge and officially Nike employees.


  • Is there a follow-up if they do not get the job?
  • Absolutely. They receive a call.


  • Does Nike hire as needed or is there a database for future candidates?
  • Candidates can create profiles on website and leave info which can be used in the future but typically hire as needed and first to be considered are the Kelly Services temps that have been there for 6 months minimum.
  • List different sourcing methods:
  • Primary is Kelly Services


  • Does Nike hire internally or externally?
  • Hires externally when there is high demand and Kelly Services does not have enough people. It is then posted on different job sites. Kelly services is an external agency but works closely with Nike. For different positions, though, they do hire internally as hiring from within/ promoting is important to Nike.


  • Is there an incentive for employee referrals?
  • No, nobody is compensated for recommending people. Usually some of the best employees, though, because the do not want to make the person who recommended them look bad.


  • What are some past sources that did not work?
  • Only hiring agencies bring in traffic. It is very rare that there is high demand to hire and Nike has to look elsewhere. But since it is only temp agencies there are no other sources that have failed that they are aware of


  • Are there different departments for Sourcing and Recruiting?
  • Nike and Kelly Services have contract so they work together. But Kelly Services does sourcing and Nike has a recruiting department- works closely with management.


  • What competencies do you look for in a candidate?
  • Technical skills are necessary
  • Must be a team player
  • Have high integrity
  • Be a good performer
  • Have good communication
  • Good attendance is very important




  • Does Nike look for candidates that are ready to work or candidates that are trainable?
  • Although candidates that are ready to work are great, trainable candidates is what they look for. Nike wants employees that can grow with the company so trainability is important. Someone who is confident will be easier to mentor.


  • What is Nike’s turn-over rate like? Has it decreased or increased in the past year? Does it fluctuate?
  • A lot of Nike employees are looking for a long-term job, so many of them stay for years and years. A lot of the employees eventually retire from Nike so turnover is and has always been very low.


  • Does Nike have specific job descriptions or person specification?
  • Competencies are the same (#16).
  • There are job descriptions for every position


  • Was a job analysis used in the hiring process?
  • Yes, it started with the phone screening


  • How does Nike analyze the effectiveness of their different recruiting sources?
  • Only work with Kelly Services which has been a successful sourcing measure.


  • What are Nike’s internal sources and external sources?
  • Works with Kelly Services to source candidates but Kelly Services is external
  • Internally, employees hear of opening and apply. Nike is always looking to hire from within.
  • Has Recruiting Dept.
  • Rarely uses other job posting websites


  • Do they use internet data?
  • Does not apply



  • Does Nike have a sourcing plan?
  • Nike communicates staffing needs to Kelly Services who then sources candidates. 


  • Does Nike have non-traditional and/ or traditional candidates?
  • Nike has both, non-traditional and traditional candidates.
  • Very diverse


  • Is Nike aware of the Spill-Over Effect? Has it affected Nike positively or negatively in the past?
  • Nike has a very controlled and strict hiring process. From the questions asked during the interview, to the people conducting the interview so there is not much room for mistake- saying inappropriate things. 


  • Does Nike have an internal recruiting department?
  • Yes, there is a specific dept. for recruiting.


  • Does Nike use realistic job reviews and have they been effective in the past?
  • Descriptions are unbiased and very realistic. Clearly states everything, including standing and sitting portions of job. Focuses on what is needed to get the job done.
  • Also mentioned during phone interview.


  • Does Nike have a diverse selection measure?
  • Nike is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Hires based on performance
  • Nike is very diverse.



Two Questions: Multiple regression model and non conformity sample test.

1. Develop a multiple regression model with categorical variables that incorporate seasonality for forecasting sales using the last three years of data in the excel file new car sales (see attached excel sheet). 2. If 30 samples of 100 items are tested for nonconformity, and 95 of the 3,000 items are defective, find the upper and lower control limits for a p-chart

Child and Adolescent Obesity in The US Research Paper

I’m trying to learn for my Health & Medical class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


you will be completing your research project. Using the outline you completed and the resources and information from the annotated bibliography to compose your final research paper. Remember, from earlier units, that your paper should be focused on public health and include biostatistics-related content, including information related to the following elements learned in the course:

  • population and sample size;
  • hypothesis testing;
  • research instruments;
  • statistical tests and results;
  • multivariable methods, including the principles of these methods;
  • examples of dependent and independent variables; and
  • any other pertinent issues related to course material.

Be sure to include an introduction section that gives the topic and purpose of your paper and a final section that includes any recommendations and your conclusion of the topic. Final paper must be at least four pages in length, and you must use at least the five resources included in your annotated bibliography. Additional resources may be used if needed. Any information from a resource must be cited and referenced in APA format, and your paper must be formatted in accordance with APA guidelines.

ASAP today?

Assignment 2: Project Paper 
Due Week 8 and worth 200 points

The Project Paper focuses on a suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are! 

Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper (750-1,000 words) that responds to each of the items described in the topic.

Note: Your instructor may require you to submit your topic choice for approval before the end of Week 5.

For the topic you choose:

  1. Support your ideas with specific, illustrative examples. If there are questions or points associated with your chosen topic, be sure to answer all of the listed questions and address all of the items in that topic. If your topic requires you to do several things related to the topic, be sure to do each of the things listed.
  2. While some of the topics tend to lend themselves toward particular writing genres, you are not restricted to the specific format suggested for the individual topic. For example, you may do an “interview,” a “proposal,” a “letter,” a “short story,” a “blog,” an “essay,” an “article,” or any other written genre for almost any of the topics. The project is intended to be fun as well as informative, so feel free to be creative with the delivery of your information.
  3. Use at least three (3) good quality academic sources with one (1) source being the class text. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not quality as academic resources. You are highly encouraged to use the Resource Center tab at the top of your Blackboard page.

Topic choices (pick 1):

  • Self-Portraits. Journal. The Renaissance artists Titian, Rembrandt, and Durer have each painted self-portraits. Imagine yourself as one of these artists (or another artist of your choice that has painted a self-portrait) and write a journal expressing your thoughts on “your” art (in other words, the journal entries the artist would probably write.) (1) Explain “your” primary reason for painting a self-portrait. (2) Describe “your” artistic choices in composition: use of color, space, etc. (3) Explain what the portrait represents about “you” (as the artist.) (4) Explain “your” choices of subject with regard to at least three other specific pieces “you” have painted.
  • Ladies & Gentlemen. Survey & Report. Some may believe that being “gentleman” or a “lady” in today’s society is an outdated notion, but others may disagree. (1) Briefly summarize the main characteristics of a well-rounded person, “l’uomo universal,” referring to specific sections within the excerpt from The Courtier which identifies these characteristics. (2) Create a “survey” based on the identified characteristics and “poll” at least ten people to find out whether or not the characteristics are relevant for a “gentleman” or “lady” of today. (3) Tabulate and discuss the responses in terms of gender, age, vocation, etc. of your survey participants, making note of any interesting or surprising results which show up in your poll answers. (4) Finally, explain whether or not you agree with the characteristics expressed by Castiglione in The Courtier.
  • BayeuxTapestry Experience. Letter. Imagine yourself as one of the figures in the battle depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry; in a letter home, you describe your experience to your family. (1) Write a first-person account of this historical event from the perspective of one of the figures in tapestry. (2) Use your senses to describe your impression of the event. (3) Describe specific elements of the scene such as uniforms, weaponry, fighting styles, etc. (4) Explain why you believe your side was justified in participating in the battle and how you would like the battle to be remembered.
  • Ancient Emperors. Deathbed Memoir. Pretend you are one of the emperors we have studied, such as Shihuangdi, Constantine, Ashoka, or Charlemagne. You are on your deathbed and want to write a brief account of your life. As you look back over your life, what do you consider your greatest accomplishments in 1) politics, 2) art / architecture, and 3) religion, philosophy or intellectual life? Finally (4), describe and explain anything you have done for which you fear history will judge you harshly, or present the proudest aspects of your legacy.
  • Other topic choice recommended and approved by the professor and supported by the grading rubric.

The Project Paper will be graded on:

  1. The level to which the instructions were followed.
  2. The extent to which all four (4) parts in the topic were addressed.
  3. The adequacy of information, examples, and details which support the general claim or main idea.
  4. The relevance of the explanations and descriptions.
  5. The inclusion of three (3) required references (two additional sources besides your textbook) documented using APA style.
  6. Adherence to standard rules of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions specific to the selected topic. (Note: Students can find APA style materials located in the course shell for reference)
  • Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain how key social, cultural, and artistic contributions contribute to historical changes.
  • Explain the importance of situating a society’s cultural and artistic expressions within a historical context.
  • Examine the influences of intellectual, religious, political, and socio-economic forces on social, cultural, and artistic expressions.
  • Identify major historical developments in world cultures during the eras of antiquity to the Renaissance.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in the study of world cultures.
  • Write clearly and concisely about world cultures using proper writing mechanics.

Discuss your insights and opinions on the ethical, legal, and regulatory responsibilities to documentation strategies, coding, and billing in your clinical role.

I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.


Write a paper with a minimum of 1,050 words that includes the following:

  • Discuss your insights and opinions on the ethical, legal, and regulatory responsibilities to documentation strategies, coding, and billing in your clinical role.
  • Explain the importance of evidence-based research and how it is incorporated into your clinical role.
  • Locate a clinical guideline or expert opinion article that presents recommendations for health maintenance specific to geriatric falls as it pertains to the care of that patient and their family.
    • Discuss if you agree or disagree with the solution and provide rationale from evidence-based research.
    • The experience must be either a geriatric patient with diabetes or hypertension.
  • Write a clinical experience on a geriatric patient and explain how age causes a difference in the treatment.
  • Correlate your learning progress in this course to the stages in Benner’s Novice to Expert theory.
    • How does your past and present experience as an RN contribute to your identification of your present stage in this course?

Research a minimum of 4 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.